Thoma H. Norstein

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Thoma H. Norstein
Thoma H. Norstein
Kanji/Kana トーマ・H・ノルシュタイン (Thoma H. Norstein)
トーマ (Tohma)
Dub Name Thomas H. Norstein[1], Touma[2]
Age 14
Organization DATS
Partner Digimon Gaomon
Digivice Blue Digivice iC, Blue/Black Digivice Burst
Family Franz Norstein (father), Unnamed Mother (deceased), Relena Norstein (sister), Grandmother Norstein
Voice Actor Japanese Nojima Hirofumi (野島 裕史)
English Crispin Freeman

Thoma H. Norstein, officially named Thoma H. Norshtein[3] is one of the protagonists of Digimon Savers.


A coolheaded child genius who has already graduated from university. His intelligence is highly valued, even within DATS. He executes his missions based on data and theories, so his personality frequently clashes with Masaru's, who relies more on emotions. His mother is Japanese and his father is a prominent Austrian aristocrat.

Card Game Evolution[edit]



Digimon Savers[edit]

He made his full appearance in Digimon Savers - Episode 03 appearing at his mansion in Japan after a brief shower scene. When Peti Meramon begin emerging in the human world, after Masaru and Agumon attempt to battle them and later run off, Thoma shows up alongside Gaomon and uses a device on a group of men who witnessed the Digimon, erasing their memories of the attack. When he arrives at DATS HQ, Thoma arrives with a Peti Meramon's DigiTama, reporting it to Satsuma. After embarking a sudden rivalry with Masaru, they both enter a boxing ring, Masaru pitting faith in power versus Thoma's faith in strategy. At the end of the match they deliver powerful blows to each other. After defeating several Peti Meramon and Meramon, a fight erupts between him and Masaru again, however, Satsuma puts an end to this by making Thoma and Masaru teammates.

While being part of this new team, conflict between Thoma and Masaru breaks out again and becoming even more frustrated when Drimogemon escape back to the Digital World. Defying Satsuma's orders, he enters the Digital Dive to enter the Digital World to track down and defeat Drimogemon.

Being in the Digital World, Masaru and Agumon go after them. When they come upon Thoma and Gaomon in the underground nexus, he realizes Thoma's injured, he begins to assist him out. Working together, he and Masaru, along with Geo Greymon and Gaogamon are able to defeat Drimogemon, who evolved to Digmon at the time. Masaru and Thoma decide to work together and become friends then return to the human world.

In Digimon Savers - Episode 12, After travelling to America embarking on research with Dr. Stimon, he returns to DATS HQ hypothesizing that Digimon have been appearing in the real world through human emotions, particularly the seven deadly sins. He also presents information that the barrier between the Earth and the Digital World had rapidly disintegrated during the ten years since the Digital World Exploration.

In DS15 on the quest for finding Mercurymon, they encounter Metal Fantomon, who manipulates his, as well as Masaru and Yoshino's, minds feeding him nightmares from the past. It is revealed that his mother died as the result of being hit by a speeding truck. After pulling through, he manages to allow Gaomon to evolve to MachGaogamon. at defeat Metal Phantomon.

After the fall of El Doradimon at the hands of Kurata, Thoma was forced by his father to abandon DATS and side with Kurata by means of curing his sickly sister, Relena (It was later known that Relena had a bomb attached to her neck, leaving Thoma no choice but to side with Kurata). He turned against his team, and during a fight with Masaru, he accidentally caused him to unleash a dark DigiSoul forming Shine Greymon Ruin Mode in the process, having disastrous consequences. Thoma betrayed Kurata by destroying the device he was using to control Belphemon Sleep Mode with.

In DS42, He gets into a dispute his father and remembers how his grandmother hated him for not being born a "true" Norstein due to his Japanese lineage. While protecting the airplane where Relena and his father were, he fought up against Lord Knightmon and unlocked Mirage Gaogamon's Burst Mode, defeating him. After then proceeds to return to the Digital World to meet up with Masaru to go after Yggdrasill.

After the defeat of Yggdrasill, he says his farewells to Gaomon before he heads back to the Digital World. Five years later, he wins the Nobel Prize for Medicine at the age of 19, as the youngest person ever to receive it. It is assumed that he won this award for curing Relena, his sister, of her disease, which previously had no cure.

Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!![edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Savers: Another Mission[edit]

Digimon Story[edit]

Thoma appears along with his partner and other DATS agents in several side quests throughout the game where the player must assist them.

One of these is an Onegai Quest given by a Digimon in the Player's DigiFarm that sends them to get an autograph from Thoma as they're a big fan of him. However, Thoma says he has no time for that as his Partner Digimon, Gaomon, went to Data Forest to investigate (though he quickly corrects himself and says he went "for a walk" instead) and hasn't come back. He doesn't want to go look for him as he thinks they'll miss each other so the Player offers themselves to do it instead. Once reunited with Gaomon, he apologises and Thoma thanks the Player for their help, giving them the autograph of both of them they were looking for. They then leave to report to the Tamer Union and return to the Real World.

King Etemon surrounded by the DATS members

In a later Onegai Quest, in Steamy Jungle, after King Etemon threatens to get rid of the Player, Daimon Masaru and Agumon appear, both of them having been in pursue of King Etemon for a while. Masaru has Agumon evolve into Geo Greymon, but his attacks are too weak to affect King Etemon. Thoma and Fujieda Yoshino then arrive, alongside their Perfect-level Partner Digimon, Mach Gaogamon and Lilamon, cornering King Etemon. King Etemon says he'll evolve and beat them all, but no one buys his bluff and then he asks if they won't let him go, before finally surrendering.

After that, Thoma calls Masaru out for not waiting for the other two as he had ordered him to, but Masaru responds that the Player was in danger. Yoshino stops their fight, remarking that the important thing was that everyone was safe, though she then scolds Masaru for running head-first into a dangerous situation. The Player then asks the trio who they are, and Masaru responds they're members of DATS. Thoma scolds him since that's meant to be a secret, but Masaru points out the Player already knows about Digimon so there's no point in keeping the secret. Yoshino agrees with Masaru but remarks that they must abide by the rules, so she asks the Player not to tell others about them, which the Player agrees with. The trio then leaves.

Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight[edit]

Digimon Masters[edit]

Thoma is one of the four playable characters.

Digimon New Century[edit]

Thoma H. Norstein appears on a poster that promotes Digimon Savers in the "Multi Dimensional Digital World Memory Observation Recorder".


Super Digica Taisen[edit]

Thoma is one of the Generals in the Super Digica Taisen card game.

Image Gallery[edit]


Thoma h norstein.jpg Thoma h norstein 2.jpg Thoma H. Norstein Savers.jpg TohmaDMO.jpg
Digimon Savers Digimon Savers Digimon Savers Digimon Masters
Thoma h norstein dmo.jpg Thoma h norstein 4.jpg Thoma h norstein toei acrylic.jpg
Digimon Masters Digimon Xros Wars Super Digica Taisen Digimon Series: Acrylic de Card

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Story - Thoma spritesheet.png Thoma h norstein dsms sprite sheet.png TohmaDMO.png
Digimon Story
(Sprite sheet)
Digimon Story: Sunburst & Moonlight
(Sprite sheet)
Digimon Masters


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Digimon Savers Lineart Book Digimon Savers Lineart Book Digimon Savers Complete Encyclopedia Digimon Partners "Digimon Savers" Can Badge Series

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. BT18-078 (DCG) Duskmon can change any Tamer's Color into any other Color, except White.
Digimon Story
Main Characters PlayerPagumon
Tamer Union Kogure HaruhikoKazuyaTomomiYujiPhilEllieChrisMakoRobertSarahCulumon
Observers QinglongmonXuanwumonBaihumonZhuqiaomonClavis Angemon
Antagonists Alphamon/Unknown-DBad Tamers (Kain/Bad Tamers BossYoshikiAliciaPeterSueAnnChan) • Mugendramon/Skull Greymon • Chronomon (Destroy Mode > Holy Mode)
Digimon Savers characters Daimon MasaruAgumonThoma H. NorsteinGaomonFujieda YoshinoLalamon
Terms Tamer UnionDigiFarmDigivice iCGuilmon Bread
Other List of CharactersGuides