Everyone is sleeping except for Taichi, who looks through his pocket telescope and sees land in the distance. Whamon confirms that it is the Server continent, and Taichi wakes everyone else up to see. Everyone extended looks at it, except for Mimi, who mumbles about food and turns over.
A little later, Whamon swims into a bay that Koshiro determines is the best place to go ashore. Everyone jumps off but Mimi, who hangs behind and doesn’t want to jump. Whamon jostles her, knocking her off, and she lands on top of Koshiro. Whamon swims away, wishing them well. The group decides to walk inland to a Koromon village Whamon mentioned. As they’re walking, Agumon smells Koromon in a direction. Taichi uses his telescope and sees a forest. They assume the Koromon must be there, and after walking for a bit, find a cluster of huts with a big building in the middle. Mimi, excited by the prospect of a bath, starts running down the hill. Agumon says that this is the wrong place, and everyone looks at Mimi.
Inside the village, Mimi and Palmon find Pagumon. They are surprised, and Mimi asks where their baths are. The Pagumon grab Mimi and carry her away quickly, leaving Palmon on the ground. Everyone else runs up, and Palmon leads them after Mimi. They lose sight of her, and don’t know where to go. A scream echoes from the large center building, and everyone runs in there. They find Mimi’s hat and bag discarded in a trail up the stairs, and Taichi walks over to look behind a curtain. Sora looks inside a basket on the shelf, and, alarmed, tells Taichi not to open the curtain. It’s too late, and on the other side, Mimi is happily submerged in a bath. Koshiro is following Taichi, and they both quickly turn bright red. Mimi screams, and then throws several objects at them, knocking them backwards. Sora quickly steps over and pulls the curtain closed.
Later, the Pagumon are serving everyone dinner and singing. Gabumon says that it wasn’t a Koromon village after all. Agumon thoughtfully says he was sure he smelled Koromon. Sora wonders if the food is fake, like at Devimon’s mansion. Taichi laughs and says as if something like that would happen twice. Tentomon says that he’s heard the Pagmon are tricksters, and Gomamon says that must have been a rumor. The passing Pagumon say that’s all it is. As everyone is eating, Takeru feeds Poyomon a bit, and then the baby Digimon starts to glow. He evolves into Tokomon, and Takeru is delighted. The Pagumon watch with interest, and an evil gleam flashes in their eyes.
Everyone sleeps in the large central building, and in the middle of the night, a group of Pagumon slip inside They quietly tie up Tokomon, then take him out into the woods. The Pagumon say that their kindness was an act, and they grabbed Tokomon because he evolved. Suddenly, a group of three Gazimon approach, asking what the Pagumon are doing. The Pagumon are afraid of the Gazimon, and say they took Tokomon from a group of humans in their village. The Gazimon are visibly surprised. The Pagumon throw Tokomon in a cage behind a large waterfall. The little Digimon is frightened by the many red glowing eyes that peer out of the darkness at him. One of the Gazimon says he will go tell Etemon about this, and the other two tell the Pagumon to make sure that the humans don’t leave the village.
As the sun is coming up, the Gazimon arrives in a different village. A large trailer pulls up, and opens to reveal Etemon inside. He announces himself dramatically as the strongest in the world. The Gazimon tells him that there are humans in the Pagumon village. Etemon says that the computer system established that they would be landing on shore this morning. Etemon hits the computer, and the blue location marker moves from offshore to slightly inland. Etemon whines for a moment, then says that he will go to where they are. He starts up his dark network and drives off in his vehicle.
In the Pagumon village, all the Chosen Children are looking for Tokomon. Koshiro makes a map in the dirt, crossing off sections as they are searched. The Pagumon say that Tokomon wasn’t by the waterfall. Agumon is wandering the forest, confused by the smells in the village, which he says are familiar, but very faint. He follows a new scent trail to the waterfall, and finds Tokomon, as well as a large group of Koromon in cages, which were the eyes in the dark Tokomon saw. The Koromon say that the Pagumon came in a few days ago and took over their village. Agumon starts to break the cages, but the two Gazimon arrive and start to beat him up.
Back in the village, Koshiro reasons that Tokomon is just a baby and couldn’t have gone too far. Taichi is on top of the roof, looking around through his telescope and wondering where Agumon is searching. In the cave, the Gazimon use their Paralyze Breath on Agumon. Agumon realizes the noise of the waterfall is covering their fight, but then has an idea to use it to his advantage. He uses Baby Flame several times, and some of the water turns to steam, going up in puffs as a signal. Taichi sees the puffs, and Takeru says it might be Tokomon. The Pagumon stiffen quickly, and say that there’s nothing there. Koshiro says something might have arrived after they searched there. The Pagumon insistently try to stop them from going, and Mimi finds a Botamon. The Digimon say that Botamon is the baby form of Koromon, not Pagumon. Their ruse ended, the Pagumon admit this isn’t their village and leave.
Agumon is weak from fighting the Gazimon, and Taichi runs over to the waterfall, worried. Taichi steps around the curtain of water, and Agumon evolves to Greymon. He is much bigger now, and easily throws the Gazimon into the river with Mega Flame. Takeru gets Tokomon out of his cage, and everyone else frees the Koromon. Suddenly, Etemon’s voice echoes loudly, and a massive projection of him appears. He says he’s going to destroy the village, and a web of black lines splits out of the ground and make a net over the village. Red lightning snaps out of it, blowing up several houses. The Digimon try to evolve, but Etemon uses Love Serenade and saps all their power. The group retreats with the Koromon into the cave, and at the back wall, find an image engraved in the wall. Taichi’s Tag floats out of his shirt, and the wall starts glowing orange. It shrinks into a small rectangle, becoming a Crest. It lands in Taichi’s Tag. In front of them, a mountain area is visible. The Koromon say that the mountains are a long way from their village, and safe from Etemon.
A black cable lifts up out of the ground next to Taichi, and Etemon’s Gazimon informs him that the children have moved unexpectedly.