Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese An Armor-level Mammal Digimon that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Miracles". It is clad in armor made of Chrome Digizoid, and this armor cannot be destroyed even by laser-based attacks, let alone physical attacks, owing to its reflective surface in addition to its bulky fortification. Also, despite its sluggish appearance, because it moves its body using its excess power, its movement speed can even be said to be unusually fast for something its size. Its Special Move is cloaking itself in a barrier made of light emitted from the "Ain Soph Aur" jewels embedded in its armor, then charging into the enemy (Atomic Burst). Digimon on the receiving end of this technique are disintegrated into digital data composed of "0"s and "1"s, the smallest units of data, and never return to their original state.
The effect on Rhinomon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Its armor has been polished even further, not only raising its defense but also, more importantly, completely changing its attack pattern to become more aggressive. Most prominently, its horn has been transformed into a sword, which it uses for various attacks such as to impale enemies it charges towards and disintegrate their data (Atomic Blade), and to split enemies into two with a large swing of its head (Split Burst). Its personality has also changed to become more hostile, and it will boldly challenge any Digimon it deems powerful to a duel.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English “奇跡のデジメンタル”のパワーによって進化したアーマー体の哺乳類型デジモン。クロンデジゾイド製の鎧に身を包んでおり、この鎧は分厚い装甲になっているのと同時に、表面が鏡面になっているため物理攻撃はおろかレーザー系の攻撃であっても破壊することはできない。また動きが鈍そうに見えるが余りあるパワーを使って体を動かすので、体格に対し異常といえるほどの素早さで移動することができる。必殺技は鎧に埋め込まれた宝玉「アイン・ソフ・オウル」から放たれる光をバリアーの様に身を包み、敵に突進する『アトミックバースト』。この技を受けたデジモンはデータ最小の単位である「0」と「1」のデジタルデータに分解されて元に戻ることはない。 ■X抗体によるライノモンのデジコアへの影響 鎧はより洗練され防御力があがり、それ以上に攻撃面が一変し攻め勝つ形態となった。何より角は1本の剣へと変化し、突撃し敵を串刺してデータを分解する『アトミックブレイド』、頭を大きく振って敵を一刀両断する『スピリットバースト』といった剣を扱った攻撃を繰り出す。性格も攻撃的に変わり強者と見たデジモンへ果敢に戦闘を仕掛けていく。
⇨ Japanese An Armor-level Mammal Digimon that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Miracles". It is clad in armor made of Chrome Digizoid, and this armor cannot be destroyed even by laser-based attacks, let alone physical attacks, owing to its reflective surface in addition to its bulky fortification. Also, despite its sluggish appearance, because it moves its body using its excess power, its movement speed can even be said to be unusually fast for something its size. Its Special Move is cloaking itself in a barrier made of light emitted from the "Ain Soph Aur" jewels embedded in its armor, then charging into the enemy (Atomic Burst). Digimon on the receiving end of this technique are disintegrated into digital data composed of "0"s and "1"s, the smallest units of data, and never return to their original state.
The effect on Rhinomon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Boasting of a massive body clad in the super metal "Chrome Digizoid" and unparalleled charging strength, it has fully exhibited its power on fixed targets in a straight line. Furthermore, the horn on its head has become sword-shaped, so not only does it thrust with it, but it also gained the ability to slash with it, allowing it to engage in combat with its horn while moving.
Digimon Collectors
⇨ English “奇跡のデジメンタル”のパワーによって進化したアーマー体の哺乳類型デジモン。クロンデジゾイド製の鎧に身を包んでおり、この鎧は分厚い装甲になっているのと同時に、表面が鏡面になっているため物理攻撃はおろかレーザー系の攻撃であっても破壊することはできない。また動きが鈍そうに見えるが余りあるパワーを使って体を動かすので、体格に対し異常といえるほどの素早さで移動することができる。必殺技は鎧に埋め込まれた宝玉「アイン・ソフ・オウル」から放たれる光をバリアーの様に身を包み、敵に突進する『アトミックバースト』。この技を受けたデジモンはデータ最小の単位である「0」と「1」のデジタルデータに分解されて元に戻ることはない。 ■X抗体によるライノモンのデジコアへの影響 超金属「クロンデジゾイド」で被われた重厚な体と比類なき突進力を誇り、直線上の固定ターゲットにはそのパワーを如何なく発揮していた。さらに、頭部の角が剣状となり、突き刺すだけでなく、斬る能力がプラスされ、移動しながら角による交戦も可能となった。
⇨ English 攻め勝つ形態となり角は1本の剣へと変化した。敵を串刺してデータを分解する『アトミックブレイド』、敵を一刀両断する『スピリットバースト』といった剣を扱った攻撃を繰り出す。性格も攻撃的で強者と見れば果敢に戦闘を仕掛ける。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Ain Soph Aur
[1] [N 1]
Ain Sofu Ouru
Atomic Burst
Atomikku Bāsuto
Cloaks its body in a barrier made of light emitted from the "Ain Soph Aur" jewels embedded in its armor, then charges into the opponent.
Atomic Blade
Atomikku Bureido
Charges towards the enemy and impales them with the sword on its snout.
Split Burst
Supuritto Bāsuto
Swings its head, splitting the enemy into two with the sword on its snout.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
A Rhinomon X-Antibody appears in a panel, along with a Tyranomon (X-Antibody) and a pack of Mametyramon.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Rhinomon X-Antibody is only available in the White version. It evolves from Gabumon (X-Antibody) or Sistermon Blanc, and can evolve to Megalo Growmon (X-Antibody), Metal Tyranomon (X-Antibody), or Yatagaramon.
It also appears as the last enemy in the Area 04, where the player can obtain "HP Rom" by clearing the area.
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): This one-horned rhinoceros knight charges in its mirrored armor!
Quote (⇨ English): 鏡面の鎧で突貫する一角の犀騎!
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ Ain Soph Aur literally translates to 'Endless Light'. It is the source of the ten sephiroth on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, and is a term used in the Kabbalah as the base of Creation, from Ain (Nothingness; אין), to Ain-Soph (Limitlessness; אין סוף), to Ain-Soph Aur (Endless Light; אין סוף אור).