User talk:TMS

From Wikimon

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay wassup chum.

- Not much. I just made a user page so I could ask people in chat which Program card I should feature in my next Tactics article.

Pyramid Digimoji[edit]

Does the Digimoji in the passage to the pyramid ("Pyramiddo ni iku michidayo abunai.") appear in episode 19 of Digimon Adventure? Just strugging to find it. --Ainz ( talk | contribs ) 10:48, 12 March 2016 (CST)

- I would assume so. It would have to be 19, 20, or both.

Update your e-mail[edit]

Can you please update your email? I keep getting bouncebacks from the stuff that you watch... thanks --Koroku (talk) 23:57, 25 February 2017 (CST)

- It's fixed. I didn't realize I was supposed to be getting emails.

Thanks! --Koroku (talk) 18:22, 1 March 2017 (CST)


Wanna be an admin? :) --Koroku (talk) 12:20, 9 March 2017 (CST)

Well... Thank you very much for offering! Do you mind my asking why? I assume it has some bearing on this whole attack descriptions controversy. If I did become an admin, what would my duties be?
Lol, no, it has nothing to do with that. I just keep random tabs on the wiki and when I see an editor that I think is doing a good job, and is pretty active on the wiki, I like to offer them adminship. The main duty is to stay calm and collected, and help keep trouble users to a minimum. Plus, HOPEFULLY, we're going to open back up registration after the server move, so there would also be the anti-spam requirement. :) --Koroku (talk) 12:48, 9 March 2017 (CST)
I wouldn't mind helping out, but it's kind of an awkward time, considering I'm currently in the midst of an argument. I'd kind of like to hold off until some kind of resolution is reached. Unless my becoming an admin is the resolution, but I'm sure some would see that as an abuse of power right out of the gate. --TMS 14:28, 9 March 2017 (EST)
That user is gone. --Koroku (talk) 14:10, 9 March 2017 (CST)
Oh. Well in that case, I'd be happy to come aboard! Thank you again for the opportunity. --TMS 16:01, 9 March 2017 (EST)
Welcome aboard matey. What's an e-mail I can throw under your name? --Koroku (talk) 16:36, 9 March 2017 (CST)
Same address: [email protected]
I actually can't see user e-mails. :) --Koroku (talk) 16:43, 9 March 2017 (CST)

Non-canon games[edit]

Could you take a look at this please? --Shadow Shinji (talk) 16:04, 20 September 2017 (CDT)

List of Digimon[edit]

Could I ask for your opinion on this? Thank you.--Shadow Shinji (talk) 12:47, 6 November 2018 (CST)

Url template[edit]

Just as a heads up, the url template seems to be removing the colon from https:// URLs based on Digicore Interface. Chimera-gui (talk) 10:50, 15 January 2019 (CST)

I'm not really the person to talk to about that. I've never worked on the templates. --TMS 20:11, 15 January 2019 (EST)

Troubling User[edit]

This user called "Luph" is constantly deleting useful information from certain pages and in general, it usually makes quite problematic contributions or of doubtful use for the website. It's a recurrent activity that I've been watching for a while now. Please, take a look at this. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 17:03, 31 March 2019 (CDT)

I've been following along with changes made to the wiki, and haven't seen anything very problematic about Luph's edits. As you know, I agreed with him with on how rejected names and names applied to discarded Digimon designs should be handled. If you have any specific concerns about other issues, you can tell me what they are and I'll see what I think. --TMS (talk) 19:04, 31 March 2019 (EST)
Hello TMS. Could I ask for your opinion on this. It's not the only case regarding an X-Antibody or a subspecies like that one. How do you feel about it? I'm not sure if evolution should be understood in such a wide and vague point of view and in a retroactive way to be honest. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 14:15, 20 June 2019 (CDT)
I don't object to it, as long as it's mechanically possible. --TMS (talk) 23:19, 20 June 2019 (EST)
The evolution is possible, so counts. At some point I plan to go through every X form and add their missing card evos, though if this other guy does it before me, that's good. The card is named "Greymon". That means it can be used for any card that says "Greymon" for its evolution. It counts for more than that too, because stuff like Otamamon (Red) and Agumon (Black) also share the card evolution with Otamamon and Agumon, etc. They share their card name with the original, so share their card evolutions.Muur (talk) 23:15, 20 June 2019 (CDT)

Meicoomon (Mutated)[edit]

I apologize for my recent edits of the Tailmon page, and have made efforts to correct other errors regarding it. However, with Meicoomon, shouldn't Meicoomon (Mutated)/メイクーモン(豹変時) be considered a species or at the least a sub-species like Magna Garurumon (Detached)? It seems to be treated as something different than the original Meicoomon, as seen here: Xm0c (talk) 21:53, 23 August 2019 (CDT)

Wikimon don't treat the second MagnaGarurumon as a different Digimon either (nor the two Daemon for that matter).Muur (talk) 21:58, 23 August 2019 (CDT)
Right. Currently no page exists for it (it redirects to Maicoomon's page), which is why I undid the changes. So far the policy has been to leave Digimon that are usually treated as the same species as a single page, to save hassle and confusion. --TMS (talk) 23:02, 23 August 2019 (EST)
Okay then. I was going to ask why then Magna Garurumon (Detached) was listed on the Magna Garurumon page as a possible evolution, but they were just removed. Should a redirect at least me made for the Detached then? Xm0c (talk) 22:14, 23 August 2019 (CDT)
Yes, a redirect is a good idea. --TMS (talk) 23:24, 23 August 2019 (EST)

Dexmon's attacks[edit]

The description used by DMO for Dexmon's attacks are completely inaccurate. I could not find a video of the "Process 0" attack but I do have one of the "Process F", and I can tell you that the real attack and the DMO attack are totally different. In the real attack Dexmon puts its hands on the ground, creates an area of glowing data an then erect a bunch of energy pillars from the ground that pierce the opponent killing them instantly. That's why you shouldn't use DMO as a reference, since they don't work with official information.

Source: (Battle starts at about 22:00) --Convergencia Digital (talk) 22:18, 4 November 2019 (CST)

not to mention that if they got wrong the "process F" attack, then they are no longer a cradible source to use in this website, and the description for the "Process 0" attack should be deleted.--Convergencia Digital (talk) 22:21, 4 November 2019 (CST)
I mean that's just classic Digimon. Read Alphamon's DRB profile for Digitize of Soul, then look at the anime or games. He shoots Green beams in those, and yet he's supposed to summon a monster. As long as the source says the description is from Masters, no one will get confused.Muur (talk) 22:23, 4 November 2019 (CST)
yes, but that's on its official profile and the way the attack works has already been claryfied on the Digital Monster Artbook ver.20th, where it says that the Digitalize of Soul only activates that effect when alphamon is in a numerical disadvantage on battle. That's why we've never seen that part of the attack being used, but in this case we are basicly using a fanfic to describe how Dexmon's attacks work when we already have confirmation that they don't work the way this fanfics says.--Convergencia Digital (talk) 22:29, 4 November 2019 (CST)
Masters is an officially licensed game, so it does not count as fan fic and is as valid as the anime or Cyber Sleuth or whatever else. The attack is sourced to Masters.Muur (talk) 22:31, 4 November 2019 (CST)
Then could we at least put a description of how the actual attack works and leave the DMO description as an extra?--Convergencia Digital (talk) 22:42, 4 November 2019 (CST)
Not to mention that I just went to check if the DMO's descriptions of the attacks where actually those, and they0re not even similar. Process F: To Detect and acquire Digicore. Process 0: Degradation Digicore Obatined Process O. Source: Digital (talk) 22:42, 4 November 2019 (CST)
Considering that the Digimon Masters attack descriptions (and other crappy English sources) are usually gibberish like that, I go by what the attacks actually look like. "Degradation Digicore Obatined [sic] Process O" tells you nothing about what the attack looks like, and barely tells you what the attack even does. I'm not sure what's in that NicoNico video, because I'll have to wait 20 minutes to see it, but if you want to add the description, feel free. Just use the MultiDesc template. --TMS (talk) 00:30 5 November 2019 (EST)

About card St-841[edit]

Hello, I would like to know why did you revert the changes I made to that card's description. The card itself doesn't say anything about "chrondigizoit", it just says that Dynasmon has a "super steel armor".--Convergencia Digital (talk) 13:10, 30 April 2020 (CDT)

As I explained in my note on the reversion, "super steel armor" is the kanji, but the furigana (the little kana above it that serves as the pronunciation guide) reads Chrondigizoit. In those cases, we go with the pronunciation specified by the furigana. I made the same mistake on another card a while back and had to have it pointed out to me by a senior mod. --TMS 14:23, 30 April 2020 (EST)
Thanks for the explanation!--Convergencia Digital (talk) 13:36, 30 April 2020 (CDT)

Digimon Chronicle X[edit]

Hello again! Why did you deleted the manga scans? :(--Convergencia Digital (talk) 15:40, 18 May 2020 (CDT)

Presumably because that would be allowing people to illegally obtain the manga for free by saving the pictures from wikimon. uploading manga scans goes against copywrite and could get wikimon in troubleMuur (talk) 15:41, 18 May 2020 (CDT)
I’m on my phone right now, but Muur is correct, it’s because of copyright issues. — TMS

I got wrongfully blocked[edit]

The reason I was changing so many pages was because the information listed on the Digimon Accel page was wrong. It said that Omegamon X, Dukemon X, Ulforce X, Agumon X, Greymon X, MetalGreymon X, WarGreymon X, Triceramon X and WereGarurumon X apeeared in said v-pet, when in reality its their normal forms that actually did. So I was correcting every page that used this wrong information... and got blocked :/ hope I was able to clarify what happened so this doesn't happen again...--Convergencia Digital (talk) 22:21, 20 May 2020 (CDT)

this is triceramon X, this is weregarurumon x, this is ulforce x. not all of the ones you edited were wrong (at least according to the vpet sprite images)Muur (talk) 22:27, 20 May 2020 (CDT)
the greymon, metalgreymon, wargreymon, agumon are also used in other vpets with the x digimon according to D-Cyber Version 1.0, Digimon Pendulum X, Pendulum X 1.0, Digital Monster D-Cyber. looking at these lists that the images are used in, if they were all the original versions, it would mean that the debut of agumon X for example was in the Digital Monster X in vpets, which isnt the case. im quite sure all of the x forms you were removed were removed incorrectly.Muur (talk) 22:34, 20 May 2020 (CDT)
The digimon accel reused sprites from de pendulum x, but the digimon them selves where not their X counterpart. This can be corroborated by checking the Digimon Accel official page (the same one that's listed as a source in the Digimon Accel page)--Convergencia Digital (talk) 22:43, 20 May 2020 (CDT)
Source 3.png
Your links dont work. anyway if they reuse agumons X's sprite... then that's using agumon X in that vpet. if they used agumon x's cyber sleuth model and said it was agumon, its not, its agumon X. the cards do this all the time, where they only list agumon X as "agumon". those sprites are of the X forms in the older vpets and they reused them.Muur (talk) 22:47, 20 May 2020 (CDT)
well looks like that may be the case for some of them. but you should make note of what youre doing before you do it since otherwise it can be seen as trolling. do you have a source for every digimon youre removing and saying is the regular form? cuz the fact they reused the X form sprites means you can see why people think theyre the x forms.Muur (talk) 22:49, 20 May 2020 (CDT)
here are the sources:,, --Convergencia Digital (talk) 22:51, 20 May 2020 (CDT)
Every single X-Digimon I removed and mentioned above was becasue it was not listed as it's X variant in the official site.
you should've explained the errors first on the talk page before you made the edits, because from someone looking from afar it just seems like youre removing stuff for no reason and the fact bandai apparently reused x form sprites and then claimed theyre regular digimon - you can see why someone would think that you were trolling. had you posted on the talk page and then made the edits (or said in the edit log screen), no one could've questioned what you were doing (altho I would've posted on your talk page to say "stop removing the x forms" and what not, rather than blocking from the off. so yeah, as far as I can tell, bandai reused X Digimon in those vpets... then claimed theyre the real versions? unusual.Muur (talk) 22:57, 20 May 2020 (CDT)
I'll unblock you, since your position is arguable. It will be up for the mods to decide whether the Digimon should be counted as having the X-Antibody or not. But if you push back against a mod's edits again without explanation, you're going to get blocked again. --TMS 24:02, 21 May 2020 (EST)
I can see why it would have looked like trolling, but I have made even bigger changes a few days ago (such as practically remaking the pages for the X Antibody, Program X and Project Ark from the ground up) and no one batted an eye about it. I think that intantlly blocking me was a really hasty move. Also, I don't think the mistake was on claiming these where not their X variants, but insted on reusing the wrong sprites, since there still are X-Digimon that are listed as such in the main site (like garudamon x)

--Convergencia Digital (talk) 23:06, 20 May 2020 (CDT)

this is a really weird situation. I guess like he said, the higher ups will decide what version the digimon in those pets count as.Muur (talk) 23:10, 20 May 2020 (CDT)
Just to bring some additional information to the discussion, I also checked the Pendulum X page and in there its confirmed that the agumon from that v-pet its it's X variant ( . Also, I went to check if the digimon's name showed as an X variant or not in the V-Pet itself, and the "X-Antibody" part doesn't show up (here you can see that this person has an "Ulforce V-Dramon X", but in the v-pet, the name displayed is just "Ulforce V-Dramon": All of this, plus the fact that Garudamon X did have it's actual X-Antibody artwork displayed in the official site, leads me to believe that these digimon where always intended to be their normal forms and not their X counterpart. And that they presumably made a mistake by using the wrong sprites, since nowhere it is explicitly stated that any of these digimon where their X variant. Also, next time I'll be sure to contact an admin before making big changes.--] [[User:Convergencia Digital|Convergencia Digital](talk) 23:25, 20 May 2020 (CDT)

About Flare Lizamon[edit]

Oh, I did n’t know that it has been modified, it was originally modified with reference to the source, I ’m sorry. Donkey22800

I have a question[edit]

Why Zubamon's Evolution line is not the main Evolution line on Digital Monster Ver.20th ?? But Bryweludramon wes evolved from Raiji Ludomon on Digimon Pendulum Ver.20th,This did not cancel bold. Donkey22800

thats not how it works. a vpet isnt a profile or an on screen storyline evolution.Muur (talk) 01:46, 21 May 2020 (CDT)

Evolution from the Card Game[edit]

Rather than putting "Any Digimon of any random color in the Card Game that no one understands how it works" isn't it better to list the Digimon for who they may evolve? It looks better visually and no one needs to open another page to see who evolves to who. I wish I could do that, but I don't want to start without an administrator being aware.Sam (Talk)

We did that previously, but it made the list too long and cluttered, and it would take forever to update with the release of each new set. Plus, most of the evolutions are, as you say, random. The lists will be more concise and ultimately more useful if the evolutions specifically mentioned are those with a degree of intentionality to them. There's some discussion about this in the Community Portal. What I've been doing is a compromise between not listing the random evolutions at all and doing what you're suggesting. --TMS 12:44, 28 June 2020 (EST)

Digimon Xros Wars (Manga)[edit]

Why are you removing this evolution? Xros Heart performs a Xros Open on ZeedMillenniumon and all these Digimon appear as a result. So in theory it applies too. Also DarkKnightmon (Lilithmom) is anyways part of the gestalt since the beginning. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 04:52, 21 July 2020 (CDT)

Because Bagramon was sealing them in his castle, and they weren't part of the DigiXros between DarkKnightmon, Shademon, and Millenniumon. They just happened to be absorbed by ZeedMillenniumon like Taiki and the others were. --TMS 12:46, 21 July 2020 (EST)
How do you know that or when is this stated? I have no clue at the moment. Also Taiki and co. weren't absorbed, they decided to go to the core of Zeed to rescue Nene and fight Bagramon. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 11:57, 21 July 2020 (CDT)
From chapter 21.
Kotone: "What's that gigantic thing!?"
Taiki: "They came out after being separated from ZeedMillenniumon!?"
Lilimon: "Hey! Isn't that...!?"
Sunflowmon: "Yeah! Those were the ones who were crystallized in the Pandemonium, right?"
Bagramon: "...What... Unbelievable!"
Ballistamon: "Bagramon!?"
Bagramon: "Those were the Digimon that I've been sealing in the Pandemonium... the Digimon that have mutated after being affected by the evil side of human hearts, such as anger and hatred...! They grew by feeding off the despairing hearts of humans who felt that there was no future left... It took me all I had just to seal in these beasts! Now... we face something even worse than destruction! All life will be burnt alive by these cursed flames for all eternity! Before that happens... I wanted to at least put all souls to rest! You people... have just done the unthinkable!" --TMS 13:17, 21 July 2020 (EST)
Oh you're right! Sorry for the confusion then. Anyways, the original DigiXros that leads to ZeedMillenniumon plus MoonMillenniumon is Millenniumon + DarkKnightmon (Lilithmon). --Shadow Shinji (talk) 13:06, 21 July 2020 (CDT)
Thanks, I'll add it. Surprised no one has before. --TMS 14:20, 21 July 2020 (EST)

Omegamon in Anode/Cathode[edit]

Hello. I have been looking for reliable sources regarding Omegamon's appearance as a Variable in Anode/Cathode for some time. Even though many places state he was called "GaruruGreymon" in the game, the only in-game image I have ever found clearly shows this is wrong. This was probably some misunderstanding, since we know for a fact he was planned to be called "GaruruGreymon" at some point. This game site also shows his Variable, stating it's a rare one only obtained through an event, which may explain why it is so hard to find concrete evidence. Same goes for Goddramon. I am looking forward to confirm this once my Anode/Cathode game guides arrive. If it even shows up there. Anyway, I do think it's safe to include his appearance as a Variable in the pages. Thoughts? ShikaSS (talk) 01:00, 1 September 2020 (CDT)

The claim on wikimon that it was called garurugreymon in that game was removed a long time ago by me, as I found the same research you did. And wow, I didn't realise Wikimon didnt list him as appearing in those games.Muur (talk) 01:34, 1 September 2020 (CDT)
I was referring to the recent edit by Rothbart. Glad to know someone can corroborate. ShikaSS (talk) 01:53, 1 September 2020 (CDT)

Modification of Deathmon page with Digimon Adventure : - Episode 18 element[edit]

Hello, I saw that the changes I made on the Deathmon page had been removed. I don't see why they got deleted when Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 18 proves what I wrote.

After the destruction of Nidhoggmon by Omegamon, the energy contained in the evil digimon of Ultimate level is released and causes the awakening of a dark silhouette and this one given the clues it shows us (the single yellow eye that s' opens) indicates it's Deathmon.

Just after we see a sequence with Devimon turning around then again the eye then again Devimon who nods. So in the logic of the previous episodes, especially the one where we evoke the sacred digimon, it is logical to think that Deathmon led the army of darkness and that Devimon is one of his lieutenant.

So I ask that the changes I made be restored to the Deathmon page.


it's not him. It could be a pre-evolved form but that wouldn't make it deathmon.Muur (talk) 08:51, 4 October 2020 (CDT)
Right. It appears to be some kind of eyeball creature with tentacles, whereas Deathmon lacks tentacles and has arms, legs, wings, and horns. --TMS 12:48, 4 October 2020 (EST)

redirect removal[edit]

this is to notify that the redirects are necessary due to there being confusion on which term refers to which one. if one knows their name as only "4 holy digimons", they need to see which group it may possibly refer to. if someone knows their name as only "holy beasts", then they would search that, which is why the redirect becomes needed.Mussharraf Hossen Shoikot (talk) 14:31, 8 December 2020 (CST) is a type, so the term cannot redirect to a group. in addition "four holy digimons" is a term you made up - and there is not a single piece of japanese media that uses "digimons". "digimons" is a term the dub sometimes uses: plural doesnt exist in japanese so they would never use the term "digimons", and "four holy digimons" is not a term the dub has used. Oh and Megidramon isnt even a holy digimon, its literally a dark dragon of destruction. no holy powers there. as for "great dragon", even when theyre on their own they say "i am a member of the four great dragons", such as the magnadramon in all star rumble.Muur (talk) 14:44, 8 December 2020 (CST)

Template:Muur except redirects are for fanmade terms and or misspellings redirecting to the closest possible meaning or referenceMussharraf Hossen Shoikot (talk) 03:30, 2 February 2021 (CST)

...what fan made terms?Muur (talk) 03:41, 2 February 2021 (CST)


Why did you remove this, Any Machine Type Digimon, from Gundramon's page? HenryWong122 (talk) 22:10, 30 March 2021 (CDT)

Those are Appearance Requirements, not Evolution Requirements. We don't count them as evolutions. --TMS (talk) 00:04, 31 March 2021 (EST)
if we did youd get some hilarious shit like gankoomon evolving into the sistermon.Muur (talk) 06:25, 31 March 2021 (CDT)

Gammamon Evos Teasing Page Creation[edit]

Hello, I was just passing by to ask if it was possible to create in advance pages for the 4 Adult level and the Perfect level of Gammamon which fell today (I know we don't have the names yet but we have the designs ...) On the other hand I do not know how to make pages on the site, I tried several times but each time it's a mess so I posted the images, the one who wants to make the pages and who knows how to do it, I him willingly leaves the task of creating them.

I'm probably the wrong person to ask, since I don't bother much with coding on the site. I wouldn't think that there's any way to make and save pages without actually posting them. It's probably best to wait until we have the names. --TMS 19:52, 30 September 2021 (EST)
Agreed. Better to wait until we get the names, which will be shortly. --Ainz ( talk | contribs ) 19:28, 30 September 2021 (CDT)

Last edits[edit]

Hello. I am okay if the majority have decided that my edits regarding the character pages of Coronamon & Lunamon are not valid (to be honest, I can understand both points of view), but I think in order to keep the wiki as a fair space for everyone, I would personally appreciate if you could give at least an explanation on why, this page has always worked as democracy and I hope it can remain that way. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 18:23, 21 December 2021 (CST)

That's fine. I wasn't going to get involved, since I thought it was kind of a pointless argument, but people asked me my opinion, so I had to make a decision. Like you said, either way is reasonable. I just erred on the side of caution by determining that because there was no explicit statement in the text that those lines belonged to partner Digimon (rather than just lines involving the main Digimon being introduced by the game), I wouldn't treat them as the partners. People are free to assume that those are the forms of those partners at those levels (and they will without our telling them to; no one's going to jump to the conclusion that Sayo is partnered to Andiramon, or whatever), but it wasn't explicit. Hope that explains it well enough. --TMS 20:29, 21 December 2021 (EST)
I really appreciate your thoughtful elaboration. Thank you. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 19:39, 21 December 2021 (CST)
Hello. Can you please check this? I cannot deal with this user. Is like talking to a brick wall. Thanks. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 02:21, 23 February 2022 (CST)

Regarding the issue of 3 main pages: Kotemon, Koemon and Bearmon[edit]

1/ I already read the rules of Wikimon carefully:

It's located under "Bold text for Digimon"

2/ Those are 3 new Digimon with clear evolution lines from DW3, all 3 are owned by the main character in that game:

3/ This is the comment of the person who drew the 3 evolution lines of DW3, and as you can see from the comment it is indeed official:

4/ A lot of movies and games refer to these evolutions from DW3: -> Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!! (I don't understand why you removed this reference from Dinohumon's page. While it's obvious)

5/ You can check the history of these pages from 2016 and the Admins at that time were fine with this, I believe you were there at that time because I saw your name. Only Muur accidentally edited it because he didn't know those references, but he only edited Koemon and Kotemon. Meanwhile, you edited Bearmon's line recently just because I touched Kotemon and Koemon? I want to know the reason for those above problems.

6/ I don't care if you suspend me or not but when you use admin privileges to suspend others you must have a very good reason. Otherwise, the Wikimon will rarely grow because this is what true fans contribute to the whole Digimon community. I don't spam at all, if I did spam for a lot of stupid reasons, I would have filled it out with nonsense, and not corrected that much. In fact, you never contacted me and you wrote very vaguely on the pages I edited. Fortunately, I have reviewed the whole thing and I want to come back here to discuss this matter with you seriously.

Btw, if you have any privacy issues, you can inbox me.

1/ Not carefully enough, evidently.
2/ No, they are the three new Digimon among the game's starters. There's no indication that all three are owned by Atsushi in whatever the "canon" version of the plot is. Certainly that image doesn't prove anything.
3/ He says nothing about lines other than the one he designed. He only mentions three new Ultimate forms.
4/ That doesn't matter. They aren't plot related. And no, it is not "obvious" that Kotemon evolves to Dinohumon. It is nowhere stated in the movie. One may as well say it is "obvious" that Wallace's Galgomon will have Andiramon as its Perfect form.
5/ Unfortunately, there are a lot of things on this wiki that need fixing. Thank you for at least bringing one of them to my attention.
6/ Hopefully I won't have to suspend you. When I made that comment, I mistakenly thought that you had re-edited the pages after I had changed them. I noticed afterward and rolled back my edit. I'm about to undo your changes again, but hopefully from the foregoing you'll understand better why, and won't edit a third time, in which case I'm afraid you will be suspended. If you have any further questions, you can ask them here. --TMS 12:53, 31 July 2022 (EST)

My picture on my user profile.[edit]

Hello, my picture I uploaded in my profile is sideways, can you please turn it straight up?

Joekido the Second (talk) 19:26, 7 September 2022 (CDT)

I don't think I have any way to do that. You may need to reorient it on your computer and then reupload it. --TMS 20:32, 7 September 2022 (EST)

DWDCA deck owners[edit]

As requested, for your consideration, one list of DWDCA decks with respective deck owners attributed. --Pluvia (talk) 14:23, 12 September 2022 (CDT)

Thank you! --TMS 15:46, 12 September 2022 (EST)

Anode/Cathode Diablomon fireball color[edit]

A few months ago, when we were discussing the Diablomon variable attack in Anode/Cathode, you were asking about the color of the fireballs depicted in the attack VFX in Veedramon Version. I neglected to take note of the color at the time, but for what it's worth they're the standard red/orange. If you'd like to investigate/test any variables yourself, I've recently discovered that the emulation tools website Zophar's Domain has save files for all three versions with everything unlocked (except the Omegamon and Goddramon variables, but photographs of the two are enclosed). (Not linking for the moment to be safe, but the site doesn't distribute any actual copyrighted ROMs.) --Pluvia (talk) 18:43, 23 October 2022 (CDT)

Thank you! --TMS 20:06, 23 October 2022 (EST)

More Digimon need to rename[edit]

I would like to know if it is okay to rename these Digimon:

What do you think? ΑΩ inForce (talk) 23:40, 26 October 2022 (CDT)

I forgot these ones:

I'm waiting ΑΩ inForce (talk) 13:40, 10 November 2022 (CST)

I don't see the point of these changes. Using a special character for Löwemon may be inconvenient, but it's the proper German spelling, and "louwe" isn't a word. Changing Superstarmon to Super Starmon would be a lot of work for little return, and the name is a reference to the word "superstar" anyway. Beowolf is an acceptable spelling of the literary character's name. Finally, changing Flare Lizamon to Flarelizamon would be like changing Metal Greymon to Metalgreymon. --TMS 20:12, 10 November 2022 (EST)

Reverted edits[edit]

My idea is to give the evolution section for Tamers in Digimon Card Game on a separate page. But, someone revert my edits. What's your opinion about this? ΑΩ inForce (talk) 13:31, 10 November 2022 (CST)

I think it was unnecessary. The Tamer pages were fine as they were. --TMS 20:06, 10 November 2022 (EST)

Convergencia Digital sources[edit]

Could you please take a look at this? Thanks in advance. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 10:01, 18 December 2022 (CST)

I will. --TMS 13:11, 18 December 2022 (EST)

Digimon Story: Lost Evolution, Fan Translation[edit]

In the game, when you select a skill, it has a text description of what the attack does.

Digimon Story - Lost Evolution 956.png

HenryWong122 (talk) 03:25, 8 March 2023 (CST)

That should be fine, then, assuming the translation is accurate. --TMS 22:48, 8 March 2023 (EST)
track down the japanese so it can be compared.Muur (talk) 23:25, 8 March 2023 (CST)
You'd have to ask the people who translated the game for that. HenryWong122 (talk) 14:39, 14 March 2023 (CDT)

Net Ocean[edit]

I recall you have been calling out a user for 'fan wank' recently, even if most of the info that he was putting into the wiki had at least a partial source. Can you do the same this time regarding the Net Ocean most recent editing, even if this time around are your 'friends' or whatever? There's not a single official statement to include the info on the Net Ocean page to claim the one from Appmon and the rest are different and 'they simply share the same name' apart from the fact that Appmon are different species to the regular Digimon, which has to do more about the definition of what each species is rather than the spaces they share in common. Even for this reason, it has its own page, but it's still in this grey area of interpretation, even more considering the Appmon version is way closer to the DRB version (ie. the one from Quantumon's profile) than any other adaptation so far. So that piece of info is indeed fan wank with no official statement whatsoever and more like a fan conclusion. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 21:53, 6 April 2023 (CDT)

I actually agree in this case (and believe me when I say that I have no more love for the people you're arguing with than I do for you). --TMS 23:44, 6 April 2023 (EST)
it being the same would mean leviamon and leviathan hang out together and that the appmon swim around the same place as the digimon do. if you can say there's no source for them not being the same, theres no source for them *being* the same. theyre not really compatible so we wouldn't say one way or the other.Muur (talk) 23:12, 6 April 2023 (CDT)

Dorugamon and Death-X-Dorugamon[edit]

Hello, I wanted to ask about Death-X-Dorugamon's profile. What about the profile points to it evolving from Dorumon? The profile clearly states that "at the time of the experiment" it resembled the Adult form of the DORU Series. Which means a Dorugamon was experimented on before turning into its Death-X counterpart. What I am missing here? ShikaSS (talk) 09:49, 27 June 2023 (CDT)

To my mind, it seems as though the profile is merely saying that Death-X-Dorugamon resembles Dorugamon, without stating that the former was derived directly from the latter. (By the way, in future edit my Talk page, not my User page itself.) --TMS (talk) 12:57, 27 June 2023 (EST)
That interpretation does not register for me, but if it was discussed among you and the rest of the admins, I have nothing else to add. If not, please bring it to their attention, as it is something that also affects Death-X-Doruguremon and the Death-X-Evolution section of the Evolution page (I also edited that, but just reverted it to maintain consistency). Also, sorry for the mistake. I have moved this section to the Talk page. ShikaSS (talk) 12:41, 27 June 2023 (CDT)
the official english translation says "DexDorugamon is an Undead Digimon that bears a striking resemblance to the Champion level of the Doru series, which involved experimenting on “Prototype Digimon” in hopes of discovering further stages of Digivolution.", so the english translation is pretty clear theyre just saying it looks like dorugamonMuur (talk) 17:47, 27 June 2023 (CDT)
I don't think it is "pretty clear", since all of the DORU Series are Prototype Digimon. It is still up to interpretation. ShikaSS (talk) 21:02, 27 June 2023 (CDT)

Bolded Appmon[edit]

Sorry to bother you, but some time ago it was brought to my attention by another user that the Appmon evolutions might not should be bolded, but they weren't very familiar with Appmon. At the time I was less familiar with the rules of the wiki, so did not wish to undo another user's edits without understanding why they made them in the first place. I reached out to the user, and they never got back to me, and I simply forgot about it. I recently remembered and now that I'm more familiar with the wiki I did some searching. It appears that all, or at least most of the edits bolding these evolutions were by a single user: User:Magna. And, that a few months after these edits you contacted them regarding them bolding evolutions that should not be bolded: User talk:Magna#Bolded Evolutions. This has caused me to wonder if the bolded Appmon evolutions may have simply slipped through the cracks. This user seems to have not made any edits in years, and never got back to me, so I have no way of knowing their motivation. I am willing to slowly go through all the Appmon and unbold evolutions that should not be bolded, if they need to be, but I just want to be sure I am not missing some rule about Appmon evolutions being bolded before I do so, as I was not around at the time and would have missed any such discussions. Sorry for being so long winded. KiraraKidohara (talk) 11:21, 28 June 2023 (CDT)

I'm not aware of any special rule. If a fusion wasn't shown in the anime or part of the plot of a video game, it shouldn't be bolded, so if you could weed out the ones that don't count, I would appreciate it. --TMS 12:46, 28 June 2023 (EST)
I'll get started on that later today, then! Thanks for getting back to me! :) KiraraKidohara (talk) 11:49, 28 June 2023 (CDT)
or part of any story, not just a video game. so manga, novel, etc too. also their drb profiles such as elecmon saying it used to be a tsunomon.Muur (talk) 11:53, 28 June 2023 (CDT)
What about Evolutions depicted in card artwork? Mametyramon evolving to Dinorexmon in the artwork of BT7-102 (DCG) is bolded, but TMS unbolded the evolution of DORUguremon to Death-X-DORUguremon that is depicted in the artwork of Sx-111. KiraraKidohara (talk) 12:05, 28 June 2023 (CDT)
dub wiki counts them but wikimon decided not to any more for some reason.Muur (talk) 14:20, 28 June 2023 (CDT)
I see. I'll try to keep that in mind. Thanks for letting me know! KiraraKidohara (talk) 19:31, 28 June 2023 (CDT)

Type rename[edit]

For the sake of consistencies in the traits used in the DCG, I think we should move Chick ヒナ鳥, Marine Animal 海獣型, and Rare Animal 珍獣型 to Baby Bird, Marine Beast, and Rare Beast respectively. The former is counted as bird 鳥, while the latter two are counted as beast 獣. What do you think? ΑΩ inForce (talk) 01:52, 2 July 2023 (CDT)

I never understood why it was Marine/Rare Animal instead of Marine/Rare Beast anyway, so I wouldn't mind changing those. Personally, though, I prefer Chick to Baby Bird. --TMS 03:25, 2 July 2023 (EST)
what type does baby bird need to match with the card game consistency? we for sure need to try and match anything thats the same, the wikis did a poor job at translating types causing issues with this newer card techincally we should be making stuff be long neck dragon instead of plesiosaur type due to the dragon ability of dorbickmonMuur (talk) 02:36, 2 July 2023 (CDT)
I think we should use whatever translations are most accurate, rather than base them on the rules of the card game. We don't need stuff like changing Dinosaur to "Fearful Dragon." --TMS 03:47, 2 July 2023 (EST)

Fan art[edit]

Hello there. I was just checking the latest edits from the user Aureliano7. First and foremost, the naming on the files that they have uploaded is a mess. But more importantly, I think most of this files are straight fanart, fan recreations from official existing art (is this even allowed?), or art ripped from unauthorized games (I am not a 100% sure of this part, since they claim they come from Bandai Shangai). Could you please check this out? Thanks in advance. --Shadow Shinji (talk) 01:15, 1 November 2023 (CDT)

Whatever is fan art rather than being cropped from cards can be gotten rid of. Probably don't need the cropped art either. --TMS 02:24, 1 November 2023 (EST)
I see thanks!--Shadow Shinji (talk) 13:33, 2 November 2023 (CDT)

Liberator Evolutions[edit]

Hello. I'm personally confused on the rules for Liberator Evolution bolding. If I understand correctly, normally Evolution bolding is for Evolutions that happen as a part of a narrative, like an anime, manga, novel, the DRB, or narrative Evolutions in video games. It seems with Liberator, if I understand correctly, that rule only applies for Digimon that are confirmed to be actual Digimon and not just cards? But, there seems to be some inconsistancy on whether the bolded Evolutions should be the Digimon names themselves, or the list of every possible Digimon they could theorhetically Evolve from/into via card game rules. Almost every page just bolds the Digimon names, like when Punkmon Evolved into Loudmon those Digimon names get bolded, but when Grand Galemon, the character, Evolved into Medieval Dukemon, the list gets bolded instead? But, what makes those scenarios different? Or, is every single Liberator character's Evolutions just improperly bolded? The way Liberator Evolutions are being treated is incredibly confusing when compared to other manga and narratives. Thank you for correcting my mistake, but I'm not sure how to avoid that mistake in the future? Please and thank you for any assistance you can offer on the matter KiraraKidohara (talk) 20:13, 26 September 2024 (CDT)

It's a confusing issue, because the way Liberator treats Digimon is different from how it's been handled in previous material. The way I see it at the moment is that we bold game rules for most in-game evolutions, but bold individuals if they belong to the same line. For Pteromon, for example, Galemon/GrandGalemon/Zephyrgamon is evidently his line, since those cards all appeared in Shoto's deck when he did. Same with the other partner Digimon with the Liberator trait in their card text. That would not include MedievalDukemon, but the situation is complicated by Pteromon's consciousness apparently being in GrandGalemon at the time it evolved in this chapter. There was a big argument on the issue on Digimon Liberator's talk page a while back, and the current way of doing things is what was eventually settled on. But, I don't know, maybe the discussion should be reopened. --TMS 21:25, 26 September 2024 (EST)
I see. That makes sense. Thanks for letting me know! For what it's worth, I do think reopening the discussion as more info gets revealed (like Grand Galemon Evolving into Medieval Dukemon, or other potential future developments) could help things be less confusing, but that opinion may not be worth much from me since I tend to avoid discussions/debates because they stress me out. I have noticed on other pages when a list is bolded (like Mugendramon Evolving from any Digimon), it is sometimes accompanied by a note pointing out the exact Evolution that happened for clarity. Would that also be appropriate here? (I did not want to do such without asking first, incase it unintentionally came off as me undermining your edit.) KiraraKidohara (talk) 20:39, 26 September 2024 (CDT)
In the case of GrandGalemon to MedievalDukemon, a note might be appropriate given its remarkable circumstances, so feel free to add one. I'm not sure we should add such notes for every in-game evolution, though. --TMS 21:49, 26 September 2024 (EST)
That makes sense. Thank you for your help! :) I will add that note, now. KiraraKidohara (talk) 20:52, 26 September 2024 (CDT)
You're welcome! If you ever need clarification, don't hesitate to ask. --TMS 21:57, 26 September 2024 (EST)
Thank you! I will keep that in mind! :) KiraraKidohara (talk) 21:02, 26 September 2024 (CDT)
its a character evolution at least, as shoto's pteromon became it (whilst merged with grandgalemon), but the evolution requirement is "one lv5 green digimon", which is why that should be the source. this in a similar vein (or the same thing, acutally) to lilithmon listing "any lv5 digimon with the bewitching hairpain", *not* monzaemon for redigitize as the evolution requirement is specficlaly *not* monzaemon/grandgalemon.Muur (talk) 22:12, 26 September 2024 (CDT)

EX8-047 Effect are specific to webcomics contrepart ![edit]

Damn man, this is not just a random effect for the card game, it is specific for Close's Sunarizamon like all the cards with the Liberator trait already released in the TCG, the effect clearly specifies the characteristics "Mineral", "Ore" and "Liberator" in addition the traits are taken for the legacy effect with a specific effect like for Marine Bullmon and Ryugumon. So knowing that the card is supposed to represent Close's Sunarizamon since it has the trait "Liberator" so the effects will be seen in the Webcomic and in addition we specify that in addition to its type "Reptile" must add the characteristic "Mineral".

Which means that Sunarizamon will evolve into a "Mineral" or "Ore" type, probably even into Golemon (Mineral Type and Virus Attribute to keep the current logic of the webcomic that keeps lines that do not change the attribute.) but I did not put Golemon on the page despite the fact that it is the most likely.

I will not modify the Sunarizamon page anymore but either tomorrow or in two weeks, we will have the answers and you will see that what I had put will be proven.--NoxShiningmon (talk) 16:04, 23 October 2024 (CDT)

Your addition is too vague and speculative, the character profile is for confirmed Digivolutions, of which we only have Sandmon (via EX08-05), Tumblemon, and the unknown sand monster from the set promotional artwork. Chimera-gui (talk) 16:11, 23 October 2024 (CDT)
We know the characteristics of its evolutions, I even bet you that the Ultimate will be of Type "Mineral" or "Ore" and probably a Virus attribute given the specific effects of searching for specific cards and destroying cards. Yes, we will of course have the case "evolves into a level 4 black card" but for the specific, I tell you it will be an Adult of type "Mineral" or "Ore" and as I said the most likely is Golemon but nothing is sure for the moment. You could have just left the text that I would have replaced when the webcomic would have confirmed the evolutions (so probably the 7th for the release of part 1 of chapter 8, or even in a few hours with part 2 of chapter 7 since we had the surprise of Dimetromon in part 1)--NoxShiningmon (talk) 16:19, 23 October 2024 (CDT)
just wait a few days and we'll see what his evos are. maybe even in a few hours in 7 part 2? having some long descrption of that its evo is is super silly Muur (talk) 16:26, 23 October 2024 (CDT)
Right. There's no point in adding information to the wiki that we're well aware we're going to change a day or two later. Character pages should list specific evolutions only. --TMS 17:32, 23 October 2024 (EST)
I still find it very strange that we are given the card of a Digimon from the webcomic on the eve of a chapter release (or rather a part of a chapter I should say) especially since in part 1, we show you evolved partners out of combat so we tease Sunarizamon and the probability that Close uses her evolution out of combat in part 2 is very likely... Otherwise as we know that Close will be one of the fighters of chapter 8, we will have as for Yao, Arisa and Shoto the reveal of the Adult and Perfect level in part 1 of the chapter which should if the rhythm is respected come out in two weeks or on November 7.

The description has remained for 18 days and no one has said anything about it so why remove it now?--NoxShiningmon (talk) 16:41, 23 October 2024 (CDT)

Because I just noticed it now. --TMS 17:43, 23 October 2024 (EST)
Well anyway, since I don't want to get banned like on Withthewill (I can't even re-register...), we'll leave it there but just keep in mind that we already know things about the specific evos of Close's Sunarizamon, they will have the "Mineral" or "Ore" trait and if we follow the logic of the attribute kept throughout the lineage (which is only broken once by Ryutaro's Tyranomon in the webnovel) then they will be Virus attributes. We will have the answers soon and at the latest on November 28th...--NoxShiningmon (talk) 16:51, 23 October 2024 (CDT)
we'll know at least 2 weeks before november 28th. the evos are in ex-08, and thats out november 29th. and we always know the full set about 2 weeks before it comes out. we should be aware of every card in ex-08 by around november 14th.Muur (talk) 23:38, 23 October 2024 (CDT)
So before anyone criticizes me, I said if the release schedule was respected we would have part 1 of chapter 8 on the 7th, except that it was confirmed that part 1 will be released on the 14th (which is a bit in opposition to the Bandai live which mentioned the release of the webnovel chapters for mid-September and with the webcomic release for the 14th, this shifts the two chapters of the webnovel to the 21st...)
Someone on a Discord server I'm on suggested that the reason the comic is 14th is because the novel is slated for the 7th similar to what happened in August. Chimera-gui (talk) 22:27, 24 October 2024 (CDT)

Then Muur, with the information we had, I don't think we have the entire booster revealed on the 14th...Edit with official site infos, Close's Deck named Mineral One Shot so with the effect of EX8-047, it's confirmed Sunarizamon evolution will are a Mineral/Ore Digimon (And if I haven't been fooled yet by the blurred image of chapter 8 part, we can see Gogmamon on it (pale rock masses in the back, a pale shape surrounded by what looks like a leather strap, I might be getting ahead of myself but for me it's Gogmamon... Afterwards I was fooled by the blurred image of parts 1 of chapter 5 and 7 so I could still be wrong...)). Answer on November 14th for the time being but probably Golemon and Gogmamon will be the specifics evolutions....--NoxShiningmon (talk) 10:14, 24 October 2024 (CDT)

Stupid question: Baby I between Card Game and Liberator (Comic and Novel)[edit]

Hi, I'm here with a very stupid question (well it could seem stupid...), I saw that there was a modification of the Tyranomon page of Liberator to add Koromon because there was the reveal of the EX8-001 card, now since there is also Botamon on the card, wouldn't that imply that Botamon is the Baby I of Tyranomon? Likewise with the EX8-005 card with Goromon and Sunamon, wouldn't Sunamon be the Baby I level of Sunarizamon? No because I'm comparing with the BT19-002, ST19-01 and ST18-01 cards where we had on the card the two Baby levels (Puyoyomon with Puyomon, Kyaromon with Pafumon and Fluffymon with Yolkmon) which were then confirmed either in the parallel card giving the whole evolutionary line (For Sangomon and Shoemon) or we already knew it by official information (Pteromon)... [P.S: I just saw also that we have the same for the EX7-006 card (Yarmon) which also has Keemon on it.] So it may be stupid but if there are two digimons on the card, doesn't that also confirm the Baby I of the digimons? Or do we have to wait for another confirmation to confirm that?--NoxShiningmon (talk) 07:14, 26 October 2024 (CDT)

We need something more than that. I think they count it on the Digimon Wiki, but Wikimon does not, since there's an assumption involved. In these cases, if we assume that the Baby II Digimon with the Liberator trait is that Digimon, we know that the Baby I can't be the Liberator character. So it could have evolved from that species, but we can't say that for certain. I believe there has also been at least one instance of a Digitama card having multiple species of Baby I Digimon shown on it. --TMS 17:32, 23 October 2024 (EST)
This Koromon card seems to actually show the evolution process from Botamon, though. So both would be the same Liberator fella. At least that's how I interpreted the artwork. ShikaSS (talk) 20:02, 26 October 2024 (CDT)
I suppose that would count... --TMS 02:16, 27 October 2024 (EST)

Thanks for the details, so we're waiting for confirmation with for example the parallel cards (knowing that Impmon didn't have a parallel card showing his entire lineage and that for the moment it's reserved only for the Webcomic partners) well I think that unless the future boosters put back the Webnovel partners, I think we won't have the Baby I confirmed (I can't see Tyranomon having a parallel in EX-08 especially since for Yukidarumon, we don't have a Baby II level in this booster, the only blue Baby II in the booster is already known and it doesn't have the Liberator trait)--NoxShiningmon (talk) 13:49, 27 October 2024 (CDT)

Wonderswan Evolutions[edit]

I personally datamined the evolution chart/egg by myself (I would like to post it later here), but Slydra's guide seems to be accurate minus the #21 (which is impossible to obtain), which is the Holydramon egg/evolution chart (YukimiBota > Nyaro > Plot > Tail > Angewo > Holydra). If you notice the evolution chart, it is actually possible to evolve SkullGreymon or Jyagamon to WarGreymon or Rosemon, respectively, if it holds any Digimental, so it is possible to reach higher level (if possible) even if you previously evolve into lower level that requires no Digimental. Hope that helps. ΑΩ inForce (talk) 19:48, 25 December 2024 (CST)
Hi. I notified you to see my talk page. ΑΩ inForce (talk) 22:28, 26 December 2024 (CST)