User talk:HenryWong122

From Wikimon


Use correct terminology. don't just copy pasted everything from digimon wiki without making sure the names/terms are correct. eg, evolve not digivolve, adult not champion etc. also, next order and international actually has quite a few evolution differences, you can see these on gamefaqs as there's guides for both PSV and PS4.Muur (talk) 21:15, 4 August 2019 (CDT)

Pendulum Evolutions[edit]

I see you changed the evolutions on the various original Pendulum versions, but these were incorrect changes. I assume you used File Island as a source for these, but File Island unfortunately does not have the correct evolution information for the original Digimon Pendulum, so Nhoko should be used as a source instead, as their information is correct. Humulos (talk) 08:47, 9 November 2020 (CST)

machine translations[edit]

can you stop posting them?Muur (talk) 01:33, 9 April 2021 (CDT)