Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Digimon Life
⇨ Japanese The "Weapon-frenzy Mode" of Mad Leomon, who gave itself a chainsaw as well as even more modifications.
Due to its repeated modifications and unbalanced chainsaw, intense pain is always running through its body, enraging Mad Leomon. Because it is unable to stay still, due to its pain, it sees anything reflected in its eyes as an enemy, and attacks.
For its "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", which looks as if it is trying to completely shake off its arm and detach the chainsaw, it chops things up without caring whether they are alive or inanimate. The Lion "Sleeps" when its hunger is satisfied, that is, when it has preyed upon an opponent. In order for the Lion to sleep, it must also defeat that opponent.
For its "Lion Heart", in which its destructive impulses come to the surface, it runs wild and pierces the ground with its chainsaw, creating fissures which swallow the opponent. The appearance of the torn and broken ground is the very embodiment of Mad Leomon: Armed Mode's mind.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English チェンソーとさらなる改造を施したマッドレオモンの『凶器乱舞形態』。度重なる改造とアンバランスなチェーンソーにより、激しい痛みが常に全身を走り回り、マッドレオモンを暴れさせる。痛みのせいでじっとしていることができないため、目に映るものすべてを敵と認識し攻撃する。まるで腕を振り払ってチェーンソーを外そうとしているかのようにも見える「The Lion Sleeps Tonight(ライオンは今夜眠っている)」は、生物無生物を問わず切り刻む。ライオンが「眠むるのは」空腹が満たされた時、すなわち敵を捕食した時。ライオンが眠るためにも敵は倒されなければならないのだ。
破壊衝動が表層化した「Lion Heart(ライオンハート)」は、大地に暴走するチェーンソーを突き立て、地割れを引き起こし敵を飲み込む。引き裂かれ砕かれた大地の様はマッドレオモンアームドの心の現れそのものである。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
The Lion Sleeps Tonight
[6] [N 1]
Shakes its arm so violently it seems as if it is trying to shake its chainsaw off, cutting through anything in its way no matter organic or not.
Lion Heart
Stabs its rampaging chainsaw into the earth, creating a giant fissure that swallows the opponent whole.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Mad Leomon absorbed several Chikurimon, two Troopmon, and two Mammon to become Mad Leomon: Armed Mode. After Kudou Taiki performs a DigiXros on Shoutmon, Starmon and Pickmons, he was defeated, regressing back to Mad Leomon.
Mad Leomon: Armed Mode in Digimon Xros Wars.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
While battling, Mad Leomon changes to Mad Leomon: Armed Mode for its attack animation.
Super Digica Taisen
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It became larger after absorbing the Troopmon. It stabs its chainsaw into the ground, creating fissures to trap Shoutmon's group.
Quote (⇨ English): トループモンたちを吸収して巨大化。地面にチェーンソーを突き刺して地割れを起こし、シャウトモンたちを追い込む。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A brutal Digimon that serves Tactimon. It invaded the village Shoutmon and its friends lived in, the Village of Smiles, and plunged it into crisis.
Quote (⇨ English): タクティモンに仕える凶悪な性格のデジモン。シャウトモンたちが住むほほえみの里を侵略の危機にさらす。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): An Undead type Digimon who serves Tactimon. It fused with Orochimon and drove Shoutmon and its team into a corner.
Quote (⇨ English): タクティモンに仕えるアンデッド型のデジモン。オロチモンと合体しシャウトモン達をピンチに追い込んだ。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A ferocious Digimon that does not trust humans. It absorbed its own subordinates in pursuit of more power, and transformed into its strengthened form.
Quote (⇨ English): 人間を信用しない凶暴なデジモン。さらなる力を求めて部下を吸収し、強化された姿へと変貌した。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A mad warrior that raised its battle instincts to their utmost limits. Its sharp, strong claws conceal a deadly poison that can rot anything it touches.
Quote (⇨ English): 闘争本能を極限まで高められた狂戦士。鋭く頑丈な爪は猛毒を含んでおり、あらゆる物を腐らせてしまう。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A brutal Digimon that will use any means to achieve its goal. It further powered up by absorbing other Digimon.
Quote (⇨ English): 目的のためならば手段を選ばない凶暴なデジモン。他のデジモンたちを吸収することでさらにパワーアップする。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): -
Quote (⇨ English): マッドレオモンが配下のデジモンを吸収して巨大化・武装化した姿。地形を活かして飛び回り巨大なチェーンソーで大地ごと相手を切り刻む。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A Mad Leomon that underwent further modification and attained a chainsaw. Its entire body is in constant, intense pain as a result of its repeated modifications; it sees everything around it as an enemy and will proceed to attack them.
Quote (⇨ English): さらなる追加改造でチェーンソーが追加されたマッドレオモン。度重なる改造の末、常に全身に激しい痛みが走り、周囲の全てを敵と認識して攻撃する。
Digimon Xros Archive
Digimon Jintrix
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ The Lion Sleeps Tonight was a song originally composed in Zulu in 1939 under the title Mbube (Zulu: Lion), and went on to be covered various times until the group The Tokens adapted it into English, into the most commonly known hit version.