Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese A Digimon in charge of troop transport for the mechanized "D-Brigade". It is said to have evolved by taking in tiltrotor aircraft design data from the Real World obtained via hacking. It has excellent maneuverability that allows it to hover and fly at high-speed by adjusting the angle of the propellers on both of its wings. Cargodramon's fuselage has a cargo hold, and on normal missions, it often houses a squadron of five Commandramon and one Hi-Commandramon. Also, when the cargo hold is empty, it can carry a single Tankdramon by suspending wires under its fuselage. Its Special Move is attacking with the Gatling gun on the front of its fuselage (Suppression Strike). It is used for ground suppression when deploying troops. If a close combat situation arises due to unforeseen circumstances, it will hack the opponent to pieces with its "Slaughter Blade", in which it slashes them with the propellers on both of its wings. This technique may damage the propellers, so it is only allowed to be used in emergencies.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 機械化旅団「D-ブリガード」において部隊輸送を担当するデジモン。ハッキングによって入手した現実世界のティルトローター機の設計データを組み込んで進化したと言われている。両翼のプロペラの角度を調整することでホバリングや高速度の飛行が可能な優れた機動性を持つ。カーゴドラモンは胴体部分が荷室となっており、通常のミッションであればコマンドラモン5体+ハイコマンドラモン1体で構成される分隊を収容することが多い。また、荷室が空の状態ならば胴体下部にワイヤーで懸架することでタンクドラモン1体を運ぶことも可能である。必殺技は胴体前部のガトリング砲で攻撃する「サプレッションストライク」。部隊を降下させる際の地上制圧のために使用する。不測の事態で近接戦闘が発生した場合は両翼のプロペラで相手を斬りつける「スローターブレード」で相手をなます切りにする。この技はプロペラを破損する恐れがあるため緊急事態のみ使用が許される。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Suppression Strike
Sapuresshon Sutoraiku
Suppression Strike
Attacks with the Gatling gun on the front of its fuselage.
Slaughter Blade
Surōtā Burēdo
Slaughter Blade
Hacks the opponent to pieces with the propellers on both of its wings.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Live Action[edit]
The Digipolice's Cargodramon found Nagasumi Eiji and Loogamon in "Chapter1:Eiji:Wolf of ninth avenue", then let loose several Commandramon to pursue them as they considered Loogamon a suspicious Digimon. Loogamon then evolved into Loogarmon to face them.
In "Chapter 3 Unit 11:Digital Missing In Action", Xu Yulin and Tamahime Satsuki rode on a Cargodramon, followed by several others, for their clash against the SoC.
Cargodramon in Digimon Seekers.
A Digipolice Cargodramon appeared in front of Nagasumi Eiji and Loogamon in "1-14: Eiji:Wolf of ninth avenue", hovering over the Castle of Nine Wolves. A Commandramon squad came out of it, spreading out and surrounding the castle.
In "1-15", they let loose a round of bullets close to Eiji as a warning shot from Tamahime Satsuki, who threatened to kill him during his Mind Link. Satsuki then asked them to confirm if Eiji was truly just mapping the area while walking around the Castle of Nine Wolves, which Cargodramon did, as they had no Digitama or captured Digimon. After Loogamon killed two Commandramon with a Spiral Bite, Numemon came out of the Cargodramon on Satsuki's orders. After Numemon was defeated by Loogarmon in "1-17", the Digipolice fled on Cargodramon.
Cargodramon over the Castle of Nine Wolves
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]