Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
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⇨ Japanese An Armor-level Pterosaur Digimon with wings of steel that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Love". Holding the alias of "Blue Bomber", it can fly at the highest altitudes among aerial Digimon, and it is able to pinpoint bomb the enemy without revealing itself. It has excellent eyesight, and is capable of capturing the enemy's figure even from an altitude of 10 km up in the sky. Since its Special Move "Beak Pierce" is a technique in which it nosedives from high in the sky and pierces the enemy with the sharp tip of its beak, it penetrates even armor, regardless of its thickness, and destroys their Digicore with unparalleled accuracy.
The effect on Pteranomon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Due to fact that there were no Digimon capable of reaching altitudes maintained by Pteranomon up until now, Pteranomon were forced to battle with each other, leading it to possessing air-to-air combat ability and maneuverability. This also meant an improvement in its ability to fly at low altitudes, so it acquired its Special Move "Nail Comb", where it tears the enemy to pieces with the sharp claws on its feet without letting them out of its sight while going at maximum speed at a very low altitude. Also, when it goes at maximum speed, it reduces drag by storing both of its feet within its body.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English “愛情のデジメンタル”のパワーによって進化した鋼鉄の翼を持つアーマー体の翼竜型デジモン。「蒼い爆撃機」の異名を持ち、空を飛べるデジモンの中で最も高い高度で飛行することができ、姿を見せずに敵をピンポイント爆撃することができる。視力も優れており、高度1万メートル上空からでも、敵の姿を捉えることが可能だ。必殺技の『ビークピアス』は上空から垂直落下し、その鋭い鼻先で敵を射抜く技で、どんなに厚い装甲でも貫き正確無比に敵のデジコアを破壊する。 ■X抗体によるプテラノモンのデジコアへの影響 プテラノモンが滞空する高高度に達することのできるデジモンが今だ存在しないことから、プテラノモンはプテラノモンとの戦いを余儀無くされ、空対空の戦闘能力、機動力を持つに至っている。これは低空での飛行能力の向上も意味し、超低空で最高スピードを出しながらも敵の姿を逃すこと無く、鋭い足の爪で敵を切り裂く必殺技『ネイルコーム』を身に付けている。また、最大速度を出す際は両足を体の中に収納して抵抗を減らす。
⇨ Japanese An Armor-level Pterosaur Digimon with wings of steel that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Love". Holding the alias of "Blue Bomber", it can fly at the highest altitudes among aerial Digimon, and it is able to pinpoint bomb the enemy without revealing itself. It has excellent eyesight, and is capable of capturing the enemy's figure even from an altitude of 10 km up in the sky. Since its Special Move "Beak Pierce" is a technique in which it nosedives from high in the sky and pierces the enemy with the sharp tip of its beak, it penetrates even armor, regardless of its thickness, and destroys their Digicore with unparalleled accuracy.
The effect on Pteranomon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Due to fact that there were no Digimon capable of reaching altitudes maintained by Pteranomon up until now, Pteranomon were forced to battle with each other, leading it to possessing air-to-air combat ability and maneuverability. This also meant an improvement in its ability to fly at low altitudes, so it acquired its Special Move "Nail Comb", where it tears the enemy to pieces with its sharp feet without letting them out of its sight while going at maximum speed at a very low altitude. Also, when it goes at maximum speed, it reduces drag by storing both of its feet within its body.
Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode
⇨ English “愛情のデジメンタル”のパワーによって進化した鋼鉄の翼を持つアーマー体の翼竜型デジモン。「蒼い爆撃機」の異名を持ち、空を飛べるデジモンの中で最も高い高度で飛行することができ、姿を見せずに敵をピンポイント爆撃することができる。視力も優れており、高度1万メートル上空からでも、敵の姿を捉えることが可能だ。必殺技の『ビークピアス』は上空から垂直落下し、その鋭い鼻先で敵を射抜く技で、どんなに厚い装甲でも貫き、正確無比に敵のデジコアを破壊する。 ■X抗体によるプテラノモンのデジコアへの影響 プテラノモンが滞在する高度に達することのできるデジモンが今まで存在しないことから、プテラノモンはプテラノモンとの戦いを余儀なくされ、空対空の戦闘能力、機動力を持つに至っている。これは低空での飛行能力の向上も意味し、超低空で最高スピードを出しながらも敵の姿を逃がすこと無く、鋭い足で敵を切り裂く必殺技、『ネイルコーム』を身に付けている。また、最大速度を出す際は両足を体の中に収納して抵抗を減らす。
デジモンワールド リ:デジタイズ デコード
⇨ Japanese Its ability to fly at low altitudes has improved, so it acquired its Special Move "Nail Comb", where it tears the enemy to pieces with the sharp claws on its feet without letting them out of its sight while going at maximum speed at a very low altitude.
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⇨ English 低空での飛行能力が向上し、超低空で最高スピードを出しながらも敵の姿を逃すこと無く、鋭い足の爪で敵を切り裂く必殺技『ネイルコーム』を身に付けた。
Special/Signature Moves
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