Kudou Taiki
- この物語の主人公で、中学一年生の男子。いつもの口癖は「放っとけない!」。お人好しだが、無自覚な天才児でもある。
- 誰かを押しのけてでも活躍してやろうという「野心」は持っていないが、人助けのつもりで始めたことで大変な活躍をしてしまう。
- おかげで助っ人としてモテモテ、本人はヘトヘトである。
- 「器が大きいやつ」であり、その器の大きさがデジモンさえもひきつける。幼なじみのアカリには何度も危機を救われたため、頭が上がらない。
- 父親がスポーツトレーナーで全国を巡業しているため、母親と二人暮らし。
Hinomoto Akari
- 小学六年生の女子で、タイキとは幼なじみ。
- タイキより一つ年下だが、彼の内面をサポートする女房役的存在である。彼の天才的な一面を幼いころからよく知っており、”タイキが変に利用されないように注意しなきゃ”と思っている。タイキが中学生になり部活などで多忙になっていく中、「ヤバい」と思って一層彼に付きまとっているようだ。
- 元々「姉御肌」の性格のためか、軍団全体のバックアップや回復役デジモンたちのフォロー、スターモンとピックモンズなど数が多い連中のまとめ役として活躍する。
- 両親と幼い弟が三人いる。
Tsurugi Zenjirou
- タイキの同級生の男子。ある剣道大会で素人だったタイキに敗れてから、決着をつけるべく彼に付きまとっている。自称「タイキの永遠のライバル」。
- 「過剰な常識人」で、”決闘の作法とはこういうものだ”など面倒なことを押しつける。
- そのためタイキには煙たがられ、アカリにはあからさまに追っ払われてしまう。
- その反面、敵の心理などに明るく、人のよいタイキやデジモンたちをサポートする存在となっていく。
- 親は機械系の実業家。それゆえ機械に詳しいという特技があり、バリスタモンの修理をしてやったりもする。
- Type
- Small Dragon
- Details
- デジモンの主人公。自信過剰で過激な乱暴者だが、同時に努力家でもある。”デジモンキング”になるため一直線に進むナイスガイ。命を救ってくれたタイキの人柄に惚れ込み、デジモンワールドを平定して共に王になろうと持ちかける。直感で人を評価するが意外と外れない。野心を持たないタイキをもどかしく思ったり、タイキを馬鹿にされるとキレて簡単な罠に引っ掛かってしまったりすることがある。
- Special Moves
- Rock Damashī
- Soul Crusher
- Rowdy Rocker
- Type
- Machine
- Details
- Shoutmon's pal...
- More than that, it's a Digimon like a dedicated wife that can not leave Shoutmon or stay behind, so it follows it around. It becomes a shield for its comrades due to its overwhelming power and armor. As an honest soldier, it is callously taciturn. It is on good terms with the three of Taiki, Akari, and Zenjirou.
- Special Moves
- Horn Breaker
- Heavy Speaker
- Type
- Beast
- Details
- A smirking free spirit. It is a wanderer that lives freely like the wind. Although its combat prowess is great, it doesn't really fixate on military gains or delivering the final blow. It keeps annoying Shoutmon because it looks cool due to its apparent apathy.
- However, despite being cynical, it isn't giving up on its dreams...
- Special Moves
- Drill Buster
- Dorulu Tornado
- Drill Blader
Starmon & Pickmons
- Type
- Major
- Details
- シャウトモンをブラザーと呼び、敬愛する、バカデジモンユニット。
- 複数で空を飛び攻撃したり合体してソードになるなど、意外にも目覚しい活躍を見せる伏兵的存在。
- 「カッコいい」という概念に弱く、これで上手く誘導されて力を発揮することたびたびである。
- Special Moves
- Meteor Squall
- Wish Upon a Star
- Type
- Fairy
- Details
- A mischievous and peppy but timid Fairy Digimon that lives in cold areas. Although they may look like big rabbit-ears, it has not ears, but a kind of sense organ with which it can sense the approach of other Digimon in no time. Thanks to this, it is extremely rare to catch sight of Cutemon, because it will immediately hide itself. Its trademark muffler is beyond imagination with its insulating properties, as it is very warm. It has the ability to heal wounds, and if it's in the vicinity of an injured Digimon, it will come closer, taking care not to be noticed, and heal that Digimon.
- Special Moves
- Kizunaol
- Sugunaol
- Yokunaol
- Supersonic Wave
- Ultrasonic Wave
- Type
- Musical Instrument
- Details
- Suddenly materializing out of nowhere when a disturbance occurs, it is a festival-loving Digimon that pounds out a hot rhythm and stirs up the place.
- Its wave, which shakes the body to the core with that characteristic rhythm, stimulates the listener's nerves and gets them completely excited. Although it's not wrong for it to get people excited at games, if by some chance Dondokomon shows up at a brawl, it will definitely grow into a battle royal which swallows up even the excited onlookers, causing a catastrophe.
- Although in person it seems that it will just be cheering, it is actually about to resound its "Dondoko Ondo", which raises the tension between friend and foe alike, and there isn't anything that will settle the commotion.
- Special Moves
- Dondoko Ondo
- Midareuchi Rush
- Type
- Beast Man
- Details
- A Beast Man Digimon that is called the goddess of cats. It loves to be showy, and its specialty is using its charmingly sparkling eyes and the jewels worn all over its body to bewitch the opponent, allowing it to pull their strings as it desires. Although it excels in nimbleness with its lithe movements, it is also powerful despite its appearance, and the claws on both of its hands are sharp enough to even cut through rock. It is said to be at loggerheads with Nefertimon, who is an avatar of light.
- Its Special Moves are beguiling the opponent with the bewitching charms of its belly dance (Helter Skelter), and getting close to the opponent while dancing, then sucking out all the blood in their body, down to the last drop (Vampire Dance).
- Special Moves
- Helter Skelter
- Vampire Dance
- Type
- Warrior
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Mutant
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Justice Bullet
- Type
- Demon Lord
- Details
- (same as original dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Darkness Claw
- Double Impact
Mad Leomon
- Type
- Undead
- Details
- Although it was originally a Lion Digimon, it heaped modification upon modification and arrived at its current appearance. In the process, its consciousness vanished, and it became nothing more than a puppet that defeats those standing before it, as it is commanded. Because it doesn't act or think according to its natural instincts, it exhibits headlong assaults, heedless even of any traps or gadgets. Although it is fundamentally high-powered, its patterns are meager, with nothing but primitive attacks such as hitting and kicking. Nevertheless, caution is necessary, because its sharp claws bear a deadly poison which can cause anything to rot away. Speaking of what seems to be its only Special Move, it fires its "Spirit" in the shape of a lion's face (Jūoudaken). The lion-faced spirit which it fired bites the flesh off of those standing in its way as it flies through them.
- Special Moves
- Jūoudaken (獣王堕拳)
- Fudokusou (腐毒爪)
- Type
- Demon Man
- Details
- A soldier Digimon which possesses a peerless sword called "Jatetsufūjin-maru". Within it is sealed a sinister power strong enough to break a star in two, so drawing this sword signifies the collapse of a star. Therefore, Tactimon battles without drawing it, but even so, it exhibits the destructive force of its menace. If it stabs the ground once it generates an earthquake, if twice it awakens one hundred dead warriors, and if thrice it collapses the surrounding land with a shock wave. Even more than its merit as a soldier, it excels in plans and tactics, so its true merit is not in physical strength but in ingenuity. When it leads an army corps, it is said that, "the victory has been decided before it even fought." Due to the various plans it has laid out, when Tactimon stands upon the battlefield it has already guaranteed its absolute advantage.
- Special Moves
- Ichi-no-tachi (壱の太刀)
- Ni-no-tachi (弐の太刀)
- San-no-tachi (参の太刀)
- Tanegashima (タネガシマ)
- Kishintotsu (鬼神突)
- Hoshiwari (星割り)
- Type
- Demon Lord
- Details
- One of the "Seven Great Demon Lords". It is thought that it was originally the same kind of Digimon as Ofanimon, but it fell from heaven and eventually became known as the "Goddess of Darkness". It confounds its opponents with its bewitchingly lovely appearance, and it is said that those who are taken in by its temptations are invariably granted death. Its reputation as the "Goddess of Darkness" is appropriate, as it offers generosity towards vice, but only cruel outrages towards virtue. The demonic "Nazar Nail" on its right arm corrodes everything it touches. Its Special Move is rotting the opponent's body with a sigh of darkness (Phantom Pain). It is said that when you receive this curse your data dissipates from the tips of your body, and you suffer from that pain as you die.
- Special Moves
- Type
- Mineral
- Details
- A super-heavyweight Digimon with a mineral body. It is clad in a hard crystal armor that regenerates when broken, and boasts a number of various, powerful techniques. Because of its glittering body and power, it calls itself the "most beautiful, sublime creature." Its "Diamond Machine Gun", which fires both intense punches and the crystals throughout its body in the manner of a machine gun, can sweep through hundreds of enemies in one shot, and its "Diamond Hedgehog", which capitalizes on its hard body and great weight, is just it curling up its body and rolling around, but there's nothing that can keep its original shape after being squashed by that. Although its "Crystal Breath", a technique in which it absorbs sunlight into its body, then spits it out as an extremely high-temperature, high-pressure laser, has the weakness of only being usable in daytime, the destructive power it displays more than makes up for its faults.
- Special Moves
- Diamond Machine Gun
- Diamond Hedgehog
- Prism Flash
- Crystal Breath
- Type
- God Man
- Details
- One of the Olympus Twelve, it is a Digimon god of the sea which presides over all Aquatic Digimon. Though the Scalemail which covers its body is made of "Chrome Digizoid" converted into the "Blue Digizoid" which excels in agility, it prefers to remove it when possible due to its poor speed in the water. It constructed a castle to reside within, the "Abyss Sanctuary", at the far depths of the sea, so that only those who can withstand the water pressure of the extreme depths can intrude upon it. Its Special Moves are striking out with its sentient spear "King's Bite" (Vortex Penetrate), and a gigantic tidal wave which swallows everything (Wave of Depth).
- Special Moves
- Vortex Penetrate
- Wave of Depths
- Type
- Insect
- Details
- An Insect Digimon that possesses giant wings. With its wings it is able to fly about at ultra-high speed, and it generates an enormous Howling Noise called buzzing while in flight, completely numbing the sense of hearing of those who hear it. Its body is protected by a hard shell, and it pinches the opponent between its giant talons and brings about death with the super-powerfuul stinger on its tail. Although the evolutionary processes of Insect Digimon are still uncertain, it is thought that it evolved from a Kunemon-species, guessing by the appearance of its face. Its Special Move is firing the stinger on its tail (Deadly Stinger), and it is said that Digimon who are stung with this stinger have their whole body paralyzed, then their body turns violet and they die. Incidentally, the stinger grows back indefinitely.
- Special Moves
- Type
- Aquatic
- Details
- Using its long, serpentine body, it wreathes itself around enemies that are coming to attack, and constricts until the enemy dies. Primally, it doesn't have intelligence or speech, and it swims around the Net Ocean leisurely according to its instincts. Its Special Move is spewing absolute zero breath from its mouth, instantly freezing water then firing it at the opponent (Ice Arrow).
- Special Moves
- Ice Arrow
- Type
- Flame
- Details
- It is shrouded in crimson flames over its entire body. As a Digimon generated from the defensive "Firewall" which prevents illegal entries from the Internet and the like, it possesses a violent temperament like the flames that envelop its body, and tries to incinerate everything it touches. Its fire power is stronger than those of the same species on File Island, and taming this Digimon is extremely difficult. Even if it's tamed, there's no telling when it will bare its fangs. Its Special Move is flaring up both of its arms, and knocking away the opponent (Burning Fist).
- Special Moves
Ancient Volcamon
- Type
- Ancient Mineral
- Details
- Possessing the attribute of "earth", it is one of the Warrior Ten Digimon that saved the Ancient Digital World. An Ultimate who existed only in the distant past, it has the most power among the ancient Digimon. Ancient Volcamon's abilities were given to the "Ore" and "Mineral" types of Rock Digimon. Its Special Moves are detonating the volcano on its back, and performing a super-strong lariat with this propulsion (Atomic Bomber), and generating antimatter within its body, carrying out a super-detonation comparable to a tiny Big Bang (Supernova).
- Special Moves
- Type
- Hybrid
- Special Moves
- Blue Hawaii Death
- Ichigo Death
- Type
- Insect
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Machine
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Angel
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
Atlur Kabuterimon
- Type
- Insect
- Details
- (same as AtlurKabuterimon (Red) dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Insect
- Details
- Although it was originally a high-ranking Angel Digimon that ruled over death, it despaired against the unreasonable justice of the world and rebelled against God. It then received the scourge of God and eternally lost one of its eyes and half of its body, and has since replaced that half with an artificial body cut from a ghostly tree. Its right arm catches hold of ghostly forms, and rips the soul out of a Digimon's body. That soul can be sent to heaven or hell as Bagramon pleases, and can even be placed in another Digimon's body, a technique which is named "Astral Snatcher". The large ruby that it replaced its eye with conceals its "Invisible Snake-eyes", a power that allows it to observe anywhere within the Digital World. Due to these, Bagramon is known across the Digital World as the "Sage of Death".
- Special Moves
- Astral Snatcher
- Scarlet Blood-wine
- Invisible Snake-eyes
- Type
- Undead
- Details
- A bloodsucking martial artist Digimon that performs a magnificent dance. It is said that it has mastered the unique steps of the "Bulldog". It uses its fluttering garment to deceive the opponent, and when the opponent drops its guard from a glance at the soft-colored cloth, it falls upon them with the countless rapiers stocked on its arms. Because it is a vampire, it can't survive unless it sucks a Digimon's blood, but as not just anyone will do, it seeks only the blood of strong Digimon and seems to constantly be moving from place to place. Its Special Moves are unleashing the rapiers stocked on its arms (Thousand Arrow), and a strong kick drawn from its unique martial art, the "Bulldog" (Chouzetsu Rappashū).
- Special Moves
- Thousand Arrow
- Burudoggu
- Chouzetsu Rappashū
- "Bulldog" is misspelled as "Bulldok" within the profile.
- Type
- Undead
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Type
- Undead
- Details
- A giant Machine Dragon Digimon. It obtained the design data for various construction equipment, and it possesses power and ability surpassing other Machine Digimon. In exchange, its organic parts were reduced, and its motives and emotions were lost, so that it does not falter from injuries, and it is feared as the dragon of destruction that will continue destroying until it rusts away. Its "Destroyed Rush", which repeatedly strikes the earth at super-high speeds with its left and right shovel arms, can split the solid ground, its "Infinity Boring", which fires all the drills operating throughout its body, can smash mountains, and its "Gravity Press", which raises its entire mass and then flattens the target, can crush everything. After Breakdramon passes, not even "What?" is left behind.
- Special Moves
- Destroyed Rush
- Infinity Boring
- Gravity Press
Aonuma Kiriha
- タイキと同じ中学一年生だが、いわゆるエリート学校に通っている。
- すでにデジタルワールドにおいて、天才的な軍略と強力な直属デジモンにより、多数のデジモンを平定している。
- タイキの素質を見込んで一度は部下に誘うも断られてしまう。
- Type
- Dinosaur
- Details
- A Tyrannosaurus-type Dinosaur Digimon. As a Digimon specializing in offensive power, its instinct for conflict is extremely high, and it possesses a cruel, brutal nature to not stop battling until it annihilates the opponent, so ordinary Digimon are not even able to approach it, as they are pushed back by the strange fighting spirit it gives off to its surroundings. Its "Mega Flame" is a high-temperature flame thrower that burns its surroundings to nothing, and it can drive its "Blaster Tail" into any opponents for 360° around itself. It possesses "Horn Strike", an effective assault technique for both approach and retreat, and it displays its especially tremendous fighting strength along with its sturdy flesh in close combat. Because its personality wouldn't show mercy, probably even to others of the same family, there is nothing but difficulty in using Greymon.
- Special Moves
- Mega Flame
- Blaster Tail
- Horn Strike
Mail Birdramon
- Type
- Machine
- Details
- A Raptor-type Flying Digimon. It performs reconnaissance on the status of the battle from the sky, and as its specialty, it performs air support strikes which inflict precise amounts of damage to the opponent using Hit-and-run tactics. Its movements are lightning-fast and its vision, eagle-eyed. In particular, its "Nighthawk", in which it covertly approaches the opponent then performs an aerial bombing, is a tactic which fully utilizes Mail Birdramon's characteristics. Its "Plasma Cannon", in which it shoots the opponent at point-blank range with an ultra-high energy plasma shell from its mouth, is also powerful enough to exterminate the opponent, so its comprehensive fighting strength is far greater than that of Digimon who only possess the ability for close combat. Because it is always analyzing the status of the battle from the sky, and acting accordingly, it trusts in the calculations made with that composed personality, and excels in its judgments.
- Special Moves
- Plasma Cannon
- Nighthawk
- Trident Tail
- The only difference between this and the dictionary is that is misspells MailBirdramon as "MailBirdmon" once.
- Type
- Cyborg
- Details
- (same as original dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Cyborg
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Deckerdra-launcher
- Smokey Fang
- Heavy Tailhook
Amano Nene
- 謎が多い美少女。
- 常に強力な戦士を探している。
- 時にはタイキに手を貸し、時にはキリハや新生帝国にとりいって彼を苦しめる。
- Type
- Braun
- Details
- With a hobby of Digimon-watching wherever it goes, it is a ninja Digimon that is always observing someone. The things it does are more the acts of a stalker. If you happen to see one of them, you had better believe that there are thirty of them around you. Although it freely uses ninjutsu such as "Kadan", which creates a fireball, "Suiryū", a water pistol, "Kazaguruma", which raises a wind, and "Densen", which discharges lightning, none of them have very great power. What should be noted is not its fighting strength but its ability of "Information Sharing". This lets it record acquired information and share it with fellow Monitamon, so Monitamon's observations of good as well as bad and shameful things are spread faster than light.
- Special Moves
- Kadan (火弾)
- Suiryū (水竜)
- Kazaguruma (風車)
- Densen (電閃)
- Sakuteki (索敵)
- Type
- Demon Man
- Details
- As an enlightened Digimon that excels in all knowledge, it is called the "Sublime Lord" (気高き王 "Kedakakiou"?). It is said that in exchange for the reader's soul, it will grant one page of information from the "Red Book of Appin", which records all of its knowledge. Although it will answer any kind of question, it always inflicts an ordeal for the answer. If that ordeal is not surmounted, then it will not give the requested answer, and will snatch away your soul. Its mantle is covered in amulets from all times and places, and it is said that on those amulets are written solutions for every problem. It Special Moves are transforming its amulets into various things and attacking (Guiltish), and releasing a mighty, lightning-fast smite from the Dǎshēnbiān it holds in its hand (Kamiuchi). Kamiuchi inflicts especially large damage on Holy-species Digimon.
- Special Moves
- Kamiuchi
- Guiltish
- Leak Information
- Type
- Demon Man
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Angel
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Move
Slash Angemon
- Type
- Power
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Holy Espada
- Heaven's Ripper
- Type
- Mutant
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Fairy
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Small Angel
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Small Angel
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Mythical Beast
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Insect
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Fairy
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Lila Shower
- Beauty Slap
- Un Deux Pollen
- Type
- Puppet
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Mutant
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
Grand Locomon
- Type
- Machine
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Demon Man
- Details
- (same as dictionary without design note)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Warrior
- Details
- (same as dictionary)
- Special Moves
- Type
- Holy Knight
- Details
- A Holy Knight Digimon and a member of the "Royal Knights" who was fused from the Virus Busters War Greymon and Metal Garurumon due to the powerful wills of everyone who wished for goodness. It is a Digimon who has combined the special qualities of two bodies, so it is a multitype warrior. It is equipped with a sword and shield for its War Greymon-shaped left arm, and a cannon and missiles for its Metal Garurumon-shaped right arm. As for the mantle on its back, it is automatically deployed when it dodges an opponent's attack, or when it is flying. Its Special Move is freezing the opponent with frigid, absolute zero shots which it fires from the Metal Garurumon-shaped cannon (Garuru Cannon). Also, its left arm is equipped with the invincible blade, "Grey Sword".
- Special Moves