User:VictoryGreymon FX

From Wikimon

VictoryGreymon FX
VictoryGreymon FX.jpg
Nickname Michael,Victory
Location Malaysia
D.O.B. May 2
Occupation Student
Wish Become a mechanic engineer
Favorite Digimon Victory Greymon
Ancient Greymon
Ulforce V-dramon
Z'd Garurumon
Ancient Garurumon

The Victory Kingdom!



  • Name(English): VictoryGreymon
  • Name(Japanese): ビクトリーグレイモン
  • Name(Romanization): Bikutorīgureimon
  • Evolution Stage: Ultimate
  • Type: Dragon Man Type
  • Attribute: Vaccine
  • Field: Dragon's Roar
  • Weight: 35g
  • Equipment: Dramon Breaker
  • Subspecies/Variations: BlackWarGreymon, ChaosGreymon, WarGreymon
  • Profile(Digimon Reference Book): A subspecies of War Greymon, whose body is clad in armor of the super-metal "Chrome Digizoid", it easily wields its gigantic sword, and is the "Dragon Warrior of Heroes" that fights against its opponents with unique sword techniques. Its Special Moves are wielding its gigantic crushing sword "Dramon Breaker" to perform a heroic sword technique in which it strikes the opponent, instead of slashing, pulverizing them (Dramon Breaker), and splits the Dramon Breaker and equipping the pieces to its arms, taking all the energy within the atmosphere and concentrating it into the tips of its sword, then firing it (Trident Gaia). Also, it has a unique sword technique named "Victory Charge" which allows it to reflect back an opponent's attack with its gigantic sword. In addition, Victory Greymon possesses an evolutionary code that differs from Digimon that were naturally born in the Digital World, and it is thought that it is a Digimon that evolved from a Digitama that was produced due to artificial data intervention.
  • Profile(Digimon Twin): A subspecies of War Greymon, whose body is clad in armor of the super-metal "Chrome Digizoid", it easily wields its gigantic sword, and is the "Dragon Warrior of Heroes" that fights against its opponents with unique sword techniques. Its Special Moves are wielding its gigantic crushing sword "Dramon Breaker" to perform a heroic sword technique in which it strikes the opponent, instead of slashing, pulverizing them (Dramon Breaker), and splits the Dramon Breaker and equipping the pieces to its arms, taking all the energy within the atmosphere and concentrating it into the tips of its sword, then firing it (Trident Gaia). Also, it has a unique sword technique named "Victory Charge" which allows it to reflect back an opponent's attack with its gigantic sword.
  • Profile(Digimon World Re:Digitize): A subspecies of War Greymon, whose body is clad in armor of the super-metal "Chrome Digizoid", it easily wields its gigantic sword, and is the "Dragon Warrior of Heroes" that fights against its opponents with unique sword techniques.
  • Etymology

Victory 「ビクトリー Bikutorī」 = Success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle / One who defeats an adversary; the winner in a fight, battle, contest, or struggle; synonymous to "victor".

Grey = Possible misspelling & shortening of great 「グレイト Gureito」 / Possible misspelling of gray; meaning old or ancient.

  • Attack Techniques

Trident Gaia(トライデントガイア ; Toraidento Gaia) = Releases a concentration of atmospheric energies from the two modular components of the Dramon Breaker installed onto its armor's gaunlets.

Victory Charge(ビクトリーチャージ ; Bikutorii Chāji) = Uses the Dramon Breaker to defend against attack.

Victory Shield(ビクトリーシールド ; Bikutorii Shīrudo) = Unknown.

Dramon Breaker(ドラモンブレイカー ; Doramon Bureikā) = Assembles the Dramon Breaker broadsword and attacks.

  • Evolution From: AeroV-dramon(SPa-010) , Flaremon(SP02-006) , Grademon(SPa-010) , MegaloGrowmon(DM02-033) , MegaSeadramon(Digimon Battle Terminal 02) , MetalGreymon(Digimon Championship) , RizeGreymon(Digimon Next)
  • Appearances

Manga = Digimon Next

Video Game = Digimon Championship , Digimon RPG , Digimon Masters , Digimon World Re:Digitize

Virtual Pets = Digimon Twin R , Digimon Xros Loader


Victorygreymon.jpg Victorygreymon sdt.jpg Victorygreymon re.jpg Victorygreymon crusader.jpg
Bandai Super Digica Taisen Digimon World Re: Digitize Digimon Crusader
Digimon Next
VictoryGreymonDMO.png VictoryGreymon2DMO.png VictoryGreymon3DMO.png
Digimon Masters Digimon Masters Digimon Masters
Da-406.jpg SPa-010.jpg
Dα-406 SPα-010
DM02-033.jpg DM02-071.jpg SP02-006.jpg
DM02-033 DM02-071 SP02-006
D3-48 front.jpg D3-cp9 front.jpg D4-54 front.jpg
D3-48 D3-CP9 D4-54
Djt-2-019 front.jpg Djt-2-019 back.jpg
2-019 2-019
VictoryGreymon Collectors Ultimate Card.jpg Victorygreymon collectors card.jpg Victorygreymon re collectors card.jpg
Digimon Collectors
(Ultimate Card)
Digimon Collectors
(EX Card)
Digimon Collectors
(Re Card)
Dch-5-579 front.jpg Dch-5-770 front.jpg
Digimon Crusader
Digimon Crusader

Z'd Garurumon[edit]


  • Name(English): Z'dGarurumon
  • Name(Japanese): ズィードガルルモン
  • Name(Romanization): Zīdogarurumon
  • Name(Dub): ZeedGarurumon
  • Evolution Stage: Ultimate
  • Type: Cyborg Type
  • Attribute: Data
  • Field: Nature Spirits
  • Weight: 30g
  • Equipment: Z'd Hou
  • Subspecies/Variations: MetalGarurumon, MetalGarurumon(Black)
  • Profile(Digimon Reference Book): A subspecies of Metal Garurumon, the final form of Garurumon, it is the ultimate beast tank Digimon equipped with the ultimate superdreadnought-class weapon, "Z'd Hou". Z'd Garurumon's weapons and ammunition are equipped throughout its body, so its physical strength isn't consumed, and it can sustain a rain of bullets for a long duration. The four laser sights on the tip of its nose have been improved for its ammunition, and can now lock-on to hundreds of objects. Its Special Move is mowing down the opponent by simultaneously firing its ultimate weapon Z'd Hou alongside all of the other weapons throughout its body (Fullmetal Blaze). Also, it can spray explosive energy from its mouth (Blowback Breath). In addition, Z'd Garurumon possesses an evolutionary code that differs from Digimon that were naturally born in the Digital World, and it is thought that it is a Digimon that evolved from a Digitama that was produced due to artificial data intervention.
  • Profile(Digimon Twin): A subspecies of Metal Garurumon, the final form of Garurumon, it is the ultimate beast tank Digimon equipped with the ultimate superdreadnought-class weapon, "Z'd Hou". Z'd Garurumon's weapons and ammunition are equipped throughout its body, so its physical strength isn't consumed, and it can sustain a rain of bullets for a long duration. The four laser sights on the tip of its nose have been improved for its ammunition, and can now lock-on to hundreds of objects. Its Special Move is mowing down the opponent by simultaneously firing its ultimate weapon Z'd Hou alongside all of the other weapons throughout its body (Fullmetal Blaze). Also, it can spray explosive energy from its mouth (Blowback Breath).
  • Etymology

Z'd = Z'd is a transliteration of zd (ziyd/zeed), which means "proud"; vowels are not normally indicated in Hebrew writing, hence "z'd".

Garuru 「ガルル」 = An onomatopoeia for the sound of a growl.

  • Attack Techniques

Z'd Hou(ズィード砲 ; Zīdo Hou ; Z'd Cannon) = Launches the back-mounted Z'd Cannon.

Fullmetal Blaze(フルメタルブレイズ ; Furumetaru Bureizu) = A systemic weapons barrage which sweeps across the zone.

Blowback Breath(ブローバックプレス ; Burōbakku Buresu ) = Breathes a jet of energy from the mouth.

  • Evolution From: Crescemon(SP02-003) , MachGaogamon(Da-415) , Mammon(DM02-074) , Piccolomon(Digimon Twin L) , WereGarurumon(Da-415) , WereGarurumon(Black)(Digimon Championship)
  • Appearances

Manga = Digimon Next

Video Game = Digimon Championship

Virtual Pets = Digimon Twin L , Digimon Xros Loader

Greymon Family


Geogreymon dmo.jpg Greymon illustcon.jpg Greymon black.jpg GreymonX2.jpg
GeoGreymon Greymon BlackGreymon Greymon X


Metalgreymon crusader.jpg Metalgreymon virus crusader.jpg Metalgreymonx.jpg Rizegreymon crusader.jpg
MetalGreymon BlackMetalGreymon MetalGreymon X RizeGreymon


Ancientgreymon2.png Black war greymon crusader.jpg Blackwargreymonx crusader.jpg Chaosgreymon.jpg
AncientGreymon BlackWarGreymon BlackWarGreymon X ChaosGreymon
Dotshinegreymon battle dssm.png Gaioumon crusader.jpg Shine Greymon fortune.jpg Shinegreymon burst crusader.jpg
DotShineGreymon Gaioumon ShineGreymon ShineGreymon BM
Shinegreymon ruin.jpg Victorygreymon crusader.jpg VR-BWargrey battle dtb.png VR-Wargrey battle dtb.png
ShineGreymon RM VictoryGreymon VR-BWarGrey VR-WarGrey
War greymon collectors re.jpg Wargreymonx crusader.jpg
WarGreymon WarGreymon X


Kaisergreymon next0rder.jpg

No Level[edit]

Deckergreymon.jpg Greymon xw bnfes.jpg Greymon O vg.gif Megadeckergreymon.jpg
DeckerGreymon Greymon (Purple) Greymon (Orange) MegaDeckerGreymon
Metalgreymon 2010 2.jpg Metalgreymon cyberlauncher.jpg Rampagegreymon.png Zekegreymon crusader.jpg
MetalGreymon (Purple) Metal Greymon + Cyber Launcher Rampage Greymon Zeke Greymon

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