Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese A Digimon that holds the role of a miko, acting as an agent of God's will. Like Taomon, it freely uses Onmyoudou techniques in battle, and has the ability to employ God Beast-species Digimon. It always carries four pipes on the belt around its waist, within which lurk four kuda-gitsune. It is able to use these kuda-gitsune for everything from attacking to gathering information. Just like Holy Angemon's Priest Mode, it is able to change into a Miko Mode which administers Shinto rituals. Its Signature Move is attacking the opponent with the four kuda-gitsune carried on its waist (Izuna). The four kuda-gitsune possess the attributes of "Fire", "Water", "Wind", and "Thunder", respectively. Its Special Move is striking the ground with its "Kongou Shakujou", spreading a purifying barrier that exorcises evil spirits (Kongoukai Mandara).
The effect on Sakuyamon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Beginning with necromancy and Onmyoudou, it has grown into a specialist who has mastered every secret art that has been passed down throughout the eastern Digital World. By attuning itself closely to the Digital World's nature, it is able to transform various object data such as flora and rocks into shikigami in the shape of flowers or foxes, and order them to do its bidding. It is skilled in using its kuda-gitsune and shikigami for reconnaissance and espionage; acting as a watchman of the darkness, it strikes at its foes from the dark using the information it has obtained. Its new Special Moves are turning all of the objects around it into countless shikigami, enveloping the enemy in a storm of flowers and annihilating them (Konohanasenki-banshou), and fusing its four kuda-gitsune, which possess power over each of the four elements respectively, into a single gigantic fox spirit and summoning it (Uka-no-Mitama).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 神の意志を代行する巫女の役割を持ったデジモン。タオモン同様、陰陽道の技を駆使して戦い、神獣系のデジモンを使役する能力を持つ。腰のベルトには常に4本の筒を携え、中には4匹の管狐(くだぎつね)が潜んでいる。この管狐を使役し攻撃や情報の収集など、あらゆることに利用することができる。ホーリーエンジェモンの神官形態と同じように神事を司る巫女形態になることもできる。得意技は腰に携えた4匹の管狐で敵を攻撃する『飯綱(いづな)』。この4匹の管狐はそれぞれ「火」「水」「風」「雷」の属性を持っている。必殺技は「金剛錫杖(こんごうしゃくじょう)」を地に打ち付けて邪気を払う浄化結界を張る『金剛界曼荼羅(こんごうかいまんだら)』。 ■X抗体によるサクヤモンのデジコアへの影響 降霊術や陰陽術を始めとする、東方のデジタルワールドに伝わるあらゆる秘術を極めたスペシャリストへとなった。デジタルワールドの自然と調和することで、草木や岩などの様々なオブジェクトデータを花や狐の形をした式神に変換し使役することが出来る。管狐や式神による索敵・諜報活動に長けており、手に入れた情報を活用することで闇に紛れて敵を討つ暗闇の番人である。新たな必殺技は、周囲のあらゆるオブジェクトを無数の式神に換え、花嵐で敵を包んで消滅させる『此ノ花戦姫万象(このはなせんきばんしょう)』と、四大元素を司る管狐を合体させることで一体の巨大な狐神を召喚する『宇迦之御魂(うかのみたま)』。
⇨ Japanese Starting with necromancy and Onmyoudou, it has grown into a specialist who has mastered all sorts of secret arts, and is renowned throughout the east of the Digital World. It is skilled in using its kuda-gitsune and shikigami for reconnaissance and espionage; acting as a watchman of the darkness, it strikes at its foes from the dark using the information it has obtained.
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⇨ English 降霊術や陰陽術を始めとする、東方のデジタルワールドに伝わるあらゆる秘術を極めたスペシャリストへとなった。管狐や式神による索敵・諜報活動に長けており、手に入れた情報を活用することで闇に紛れて敵を討つ暗闇の番人である。
Sakuyamon (X-Antibody) was designed by Watanabe Kenji. After releasing the original prototype design, Watanabe was asked to make Sakuyamon (X-Antibody) more revealing, and to add a giant fox.
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)