Taichi gets a phone call from Jo, who says that he has called everyone in the children’s phone books, and no one has moved from Hikarigaoka like they did. He tells Taichi to hurry and find his book because it’s their last clue. Taichi starts to search his room again. Hikari is sitting on the couch, talking to her cat. Tailmon is watching from another building. Tailmon remembers when she almost attacked Hikari, but wasn’t able to, and wonders why. She looks at the pet cat, and bitterly remarks that pet cats have an easy life, and no one ever accepted her. She remembers that Vamdemon abused her horribly when she was in her child form, Plotmon, and that any time anything went wrong, he would hurt her. He always told her he would make her suffer anytime he saw her eyes, and Tailmon angrily says she can’t help the way her eyes are; she was born with them. She then wonders where she was born, and what she was doing before she met Vamdemon. She can’t remember, and Wizarmon flies over, remarking that she must be thinking of old times. She orders him to stop reading her mind without permission, and tells him to keep looking for the eighth child.
Wizarmon flies around, and eventually his copied crest starts glowing. He follows it to a crows nest, where a Digivice sits. He picks it up and hides it as Pico Devimon flies over. Pico Devimon asks what Wizarmon is doing, and Wizarmon pretends he’s gotten drunk, then gives a bottle to Pico Devimon, asking him not to tell Vamdemon. After Pico Devimon flies away, Wizarmon says he can’t give the Digivice to Vamdemon. He wonders where the eighth child is, and why the Digivice is there.
On the news, a large number of women have been struck with sudden anemia in the streets, and possible connections between this and Digimon popping up are being investigated. Yamato calls Taichi, and tells him what happened in Shibuya last night with Pumpmon and Gotsumon. He says that Vamdemon killed his own subordinates, and they need to find the eighth child quickly.
Wizarmon flies to Tailmon, who is still watching Hikari. He shows her the Digivice, telling her where he found it. She says the eighth child must be near there, but Wizarmon says he thinks the key to finding the eighth child is within Tailmon’s heart. He asks her why she is afraid of her early memories, and encourages her to remember. Tailmon defensively asks if Vamdemon sent him to say these things, and Wizarmon says he is Tailmon’s ally, not Vamdemon’s. He says before he met her, he was always alone, and friendless. He collapsed in a desert town, and only Tailmon stopped to help him. She gave him water, and he passed out. Later he woke up sitting next to her fire, and tried to leave immediately. Tailmon told him his body wasn’t strong enough. Wizarmon said he had nothing to give her in return for her help, and Tailmon noted that he must have been alone for a long time.
Tailmon says she doesn’t remember any of that, and Wizarmon says he was about to die with a lonely heart of stone before she saved him. He remembers the next thing she said back then, that she had been searching and waiting for as long as she remembered, but couldn't remember who for. After he finishes speaking, Tailmon asks who she was waiting for. At that moment, Hikari walks out to the balcony, and her voice reaches the Digimon. Tailmon jumps to look at her, and Wizarmon says it’s time to set things straight. He flies over, and introduces himself. Tailmon jumps over as well, and Hikari recognizes her. Wizarmon puts the Digivice in Tailmon’s glove and pushes her towards Hikari. Hikari reaches for it, and it lights up. Tailmon says that Hikari really is the eighth child, and asks who her Digimon is. Wizarmon tells to remember, and she thinks hard. She remembers her baby form, Nyaromon, and that she was waiting for someone even then. She got tired of waiting, and when she became Plotmon, she went to search. But she found Vamdemon instead, and he took her.
Agumon look out the window and sees the group of three talking. Taichi runs out, calling for Hikari to get away from them. He tells her they’re bad Digimon, but she argues back. She says they were looking for the eighth child. Agumon shoots a Baby Flame. Hikari tries to shield them, but Tailmon pushes her out of the way and is thrown against the wall. Taichi looks on, surprised, but recognizing that Tailmon protected Hikari. Wizarmon asks if Tailmon remembers now, and she smiles and says she does. She tells Hikari that she was looking everywhere for her, and runs to hug her.
Hikari excitedly tells Taichi that Tailmon is her Digimon. Tailmon promises Taichi that she will protect Hikari. Wizarmon gives Taichi Hikari’s Digivice, saying he should take it so that Vamdemon will not be able to find Hikari and Tailmon. Wizarmon says Hikari needs her Crest, and he and Tailmon fly off to steal it. Taichi tries to come, but Wizarmon says it’s too dangerous.
The two Digimon fly to the site of the secret base. Wizarmon uses his Magic Game attack to make the Bakemon on guard duty give them the key. They sneak into the dungeon, and search Vamdemon’s coffin. They find the Crest under the pillow, and take it. Vamdemon walks in just then, and uses his Night Raid. The bats take Tailmon and Wizarmon to the surface. They start to fight, and lightning flashes in the sky. Taichi and Agumon go to help, but order Hikari to stay behind. Vamdemon says that Tailmon’s eyes still have hope in them, and she says that in order to regain her true self, she will defeat him. Vamdemon realized that Tailmon is the eighth Digimon, and Tailmon attacks him. Vamdemon throws Wizarmon, along with Hikari’s real Crest, in the river, and he struggles to stay afloat. Tailmon is horrified. Taichi and Greymon run up, and attack with Mega Flame. He isn’t strong enough to challenge Vamdemon, however, so he evolves to Metal Greymon. Metal Greymon quickly uses up all his energy, still exhausted from battles that were too recent, and degenerates to Agumon. Vamdemon says that if a Chosen Child went through all the trouble to come here, then Tailmon really must be the eighth Digimon. Tailmon denies it, but Vamdemon says he’ll know for certain soon enough. His bats grab Tailmon, and he says he will use her as bait for the eighth child as he flies away with her.
Hikari worriedly watches from her balcony, hoping desperately Tailmon will return.