Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Anime & Manga
Video Games
⇨ Japanese An Undead Digimon that lives in graveyards like a ghost, it is a berserker who never backs down against superior opponents and fights by any means necessary. It is thought that the reason it has an unusually intense obsession with victory is because it has taken in a large amount of hatred data from the Digimon it has defeated. On the other hand, it has virtually no sense of self, and when it isn't fighting, it wanders around the graveyard foolishly, and has occasionally been witnessed conversing suspiciously with the beast skull fused to its left arm. Although the blade protruding from the skull is brittle and breaks easily, it has the characteristic of regenerating over and over again each time it breaks.
Its Special Moves are a slash attack from its blade (Chiyorozu-no-tachi), and detaching its will-o'-the-wisp lower body and burning a vast area with flames (Rashōmon). Also, in addition to changing shape freely, the "Yūgen" scarf around its neck is capable of operating independently. It has versatile functions such as wrapping around and capturing the enemy, or striking them hard with the whole of the cloth.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 幽霊のごとく墓場に棲まうアンデッド型デジモンで、格上相手にも決して退かずに手段を選ばず戦う狂戦士。勝利への執着が異様に強いのは、敗北したデジモン達の怨念のデータを大量に取り込んだためだと考えられている。一方で自我はほとんどなく、戦っていない時は呆けたように墓地を徘徊しており、ときどき左腕に融合した獣の頭蓋骨と怪しげに会話する所が目撃されている。頭蓋骨から生えている刀は脆く折れやすいが、折れるたびに何度でも新たに生えてくる特性を持っている。 必殺技は刀からの斬撃『千万ノ太刀(ちよろずのたち)』、下半身の鬼火を分離させて広範囲を炎で灼く『羅焼門(らしょうもん)』。また、首に巻いたスカーフ『幽玄(ゆうげん)』は変幻自在に形を変えるほか、自立して動くことが可能だ。敵に巻き付き捕縛したり、布全体で敵を強く打ち付けるなど万能の役目を果たす。
⇨ Japanese An Undead Digimon, it is a berserker who never backs down against superior opponents and fights by any means necessary. Its Special Moves are a slash attack from its blade (Chiyorozu-no-tachi), and detaching its will-o'-the-wisp lower body and burning a vast area with flames (Rashōmon).
Toei Animation | Digimon Ghost Game
⇨ English アンデッド型デジモンで、格上相手にも決して退かずに手段を選ばず戦う狂戦士。必殺技は刀からの斬撃『千万ノ太刀(ちよろずのたち)』、下半身の鬼火を分離させて広範囲を炎で灼く『羅焼門(らしょうもん)』。
⇨ English 幽霊のごとく墓場に棲まうアンデッド型デジモンで、格上相手にも決して退かずに手段を選ばず戦う狂戦士。 勝利への執着が異様に強いのは、敗北したデジモン達の怨念のデータを大量に取り込んだためだと考えられている。一方で自我はほとんどなく、戦っていない時は呆けたように墓地を徘徊しており、ときどき左腕に融合した獣の頭蓋骨と怪しげに会話する所が目撃されている。 頭蓋骨から生えている刀は脆く折れやすいが、折れるたびに何度でも新たに生えてくる特性を持っている。 必殺技は刀からの斬撃『千万ノ太刀(ちよろずのたち)』、下半身の鬼火を分離させて広範囲を炎で灼く『羅焼門(らしょうもん)』。 また、首に巻いたスカーフ『幽玄(ゆうげん)』は変幻自在に形を変えるほか、自立して動くことが可能だ。敵に巻き付き捕縛したり、布全体で敵を強く打ち付けるなど万能の役目を果たす。
デジタルモンスター バイタルブレスラボ
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Countless Tachi
A slash attack from its blade.
Outspread Burning Gate
Detaches its will-o'-the-wisp lower body and burns a vast area with flames.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Five Oboromon, each with its own colored aura, appeared in “Human Hunter”, competing to see which of them would be king. They hunted for humans not bearing their color, throwing them into a pocket dimension to eventually become part of the king's Yūgen. The Oboromon captured Amanokawa Hiro and Tsukiyono Ruli and sent them to their respective pocket dimensions, after which they became part of the winning Oboromon's Yūgen. An enraged Gammamon battled with Oboromon, but was repeatedly knocked down, and wound up evolving to Gulus Gammamon, killing the king Oboromon with his Dead-End Skewer attack, freeing Hiro, Ruli, and the Oboromon's other victims. He then defeated the other four Oboromon, eating their auras, after which they belatedly recognized him as the Jet-Black Tyrant.
Oboromon Blue from Digimon Ghost Game.
Several Oboromon from Digimon Ghost Game.
Oboromon Yellow & Oboromon Black from Digimon Ghost Game.
Several Oboromon from Digimon Ghost Game.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]