Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A Dragon Man Digimon which has firearm mechanisms equipped throughout its body. As a wanderer traveling across the Digital World in search of the comrades it was separated from, it is a troublemaker who causes trouble and gets tangled up in scandal wherever it goes. Although it has a self-centered personality and is often indifferent of its surroundings, it's passionate about things like friendship or gratitude, misinterpreting the local Revolmon it comes across as members of its own species and becoming friends with them. As it loves single combat, it is so severely triggerhappy that it fires off bullets indiscriminately once it wins or loses. Its Special Moves are stabbing the opponent with the tiny machineguns connected to the magazines extending from its hips, immediately destroying the enemy's body from within (Bind Red Trigger), and the high-altitude annihilation fire which is Kidmon's greatest Special Move, in which it soars high into the sky with its wing-like muffler, then aims at the opponent with its arms folded and weaves together live ammunition and plasma shots fired from the gun muzzles on its legs and the fingers of its hands, which pound away like falling rain (Happy Bullet Showering). Also, there is a Special Move called "Chaos Triangular" it invokes when special conditions are met.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 全身に銃器の機巧を備えた竜人型デジモン。散り散りになった仲間達を捜してデジタルワールド中を旅する根無し草で、行く先々で問題を起こしたり事件に巻き込まれてしまうトラブルメイカー。しばしば周りが見えなくなる自己中心的な性格だが、友情や恩義といったものに熱く、各地のリボルモンを見つけては自分と同じ種族だと勘違いをして友達になっている。一騎打ちが大好きで、一度勝負となると所構わず銃弾をぶっ放す重度のトリガーハッピー。必殺技は、腰部から伸びる弾倉についた小型マシンガンを相手に突き刺し、内部から敵の身体を直接破壊する『バインドレッドトリッガー』と、翼のようなマフラーで遙か上空に飛び上がり、腕組みをしながら相手目掛けて両脚の銃口と両手の指先から発射する実弾とプラズマ弾を織り交ぜ、雨を降らせるように撃ちまくる、キッドモン最大の必殺技である超高度殲滅射撃『ハッピーバレットシャワリング』。また、特別な条件が揃ったときに発動する『ケイオストライアングラー』という必殺技も存在する。
⇨ Japanese
Digimon Crusader
⇨ English 一騎打ちが大好きで、一度勝負となると所構わず銃弾をぶっ放す重度のトリガーハッピー。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)