Examon (X-Antibody)

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Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book Misc
⇨ Japanese
A Holy Knight Digimon which is one of the Digital World's sacred guardians, the "Royal Knights". As it is a Digimon which possesses an extraordinary data size, traditional digital tools were unable to completely render it, and its existence was discovered because it finally became possible to render it with the use of state-of-the-art digital tools. Though it belongs to the Royal Knights, it is simultaneously a being which stands at the top of all Dragon Digimon, and holds the alias of "Dragon Emperor". It possesses the gigantic, sentient wings "Caledfwlch" and the gigantic lance "Ambrosius". The Caledfwlch is a unique set of wings composed entirely of Chrome Digizoid, and at Caledfwlch's own will, it can at times change into wings for flight, or into a shield which defends Examon. The lance "Ambrosius" is loaded with special shells stocked with viruses which possess various effects, so Examon's attacks are quite diverse. Its Special Moves are stabbing the opponent with the Ambrosius and exploding all of its special shells, annihilating them from within (Avalon's Gate), and rocketing up to the exosphere and conducting a high-powered laser firing (Pendragon's Glory). Also, its "Dragonic Impact", in which it dives from the exosphere and performs a ramming attack shrouded in heat from friction with the atmosphere, mops up swaths of enemies with its accompanying shock wave.
The effect on Examon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Its Holy Knight data has been drawn out, so it appears like a knight wearing a helmet and armor. It is overflowing with Dragon and Holy Knight power which swirls around it, creating Dragonic Plasma. It manifests twelve "Raiken Bureiragaha" from the lightning that falls from its Dragonic Plasma, and fires them at the enemy. Its high-energy emitting "Kyūkyoku Senryūsou Ambrosius" is sentient, and the amount of energy it releases varies depending on how strong the opponent is. No enemy can withstand its Special Move "Pendragon Sparkle", in which it impales them with its fully unleashed "Kyūkyoku Senryūsou Ambrosius", and looses large thunderbolts from its Dragonic Plasma.
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Description
Avalon's Gate [1]
アヴァロンズゲート Avaronzu Gēto Impales the enemy with Ambrosius and detonates all of its special shells, annihilating the enemy from within.
Pendragon's Glory [1]
ペンドラゴンズグローリー Pendoragonzu Gurōrī Fires a high-powered laser beam from Ambrosius.
Dragonic Impact [1]
ドラゴニックインパクト Doragonikku Inpakuto Dives from the exosphere and performs a ramming attack while shrouded in heat from friction with the atmosphere, causing a shockwave.
Pendragon Sparkle [1]
ペンドラゴンスパークル Pendoragon Supākuru Impales the enemy with its fully unleashed "Kyūkyoku Senryūsou Ambrosius", and looses large thunderbolts from its Dragonic Plasma.
Raiken Bureiragaha [1] Thunder Sword Bureiragaha 雷剣ブレイラガハ N/A Twelve swords appear from the lightning that falls from its Dragonic Plasma, which it fires at the enemy.
Kyūkyoku Senryūsou Ambrosius [1] Ultimate-Battle-Dragonlance-Ambrosius 究極戦竜槍アンブロジウス N/A A sentient, high-energy lance. The amount of energy it releases varies depending on how strong the opponent is.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]




Digimon Chronicle X[edit]

Examon (X-Antibody) along with Hououmon (X-Antibody) in Digimon Chronicle X.


Digimon Chronicle X[edit]

Video Games[edit]

Digimon Masters[edit]

Digimon RPG[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digital Monster X Ver.3[edit]


Image Gallery[edit]


Virtual Pets[edit]

Examonx vpet dmx.gif
Digital Monster X Ver.3

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Examon X-Antibody's initial artwork was illustrated by Moriyama Soh.