Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese A cursed Digimon artificially created based on the data of various Digimon. Its nature is to evolve by absorbing its opponent's data, but it is unclear if it possesses any sense of self. Because these details are unknown, it is currently being investigated. Its Special Moves are destroying the opponent's data at the program level (Prison Fist), and robbing the opponent of their configuration data and turning it into its own (Snatch Whip).
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory
⇨ English 様々なデジモンのデータを元に人為的に創られた呪われしデジモン。相手のデータを吸収することで成長進化する性質を持つが、自我を持っているかは判っていない。詳細は不明で現在調査中である。必殺技は相手のデータをプログラムレベルで破壊する「プリズンフィスト」と、相手の構成データを剥き取り自らのデータにする「スナッチウィップ」。
デジモンストーリー サイバースルゥース ハッカーズメモリー
⇨ Japanese It stabs the spikes growing from its arms into the enemy's body, and absorbs their energy after immobilizing them. Its Special Move is "Prison Fist".
Digimon Visual Dictionary
⇨ English 腕に生えているトゲを敵の体につきさして、身動きできないようにしてからエネルギーを吸い取るぞ。必殺技は、「プリズンフィスト」。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Prison Fist
Purizon Fisuto
Prison Fist[2]
Destroys the opponent's data at the program level. [2]
Stabs the opponent with the spines on its arm and absorbs their energy. [2]
Uses its hand to summon a vortex of dark energy. [1]
Snatch Whip
Sunacchi Wippu
Robs the opponent of their configuration data and turns it into its own.[2]
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Arkadimon (Child) evolves to this form shortly after absorbing Panjyamon's data, allowing it to block Seraphimon's Seven Heavens attack. In this form, it gains the ability to fly using a pair of small wings. Arkadimon then defeats Seraphimon and absorbs some of his data, allowing it to evolve to the Perfect level.
Video Games[edit]
Arkadimon is the one of the main antagonists. It is a Digimon who was imprisoned in Underzero, then escaped and caused havoc in the Real World and EDEN as one of Mishima Ryuji's partner Digimon.
Arkadimon Adult evolves from Arkadimon Child, Keramon, and Dracumon, and can evolve to Arkadimon Perfect, Skull Satamon, and Infermon. It cannot be raised until the game has been completed.
Is raisable in the Japanese PS4/Switch versions, and the western Switch/PC versions.
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It evolved by consuming the enemy's life energy, an avaricious destroyer!
Quote (⇨ English): 敵の精気を喰い尽くして進化する、貪欲なる蹂躙者!
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Arkadimon accomplished its first growth evolutionary stage and attained this form. While it greedily absorbs the opponent's data using the multiple slender tentacles that extend from its arms, it is unknown if it possesses a sense of self.
Quote (⇨ English): アルカディモンが第一の成長進化を果たした姿。両腕から複数の細長い触手を伸ばして貪欲に相手のデータを吸収するが、自我の存在は確認できない。
Digimon Jintrix
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]