Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A mysterious Digimon that is said to have evolved by concentrating dark, evil energy to the extreme. In a study on certain Digimon that produce the secretion known as GRB Factor, it was found that they "theoretically" evolved when a simulation was conducted in which large amounts of GRB Factor were injected into the Digimon that produce it themselves to their limit. Although the simulation was repeated hundreds of times, all of the simulation results confirmed that they would evolve into this Digimon, so it is theorized to be a Digimon that can manifest even in the real Digital World as long as the conditions are met. It is unknown what sort of ecology it has, but since the level of dark energy measured in the simulation was by far the highest among Digimon that have currently been discovered, it is conjectured that when this Digimon manifests, it will generate a Digital Hazard that drastically alters the environment of the Digital World. Its supposed Special Moves are piercing the opponent with the drills on its arms and injecting them with GRB Factor to corrode them (Black Death), and coating the drills on both its arms with large amounts of GRB Factor and spinning them rapidly, allowing it to compress the GRB Factor to its utmost limit, and then shooting it (Black Confession).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 黒き邪悪なエネルギーが極限まで濃縮されたことで進化するとされている幻のデジモン。GRB因子と呼ばれる分泌物を生成する特定のデジモンの研究において、生成するデジモン自身に大量のGRB因子を限界まで注入させるシミュレーションを行った際に「理論上」進化することが判明した。数百回ものシミュレーションを重ねたが、すべての模擬結果はこのデジモンへと進化することが確認できたため、条件さえ整えば現実のデジタルワールド内でも発現するデジモンであると論文には記されている。どのような生態を持つのかは不明だが、シミュレーションで計測されたダークエネルギーの数値は現在発見されているデジモンの中でも群を抜いて高いため、このデジモンが発現した際にはデジタルワールドの環境が大きく変質するデジタルハザードが発生されると推測されている。予測される必殺技は腕のドリルを相手に突き刺しGRB因子を注入させ浸食させる「ブラックデス」と両腕のドリルに大量のGRB因子をまとわせ高速回転させることで極限まで圧縮し射出する「ブラックコンフェッション」。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)