
From Wikimon
"Spy Digimon Espimon"
Japanese "Spy Digimon Espimon"
Kanji/Kana スパイデジモン・エスピモン
Romanization "Supai Dejimon Esupimon"
English "Spy Digimon Espimon"
Release Date Japan August 4, 2022
English September 3, 2023
"Wizarmon of Memory Ocean"

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"Steal Pulsemon!"

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Chapter #11 of Digimon Dreamers



Espimon proclaimed he'd capture Pulsemon alive and sell off the information of his Localized Evolution, but Pulsemon refused to let him have it. Espimon decided then to steal it with brute force and activated his Divanish, using his optical camouflage to become invisible. Pulsemon bet he was smirking somewhere close even if he couldn't see him, which annoyed Espimon, and decided to sense his presence instead of seeing him. This did not work, however, and he got beaten up by the invisible opponent. Patamon pointed out that this wasn't only because of his invisibility but also because he could move at high speeds with his boosters. Espimon then shot a Mot Bomb, out of nowhere from Kodou Ritsu's point of view, which Pulsemon destroyed with a Petit Impulse. He then kept shooting Mot Bombs which Espimon kept destroying until one hit him on the back. Espimon advised Pulsemon to give up as he couldn't avoid Mot Bombs he couldn't predict where they'd come from. Bokomon told Ritsu to do something to cheer Pal on, making Ritsu wonder what he could do as his Tamer. A flash of inspiration came to him and he grabbed the emergency Asunaro Meat then started cooking it. This made Pulsemon happy, as he thought he'd get his power back from Ritsu's special meat, though Patamon thought it was pointless since Pulsemon still couldn't fight if he couldn't see his enemy. Ritsu was aware of this and stopped Pulsemon from eating the meat, confusing Pulsemon, then went back to cooking it, his sheer concentration surprising Pulsemon. Ritsu explained that Espimon originally revealed himself thanks to the smell of Asunaro Meat, so cooking really delicious meat should accomplish the same feat again. Pulsemon cheered him on while Espimon thought he was an idiot, since his stomach wasn't empty now so his Divanish wouldn't falter again. Bokomon, Patamon and Pulsemon panicked as the plan seemingly wasn't working, but Ritsu realized that Espimon was indeed drooling. With Espimon's location known, Pulsemon evolved his head, with the shock causing Espimon to drop his Divanish. Bokomon explained to Espimon how it interacted with Asunaro Village's curse. Espimon found it creepy, which annoyed Pulsemon who showed Espimon the power of his inner Bulkmon with a Thunder Dread, taking him down.

With the battle over, Espimon realized that Localized Evolution wasn't something Pulsemon did at will but a side-effect of the curse of Asunaro Village, and so, that information was worthless for Dr. Vademon. Ritsu asked Espimon if he knew anything about the curse, but he refused to answer until Ritsu pulled out the Asunaro Meat again. He answered that he didn't know about the curse but they may learn something if they went to Witchelny, the Digital World of a different dimension where Digimon, such as Wizarmon and Mistymon, were raised at a magical academy and used magic based on a high-level programming language. Pulsemon was fired up by this and decided to go on an adventure to Witchelny, dragging a tied-up Ritsu with him. Bokomon wanted them to make sure they were ready first and Patamon asked Espimon for more information on Witchelny, but he instead wanted to sell information on the Asunaro Meat to a gourmet site, causing Pulsemon to think he was now a blogger.

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