Angewomon (X-Antibody)

From Wikimon
Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book Misc
⇨ Japanese
An Archangel Digimon with the appearance of a beautiful woman. Although it was previously classified as an Angel-type, it was confirmed as an Archangel-type because of the greatness of its abilities. As their trait, Adult angels have six wings, and Perfect angels have eight wings. Although its personality is extremely gentle, it cannot forgive those who are crooked or evil, and it won't stay its hand from attacking until the opponent converts. Because of its soul and power, it is said to be a being like a goddess of the Digital World. The powerful lightning-strike of its Special Move "Holy Arrow" is also known as "Heaven's Punishment", and its deadly ray of light "Heaven's Charm", which is packed with beauty and affection, demonstrates its strongest efficacy against the evil powers of Digimon.
The effect on Angewomon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Its holy power has been amplified, allowing Angewomon to channel its pure Qi into each element that it touches; fire, earth, wind, and water. As a result, fire has the effect of driving away evil, shoots sprout quickly and flowers bloom upon the earth, water is purified, and wind makes any Digimon it touches feel calm.
Its Special Move is transferring power from surrounding elements and releasing it as a lightning arrow (Grand Holy Arrow).
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Kanji/Kana Romanization Description
Holy Arrow [1] ホーリーアロー Hōrī Arō
Grand Holy Arrow [1] グランドホーリーアロー Gurando Hōrī Arō Transfers power from surrounding elements and releases it as a lightning arrow.
Heaven's Charm [1] ヘブンズチャーム Hebunzu Chāmu A deadly ray of light which is packed with beauty and affection, demonstratating its strongest efficacy against the evil powers of Digimon.


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]





Digimon Chronicle X[edit]

Tailmon (X-Antibody) evolves into Angewomon to fight Vamdemon (X-Antibody) with Wizarmon (X-Antibody) in chapter 18 - "Courage from Another World".

Video Games[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digital Monster X Ver.3[edit]


Digimon Card Game

Image Gallery[edit]


Virtual Pets[edit]

Angewomonx vpet dmx.gif
Digital Monster X Ver.3

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Angewomon X-Antibody's initial artwork was illustrated by Himeno Kagemaru.