Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese Resurrected through the dark arts, it is the king of Undead Digimon which has obtained mighty powers. Originally a fiendish computer virus which destroyed the computer data it absorbed, it possessed the ability to revive the destroyed data as malignant computer viruses. As it possesses an extremely cruel and cunning personality, it is exceedingly difficult to destroy this Digimon. However, it cannot demonstrate its powers outside of the night, and its power is cut in half during the daytime. Its Special Move is manipulating a countless swarm of bats, and beginning a surprise attack (Night Raid).
The effect on Vamdemon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Its face and body are artificial, and its true form is its cape. It appears as though it has arms, but these are dummies. The internal structure of its Digicore has been enhanced, allowing it to exhibit its full power even during the daytime. Its Special Moves are wrapping the enemy in its cape and turning them into a bat (Vampire Theory), and piercing them with the claws on its cape and absorbing their data (Bloody Drain).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 闇の術法により蘇り、強大なパワーを手に入れたアンデッドデジモンの王。もともとコンピュータのデータを吸収しては破壊する凶悪なコンピュータウィルスで、破壊したデータを悪質なコンピュータウィルスとして復活させる能力を持っていた。非常に残忍かつ狡猾な性格の持ち主で、このデジモンを駆逐するのは非常に難しい。しかし、そのパワーも夜間でないと発揮できず、昼間はパワーが半減してしまうといわれている。必殺技は無数の蝙蝠を操り、奇襲をかける『ナイトレイド』 ■X抗体によるヴァンデモンのデジコアへの影響 顔や体は義体であり、本体はマントにある。腕もあるように見えるがダミーだ。デジコアの内部構造が強化され、昼間でもフルパワーを発揮することが可能になった。必殺技は敵をマントで包み込み蝙蝠に変えてしまう『ヴァンパイアセオリー』と、マントの爪を突き刺しデータを吸い上げる『ブラッディドレイン』。
⇨ Japanese Its face and body are artificial, and its true form is its cape. It appears as though it has arms, but these are dummies. The internal structure of its Digicore has been enhanced, allowing it to exhibit its full power even during the daytime.
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⇨ English 顔や体は義体であり、本体はマントにある。腕もあるように見えるがダミーだ。デジコアの内部構造が強化され、昼間でもフルパワーを発揮することが可能になった。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)