Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese A swordmaster Digimon that freely wields five swords. It wanders the Digital World and devotes itself to battle, thinking only about honing its sword techniques. It is capable of unleashing slash attacks in all directions from the swords it holds in its four hands and the one equipped to its tail, so it is difficult even for those with considerable skill to avoid them completely. Its Special Moves are a combo attack with its five swords (Goren Danreizan), and slashing from five directions simultaneously (Gojū Rasendachi). It also has a technique called "Gokumon-Shibari", in which it lets out a huge roar from the maw on its torso to restrict the opponent's movements, but because it believes in slaughtering its opponent only by slashing them, it rarely performs this.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 5本の刀を自在に操る剣豪デジモン。ただひたすら己の剣技を磨きぬくことだけを考え、デジタルワールドを放浪し戦いに明け暮れている。4本の腕としっぽに携えた刀はあらゆる方向からの斬撃を繰り出すことができるため、相当な腕前を持つものであっても回避しきることは難しいだろう。必殺技は5刀での連撃「伍連断霊斬(ごれんだんれいざん)」と5方向から同時に斬りつける「伍重螺旋断(ごじゅうらせんだち)」。胴体の口から巨大な咆哮を放ち相手の動きを鈍らせる「獄門縛(ごくもんしばり)」という技もあるが、斬撃のみで相手を屠ることを信条としていることから披露することは少ない。
⇨ English 5本の刀を自在に操る剣豪デジモン。 ただひたすら己の剣技を磨きぬくことだけを考え、デジタルワールドを放浪し戦いに明け暮れている。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)