Help:Piccolo Protocol
From Wikimon

The Piccolo Protocol refers to the act of ignoring "official" romanizations released by Bandai if the spelling makes little to no sense from a linguistic perspective. The prime example of this is Piccolomon, whose official released name is "Picklemon" which would be spelled with different katakana if it was referring to a brined cucumber rather than the Italian word for "small".
- All Digimon affected by the Protocol will have some sort of note under the Name tab:
- Piccolomon, officially named Picklemon
- Volcdramon, also translated as Volcdoramon
- Not all incorrect spelling requires a change. Some spellings can be passed off as stylistic choices, aka, trying to sound cool.
- Examples of this would be Rize Greymon and Gryzmon. Rise Greymon and Grizzmon would be more correct, but because they are so blatantly trying to be hip like a sugary cereal mascot in the 90's by using alternate letters with the same spelling, it is acceptable even if it is a bit irritating.
- Some romanizations may be correct in the origin language, even if the katakana is incorrect for it.
- Example: Chimairamon. Chimaira is one of several acceptable spellings of the mythological beast. However, the katakana matches the pronunciation and spelling "Chimera" instead (kimera rather than kimaira).
List of Digimon Affected[edit]
Name | Kanji/Kana | Official | Reason for Change |
Aegiochusmon: Holy | アイギオテュースモン:ホーリー | Aegiochusmon: Holly | Holy is mistranslated to Holly, this Digimon has has no relation to a Christmas wreath |
Aegisdramon | イージスドラモン | Ageisdramon | The name is derived from the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System |
Aero V-dramon | エアロブイドラモン | Earo V-dramon | Aero is mistranslated |
Ancient Sphinxmon | エンシェントスフィンクモン | Ancient Sphinkmon | Sphinx is mistranslated |
Ancient Wisemon | エンシェントワイズモン | Ancient Wisetmon | Its name does not have a t in it, presumably a typo |
Blucomon | ブルコモン | Bulucomon | The extra u should not be included, is a mistranslation of Blue |
Brachimon | ブラキモン | Brachiomon | It is impossible to translate the name to Brachiomon, as the name is Brachimon (ブラキモン) not Brachiomon (ブラキオモン) |
Coatlmon | クアトルモン | Quetzalmon | Katakana does not support the DRB name change, as Quetzal would be (ケツァル Ketsaru) from (ケツァルクアトル Ketsarukuatoru) |
Gaioumon: Itto Mode | ガイオウモン:厳刀ノ型 | Gaioumon-Itto Mode | The name literally has a : in it |
Guardromon (Gold) | ガードロモン(金) | Gardromon (Gold) | Consistency with Guardromon + guard is not spelled gard |
Hackmon | ハックモン | Huckmon | As stated by Bandai on social media, the name is derived from hakku (ハック), hukku is not a thing. This also effects Bao Hackmon and Savior Hackmon. Hackmon (Appmon) is translated correctly |
Jungle Mojyamon | ジャングルモジャモン | Jungle Mojamon | Consistency with Mojyamon |
Löwemon | レーベモン | Louwemon | The word is Löwe |
Megalo Growmon (Orange) | メガログラウモン(橙) | Megalo Grawmon (Orange) | Consistency with Megalo Growmon + the name is derived from growl |
Pawn Chessmon | ポーンチェスモン | Paun Chessmon | The Chess piece is "pawn". This also applies to Pawn Gaossmon and Pawn Shoutmon |
Peti Meramon | プチメラモン | Peti Memramon | They somehow added an m to the name, presumably a typo |
Piccolomon | ピッコロモン | Picklemon | Originally romanized by Megchan, Piccolo (ピッコロ pikkoro) comes from the Italian word piccolo, as opposed to pickle (ピックル pikkuru). |
Platinum Scumon | プラチナスカモン | Platina Sukamon | Platnium is mistranslated + consistency with Scumon |
Ragna Lordmon | ラグナロードモン | Ragna Loardmon | Lord is not spelled Loard |
Red Vegimon | レッドベジーモン | Red Vagimon | Changed for consistency with the more correctly named Vegimon which is supported by the katakana (レッドベジー redbejī). |
Submarimon | サブマリモン | Sabmarimon | The name is derived from Submarine, it is not a "Sabmarine" |
Strabimon | ストラビモン | Storabimon | Originally romanized by Megchan, the name origin is from "strabismus" and there is no such thing as a "storabi". |
Yanmamon | ヤンマモン | Yammamon | The creature is named Oniyanma not Oniyamma. This also effects Sand Yanmamon |
Volcdramon | ヴォルクドラモン | Volcdramon Volcdoramon |
Originally officially translated as Volcdramon, the DRB release mistranslated it. |
Yo!Yo!mon | ヨッ!ヨッ!モン | Yoxtu!Yoxtu!mon | The xtu are not supposed to be part of the translation |
List of Humans Affected[edit]
Name | Kanji/Kana | Official | Reason for Change |
Kanzaki Ai | 神崎爱 | Kannzaki Ai | The correct spelling is Kanzaki |
Nicolai Yakovich Petrov | ニコライ・(ヤーコヴィッチ)・ペトロフ | Nikorai Yakovich Petorofu | Mistranslated. This also applies to his family members |
Thoma H. Norstein | トーマ・H・ノルシュタイン | Thoma H. Norshtein | The correct spelling is Norstein. This also applies to his family members |