
From Wikimon
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The Garurumon-species is a family of Wolf Digimon who nearly all have the suffix "-Garurumon" in their name. Ancient Garurumon's abilities were passed on to the "Beast Digimon", such as the Garurumon-species[1], and Metal Garurumon and Z'd Garurumon are considered their ultimate forms.[2][3]


Ancientgarurumon.jpg Cresgarurumon.jpg Garurumon.jpg Garurumon black.jpg Garurumonx2.jpg Magnagarurumon.jpg
Ancient Garurumon Cres Garurumon Garurumon Garurumon (Black) Garurumon (X-Antibody) Magna Garurumon
Metalgarurumon2.jpg Metalgarurumon black.jpg MetalGarurumon Red vpet xloader.png Metalgarurumonx.jpg Miragegaogamon.jpg Weregarurumon.jpg
Metal Garurumon Metal Garurumon (Black) Metal Garurumon (Red) Metal Garurumon (X-Antibody) Mirage Gaogamon[N 1] Were Garurumon
Weregarurumon black.jpg Weregarurumonx.jpg Weregarurumon sagittarius.jpg Zdgarurumon.jpg Zinogarurumon.jpg
Were Garurumon (Black) Were Garurumon (X-Antibody) Were Garurumon: Sagittarius Mode Z'd Garurumon Zino Garurumon

Related Species[edit]

Gabumon.jpg Gabumon black.jpg Gabumonx2.jpg Gururumon.jpg Omegamon.jpg Omegamonx.jpg
Gabumon Gabumon (Black) Gabumon (X-Antibody) Gururumon Omegamon Omegamon (X-Antibody)
Omegamon zwart.jpg Omegamon alter-b.jpg Omegamon zwart defeat.jpg Omegamon alter-s.jpg Omegamon mm.jpg Garurumetal.png
Omegamon Zwart Omegamon Alter-B Omegamon Zwart Defeat Omegamon Alter-S Omegamon: Merciful Mode Garuru Metal
(Metal Garurumon motif Medarot)

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. According to Dα-419, Mirage Gaogamon should also be treated as a Metal Garurumon.