Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese An ancient, pure-blooded Dragon Digimon that is said to be the "Progenitor" of all Dramon-type Digimon. It possesses physical ability to a degree that could not be imagined from its small build, and both its power and its quick wits are top class among Child Digimon. Although its personality is ferocious, Dracomon can show its gentle side only to the others it has recognized. It has wings, but it is unable to fly because they are not sufficiently developed. Also, it has a nature whose primary trait is wanting to collect "shiny things", with an especially strange attachment to gems and metals, and it eats and assimilates its favorite things. Its Special Moves are breathing out a high temperature sigh at the opponent (Baby Breath), and spinning its whole body to deliver a blow with its tail (Tail Smash). Amongst the scales that cover Dracomon's whole body, there is one scale that is called the "Gekirin". If it is touched there, Dracomon loses its mind to an excess of anger, and indiscriminately fires its "G Shurunen", a beam shot in which it makes the horns on its head glow intensely, then fires from its mouth.
The effect on Dracomon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
Its wings have developed further, allowing it to fly for short periods of time.
However, the true use of its wings lies in the changes to how it attacks rather than how it flies. By having its wings be relocated to its arms, it is able to raise a wind in the direction it is facing, and is now capable of attacking enemies over a vast range by letting the flames that it spews out from its mouth (Baby Blaze) be carried by that wind. Also, in order to release the heat within its body, which has increased because of the X-Antibody, the horns on its head have taken on the function of radiating heat, and so they reach ultra-high temperatures. The power of its "Smash Horn", where it charges at the enemy with those ultra-high temperature horns, appears to greatly surpass that of the Child level.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English すべてのドラモンタイプのデジモンの「祖」であるといわれている古の純血竜型デジモン。小柄な体躯からは想像できないほどの身体能力を持ち、力・俊敏性ともに成長期デジモンの中でもトップクラスである。性格は非常に獰猛であるが、ドラコモンが認めた相手のみ従順な一面を見せることがある。翼を持っているが、発育が不十分であるため飛ぶことはできない。また、大きな特徴として「光るモノ」を収集したがる性質を持っており、特に宝石や金属類には異常な執着があり、気に入ったものは食べて摂取してしまう。必殺技は、高温の吐息を相手に吹きかける『ベビーブレス』と全身を回転させシッポで打撃を与える『テイルスマッシュ』。ドラコモンの全身を覆う鱗のうち一枚は「逆鱗」といわれるウロコがある。ここに触れてしまうとドラコモンは怒りのあまり意識を失い、頭部の角を激しく発光させた後に口から放つビーム弾『ジ・シュルネン』を無差別に放ってしまう。 ■X抗体によるドラコモンのデジコアへの影響 翼が発達し、短時間なら飛行することが出来るようになった。 しかしその翼の真の使い道は飛翔よりも攻撃方法の変化にある。翼の位置が腕に変わったことにより前方に風を起こすことが可能となり、口から吐き出す炎『ベビーブレイズ』を風に乗せ広範囲の敵に攻撃できるようになった。また、X抗体によって高まってしまった体内の熱を逃がすために頭部の角が放熱の役割を果たしており、角の温度は超高温にまで達している。その超高温の角で相手に突撃する『スマッシュホーン』の威力は、成長期というレベルを遙かに超えているらしい。
⇨ Japanese In order to release the heat within its body, which has increased because of the X-Antibody, the horns on its head have taken on the function of radiating heat, and so they reach ultra-high temperatures. The power of its "Smash Horn", where it charges at the enemy with those ultra-high temperature horns, appears to greatly surpass that of the Child level.
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⇨ English X抗体によって高まってしまった体内の熱を逃がすために頭部の角が放熱の役割を果たしており、角の温度は超高温にまで達している。その超高温の角で相手に突撃する『スマッシュホーン』の威力は、成長期というレベルを遙かに超えているらしい。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)