Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese Captain Hookmon is a heroic ship's captain Digimon that is relied upon to exert its leadership from a pirate ship that cruises the Digital World. It excels in the art of survival, but the duty to support its subordinates weighs heavily on it, and it knows firsthand just how difficult that is. Therefore, it not only crosses the ocean with gentlemanly conduct before weak opponents, and so forth, but is also skillful at making its way through the world. It isn't brutal enough to challenge one to an unreasonable battle, but if challenged to a battle it will meet the enemy with all its power. The "Rage Giga Anchor" equipped to its hand expresses Captain Hookmon's intimidating air to its opponents just by being held up, and it specializes in violent fighting styles that make free use of its "Pirate's Punisher", which has steady-attack and gunfire functions. The "Leg Revolver" fitted to its right leg is a technique suited for surprise attacks, but Captain Hookmon is such a gentleman that it takes it upon itself to fire off a warning.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English キャプテンフックモンはデジタルワールドを巡航する海賊船より指揮の手腕を振るう頼れる豪傑な船長のデジモンである。生き残る術に長け、部下を養うことの責任を重く感じており、それがどれだけ難しいことであるか身を持って知っている。故に、苦手な相手の前でも紳士的に振る舞うなど海を渡るだけでなく世渡りも上手い。理不尽に闘いを挑むほど凶暴ではないが、闘いを挑まれればこれを全力で迎え撃つ。手に装着した錨『レイジギガアンカー』は構えるだけでキャプテンフックモンの威圧感を敵に示し、漸撃と射撃の機能をもつ『パイレーツパニッシャー』とを駆使した荒々しい戦い方を得意とする。右足に仕込まれた拳銃『レッグリボルバー』は不意打ちに適した技だがキャプテンフックモンはあえて忠告してから撃つほど紳士である。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Rage Giga Anchor
Reiji Giga Ankā
Leg Revolver
Reggu Riborubā
Pirate's Punisher
Pairētsu Pannisshā
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
In "The Land of Children", Captain Hookmon invades the Never-Ever Land of Petermon. He promises Petermon that they can have fun even as adults, and Petermon leaves on his ship.
Captain Hookmon from Digimon Ghost Game.
Captain Hookmon from Digimon Ghost Game.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Digimon Jintrix
Quote (⇨ Japanese): The captain of a pirate ship that sails the Digital World. It excels in the art of survival, and it is respected for its great sense of responsibility towards its subordinates. It has an earnest, gentlemanly personality that helps it make its way through the world even when not in the seas.
Quote (⇨ English): デジタルワールドを航行する海賊船の船長。生存術に長け、部下に対する責任感が強く、慕われている。性格はひたむきに紳士で海の他に世渡りも上手い。
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional information[edit]