Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese A Child Digimon that evolved from Tsumemon. Its physique has gotten larger, and with its huge mouth, it can eat away at much more data than Tsumemon could. Because it eats away at more than 100 megabytes of data per second, the data is destroyed the instant it enters Keramon. Due to its extremely cheerful personality, it thinks of its destructive actions as just part of its play. Its Special Move is spewing out an exceptionally destructive bullet of light while laughing (?) (Crazy Giggle).
The effect on Keramon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
While it has retained a single body, only its face has divided so that it can chew through even huge amounts of data all in one go. Even Digimon become its prey, and it will completely devour even Ultimates should they get caught. Its faces each have a will of their own, and each display delectable or unpleasant expressions as they are chewing through the same prey. Its Special Move "Crazy Giggle", which it unleashes while showing off its various expressions, has more than tripled in power.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English ツメモンが進化した成長期デジモン。体格も大きくなり、その大きな口でツメモン以上のデータ量を侵食することができる。1秒間に100メガ以上のデータを侵食するために、ケラモンに進入されると同時にデータが破壊されてしまう。非常に陽気な性格で、破壊行為は遊びの一環だと思っている。必殺技は笑いながら(?)口から破壊力抜群の光弾を吐き出す『クレイジーギグル』。 ■X抗体によるケラモンのデジコアへの影響 莫大なデータ量でも一気に咀嚼するために、1つの体のまま顔だけが分裂を起こした。デジモンすら獲物となり、捕まれば究極体でさえ食べられてしまう。顔1つ1つに意思があり、同じ獲物を咀嚼しながら美味しそうだったり、不味そうな表情をそれぞれ見せる。様々な表情を見せつつ放つ必殺技の『クレイジーギグル』は威力が3倍以上に膨れ上がった。
⇨ Japanese While it has retained a single body, only its face has divided so that it can chew through huge amounts of data all in one go. Even Digimon become its prey, and it will completely devour even Ultimates should they get caught.
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⇨ English 莫大なデータ量を一気に咀嚼するために、1つの体のまま顔だけが分裂した。デジモンすら獲物となり、捕まれば究極体でさえ食べられてしまう。
Keramon's design is based on that of the Byzantine depiction of the Seraph, a six-winged angel which was sometimes portrayed as having many eyes.
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Crazy Giggle
Kureizī Giguru
Fires an exceptionally powerful bullet of light from its mouth which has more than tripled in power from before.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Keramon (X-Antibody) is in the depths of the Dark Area, where he waited for Lucemon (X-Antibody), while staring into empty space, without even emitting the slightest fear.
Lucemon X stood in front of Keramon X and smiled mischievously, as he said that the plan had entered the final phase, followed by a laugh.
Later, after the other six members of the Seven Great Demon Lords were defeated and absorbed into the Dark Area portals, which sent them to Cocytus, Keramon X evolved into Diablomon (X-Antibody) at the signal of Lucemon X, then, splitting into seven copies of itself.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Early design illustration from the Digital Monster Artbook Ver. X
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ Keramon X-Antibody's initial artwork was illustrated by Moriyama Soh.