Hiragana Digimon: A Tale of the Royal Knights - Episode 3

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Release Date February 14, 2025

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Chapter #3 of Hiragana Digimon: A Tale of the Royal Knights



As Wanyamon looked for pillbugs under a rock, Dynasmon told him to get a move on, as they had to go back to where they came from if Wanyamon wanted to collect the autographs of all of the Royal Knights.

Lord Knightmon[edit]

Dynasmon and Wanyamon found Lord Knightmon exercising on a stationary bicycle. Wanyamon asked him for his autograph but he refused as he made it a point to never waste energy on things from which he had nothing to gain, but rather to invest in himself, as he wanted Yggdrasill to recognize him as the greatest Ultimate of all. Dynasmon thought he had a seriously career-driven outlook.

Trade for an Autograph[edit]

Wanyamon offered to trade a bag for Lord Knightmon's autograph. Dynasmon explained it was Wanyamon's treasure. However, the bag only contained acorns which were worthless to Lord Knightmon. Wanyamon then gave him a bunch of roly-polies which he hated.


An angered Lord Knightmon told Wanyamon to leave as he despised children. Dynasmon asked him for an explanation and he enumerated they were always covered in filth, had no table manners, were quick to cry, and their faces were always dripping with drool and snot, making them the most terrifying creatures in existence. Wanyamon took it as a compliment which made him happy, which Lord Knightmon added as another reason to hate children. He then pointed out how thankful he was to not have been born a child and Dynasmon chastised him for rewriting his own history.

Say Something Sooner[edit]

Wanyamon rode on Lord Knightmon's head and asked him to play with him, which annoyed Lord Knightmon. Wanyamon then realized he had to poop, so Lord Knightmon pushed him off his head, but it was too late as he had already pooped over the Royal Knight's head. Lord Knightmon then offered Wanyamon his autograph in exchange for him finally leaving.


Wanyamon saw Examon flying in the sky. However, Dynasmon warned him not to get too close as his mass was so enormous that time slowed down for everything around him. Dynasmon added that was the theory of relativity, but couldn't explain it when Wanyamon asked him to and just offered to do so at another time.


Upon seeing Sleipmon, Dynasmon pointed out he had six legs like an insect, which Wanyamon loved to collect. Sleipmon didn't enjoy the comparison, however, and explained he was the guardian of the northern ruins. Dynasmon pointed out he had eight limbs including his arms and thus was more like a spider, which Wanyamon hated so he tried to hit him with bug spray. Once again, Sleipmon was angered by the comparison to an insect.

Speaking of Forests[edit]

Wanyamon asked Sleipmon where the northern ruins were. Sleipmon explained they were deep in the forest, beneath a thick layer of ice, with a sacred secret resting down below according to Yggdrasill. Wanyamon excitedly wondered if that was a holy beetle but Dynasmon rejected the idea. This caused Wanyamon to want to go catch beetles. Dynasmon blamed Sleipmon for awakening Wanyamon's bug-collecting urges, which annoyed Sleipmon.

Sleipmon performing Odin's Breath on Gran Kuwagamon

A Beetle Appears[edit]

Gran Kuwagamon arrived and demanded Sleipmon tell him about the secret in the ruins. In response, Sleipmon told him he wouldn't let anyone near the ruins and defeated and froze him with a single Odin's Breath. Wanyamon wanted to catch Gran Kuwagamon despite how small his net was in comparison, to Dynasmon's confusion.

Bright Idea[edit]

Dynasmon whispered to Gran Kuwagamon another Digimon knew the secret he was searching for. Gran Kuwagamon left to investigate the clue, leaving Wanyamon to wonder where he was going. Dynasmon gave him a telescope and pointed him to Examon, as Gran Kuwagamon was now heavily slowed down thanks to the gigantic Digimon. Dynasmon told Wanyamon to feel free to observe him as he was basically captured now, which Sleipmon disagreed with.

Ulforce V-dramon[edit]

Ulforce V-dramon arrived, with full knowledge of Wanyamon's search for the Royal Knights autographs. He then wrote one down and told Wanyamon to ask him for as many as he wanted. Wanyamon was glad Ulforce V-dramon was so nice but Dynasmon couldn't handle him. Ulforce V-dramon asked Dynasmon why he was so worked up and told him not to overthink things and to enjoy life, then told Wanyamon he could join the Royal Knights if he tried, which rubbed Dynasmon the wrong way.

Eternal Child[edit]

Dynasmon called Ulforce V-dramon out for following Yggdrasill's orders without thinking. However, Ulforce V-dramon said that depended on the occasion, as his beliefs were those of the himself in the moment, so he'd do what the himself of the moment believed best. Wanyamon thought that was cool but Dynasmon hated him.

Wanyamon and Ulforce V-dramon's dance

How to Catch a Dragonfly[edit]

As Ulforce V-dramon and Wanyamon danced, Dynasmon wondered how the former could be so carefree yet still have such an unwavering sense of justice. Dynasmon compared Ulforce V-dramon to a dragonfly, which gave him an idea, so he asked Wanyamon if he wanted to try catching a dragonfly, which Wanyamon agreed to do. Dynasmon then sent Ulforce V-dramon to get Examon's autograph, which meant he got caught in Examon's mass as well. Dynasmon then told Wanyamon to observe the "fly" (Gran Kuwagamon) and the "beetle" (Ulforce V-dramon) as much as he wanted, while Wanyamon wondered when they'd get Examon's autograph.


Yabuno Tenya's coloured version of the dance

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