Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Anime & Manga
⇨ Japanese Ginkakumon is a taciturn boy giant that is feared as one of the "Gold and Silver Oni Brothers" alongside its big sister Kinkakumon. The Beni Hisago that it carries on its back is Kinkakumon's drink, and it's said that the inside is connected to somewhere in a different dimension, and that Digimon who are hurled to this different dimension are converted to alcohol. It is always worrying for its big sister Kinkakumon out of love. It warmly watches over even Kinkakumon's misbehavior, and if there is an unscrupulous fellow approaching its big sister, it throws them with enough power to shake a mountain. If Kinkakumon is aboard the cockpit in its abdomen, then Ginkakumon's power becomes as mighty as should be expected from a big sister and a little brother. Being boarded is secretly a happy time for Ginkakumon. Its Special Move is a breath attack that shoots a fireball from its mouth (Kiendan), and firing off this Kiendan while stepping back from the opponent that has challenged it in close combat is its counter technique, "Gyakugeki Endan". Also, its "Ginkaku Tokkan" is a ramming technique that capitalizes on its large build by lowering its back and charging to crush the opponent, and its "Kin Gin Raimeigeki", which exposes the opponent to high voltage when Kinkakumon is aboard, further adds to that.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English ギンカクモンは姉のキンカクモンと共に「鬼の金銀ブラザーズ」と恐れられる無口な巨漢小僧。背中に背負う紅葫蘆(べにひさご)はキンカクモンが飲む酒で、その中は異次元と繋がりどこかで異次元に飛ばされたデジモンはここで酒に変えられているという。姉のキンカクモンが大好きでいつも気にかけている。キンカクモンの暴れっぷりも暖かく見守り、姉に近寄る破廉恥な輩がいれば山をも動かすパワーでぶん投げる。腹部のコックピットにキンカクモンが搭乗すればギンカクモンのパワーは姉弟だけに強大になる。その搭乗時がギンカクモンにとっての密かに幸せな時間である。必殺技は、口から火球を放つブレス攻撃「鬼炎弾(きえんだん)」、この鬼炎弾を接近戦で挑んできた敵にバックステップしつつ放つのがカウンター技の「逆撃炎弾(ぎゃくげきえんだん)」である。また「銀角突貫(ぎんかくとっかん)」は腰を低く構え突進し相手を押し潰す巨体を活かした体当たり技で、さらにキンカクモン搭乗時には高電圧を相手に流す「金銀雷鳴撃(きんぎんらいめいげき)」が追加される。
⇨ Japanese Ginkakumon is a taciturn boy giant that is feared as one of the "Gold and Silver Oni Brothers" alongside its big sister Kinkakumon. Its Special Move is a breath attack that shoots a fireball from its mouth (Kiendan), and firing off this Kiendan while stepping back from the opponent that has challenged it in close combat is its counter technique, "Gyakugeki Endan". Also, its "Ginkaku Tokkan" is a ramming technique that capitalizes on its large build by lowering its back and charging to crush the opponent, and its "Kingin Raimeigeki", which exposes the opponent to high voltage when Kinkakumon is aboard, further adds to that.
Toei Animation | Digimon Ghost Game
⇨ English ギンカクモンは姉のキンカクモンと共に「鬼の金銀ブラザーズ」と恐れられる無口な巨漢小僧。必殺技は、口から火球を放つブレス攻撃「鬼炎弾(きえんだん)」、この鬼炎弾を接近戦で挑んできた敵にバックステップしつつ放つのがカウンター技の「逆撃炎弾(ぎゃくげきえんだん)」である。また「銀角突貫(ぎんかくとっかん)」は腰を低く構え突進し相手を押し潰す巨体を活かした体当たり技で、さらにキンカクモン搭乗時には高電圧を相手に流す「金銀雷鳴撃(きんぎんらいめいげき)」が追加される。
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Oni Fire Bullet
Shoots a fireball from its mouth.
Ginkaku Tokkan
Silver Horn Rush
Capitalizes on its large build by lowering its back and charging to crush the opponent.
Kin Gin Raimeigeki
Gold Silver Thunderclap Attack
Exposes the opponent to high voltage when Kinkakumon is aboard in a further addition to the Ginkaku Tokkan.
Gyakugeki Endan
Reverse Attack Fire Bullet
Fires off the Kiendan while stepping back from an opponent that has challenged it in close combat.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Ginkakumon first appears in "Game of Death". Along with his older sister, Kinkakumon, they broke into a popular fighting game and challenged the best players to battles. Ginkakumon act as a "player", controlling Kinkakumon with a control. The players that were defeated were sucked into his Beni Hisago, where they were slowly dissolving until they become part of his alcoholic drink. After the defeat of Kinkakumon, he frees previously captured players and promises to stop capturing them in exchange for some drinks that Amanokawa Hiro offered.
Ginkakumon in Digimon Ghost Game.
Ginkakumon's Analyzer in Digimon Ghost Game.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Digimon Jintrix
Quote (⇨ Japanese): It is feared together with its elder sister Kinkakumon as the Gold and Silver Oni Brothers. It loves and watches over its sister silently, carrying its sister's alcohol on its back, and feeling a rush of happiness when its sister is aboard the cockpit in its abdomen.
Quote (⇨ English): 姉キンカクモンと共に鬼の金銀ブラザーズと恐れられている。姉が大好きで静かに姉を見守り、姉のための酒を背負い、姉が腹部に搭乗すると幸せを感じる。
Quote (⇨ Japanese): Note: This card was not released in physical form.
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional information[edit]