Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese A ninja Digimon that has mastered the excellent assassination technique of Fuma-ryu Ninjutsu. It makes its living as an assassin, disposing of its targets upon receiving a request. It specializes in melee attacks that capitalize on its outstanding physical ability, but since it also utilizes projectile weapons such as shuriken, it has attack styles that leave few openings, even at mid and long-range. It will relentlessly pursue its designated target, even if they escape, so the only way they can save themselves is by defeating Fumamon. It is able to freely control the trajectory of the "Tsubakuro" shuriken attached to the gauntlets on both its arms at its own volition, and after inflicting damage to the opponent's limbs with its "Tsubakuro" and restricting their movements, it finishes them off with its "Sharihotsu", a slash attack using "Shirasagi" and "Kurosagi", the ninjatō on its back. In addition, it also uses a ninja technique called "Yomi-Modoshi", in which it uses the scrolls hanging from its waist to summon Undead Digimon.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 優れた暗殺術であるフウマ流忍術を極めた忍者デジモン。依頼を受けることでターゲットを始末する暗殺業を生業としている。卓越した身体能力を駆使した近接攻撃を得意とするが、手裏剣等の飛び道具も扱えるため中・遠距離でも隙の少ない攻撃スタイルを持つ。狙ったターゲットはたとえ逃げられたとしても執拗に追い続けるため、フウマモンを倒すことでしか助かるすべはない。両手の籠手に装着している手裏剣「燕(つばくろ)」はフウマモンの意思で自由に軌道を操作することができ、「燕(つばくろ)」で相手の手足にダメージを与え動きを封じたのちに背中の忍者刀「白鷺(しらさぎ)」と「黒鷺(くろさぎ)」での斬撃「舎利弗(しゃりほつ)」でとどめを刺す。また両腰に下げた巻物でアンデッド型デジモンを口寄せする「黄泉戻(よみもどし)」と呼ばれる忍術も扱う。
⇨ English 優れた暗殺術であるフウマ流忍術を極めた忍者デジモン。 依頼を受けることでターゲットを始末する暗殺を生業としている。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)