#018 [Digimon Report] Digimon Named After "Food"
10-13-2021 Summarized
The wind has gotten chilly lately, and I feel that fall has arrived... I've gotten hungry more easily in particular, gya! So this time, I'll summarize and introduce you to some food-related Digimon that are associated with the "autumn appetite", gya!
Child / Food / Vaccine
A Digimon that took in the data of various hamburgers. It aims to open a first-class hamburger shop, and is merciless to those who disturb others while they are eating.
Ebi Burgamon
Child / Food / Data
A Digimon with a pure heart, it has taken in and consists of the ingredient data of fresh shrimp. It is a Digimon variant of Burgamon.
Adult / Food / Vaccine
The evolved form of Child-level Burgamon that consist of carefully selected ingredient data and have a pure heart. Its purpose in life is to cook.
Adult / Food / Vaccine
A gourmet Digimon that read data on fries. It goes around sharing fries that it recommends.
Adult / Food / Data
It polishes its skills every day, aiming to become a first-class pâtissier. Its dream is to open its own cake shop.
No matter which one you look at, they are Digimon that will make you hungry without thinking about it, gya. There are food-related Digimon besides Food-types, so I'll give you some examples, gya!
Examples of Food-related Digimon
Adult / Plant / Vaccine
A Digimon shaped like a roasted sweet potato that aims to become a champion. Yakiimon itself hasn't the slightest clue what kind of champion it wants to become.
Perfect / Plant / Vaccine
Its hides itself from enemies through mimicry with its potato-like appearance. Its Special Move is "Smash Potato".
Perfect / Fairy / Vaccine
A Digimon that resembles a lady wearing a large cake-shaped dress. It collaborates with Shortmon to make extra-large cakes, and deliver happiness.
There are various 'mons that have taken in food data, 'mons that serve food, and 'mons that mimic food, gya! It seems that there are many more Digimon out there that'll whet your appetite, so we're trying to find them, gya!
#018 [デジモンレポート]「食べ物」にちなんだデジモンたち
2021-10-13 まとめてみた
最近は風が冷たく、秋の始まりを感じて…ひときわお腹がすきやすくなってきたギャ! ということで今回は「食欲の秋」にちなんで、「食べ物」に関連するデジモンをまとめて紹介するギャ!
成長期 / 食物型 / ワクチン
成熟期 / 食物型 / ワクチン
成熟期 / 食物型 / ワクチン
食べ物のデータを取り込んだモン、食べ物を提供するモン、食べ物に擬態するモン、さまざまだギャ! まだまだ、食欲をそそるデジモンたちがいそうなので、探してみるギャ!