Digimon Profile/Report 001

From Wikimon
#001 [Digimon Report] Types of Agumon
Agumonhakase profile1.png This is the first of the "Digimon Reports", which delve into and provide summaries of the various aspects of Digimon. This time, I’ll summarize many Digimon that bear the name "Agumon", gya.
Digimonprofile section header left.pngThis is Your Basic Agumon! Digimonprofile section header right.png
Digimonprofile agumon.png
Child / Reptile / Vaccine
A Child form that evolved from Koromon. It is a Digimon in the process of growing that has potential for evolution. It is the orthodox type.
Digimonprofile section header left.pngSeparate Species of Agumon Digimonprofile section header right.png
Agumon (2006 Anime Version)
Child / Dinosaur / Vaccine
A special Agumon with red belts wrapped around its arms. Its subsequent evolutions differ from that of the traditional Agumon.
Digimonprofile agumon 2006.png
Agumon (Black)
Child / Reptile / Virus
An Agumon that evolved as a Virus-species. It has a more feral personality than the Vaccine-species.
Digimonprofile agumon black.png
Yuki Agumon
Child / Dinosaur / Vaccine
An Agumon that inhabits snowy fields. It has adopted this body color so as not to stand out in the snow.
Digimonprofile yukiagumon.png
Agumon Hakase
Child / Dinosaur / Vaccine
A genius among Agumon that has a doctorate in Digital Monster studies from Digital World University.
Digimonprofile agumon hakase.png
Bushi Agumon
Child / Dinosaur / Vaccine
A self-proclaimed "Super-swordsman" Agumon. As you would expect with a vagrant, its true identity is unknown.
Digimonprofile bushiagumon.png
Agumonhakase profile2.png It seems that there are various types of Agumon due to the "nature" of Babies that are capable of evolving into Agumon, gya. For example, Yuki Agumon has evolved to adapt to the cold, and if they are very smart as Babies and continue to have an interest in studying and gain knowledge, they will evolve into Agumon Hakase, gya.
Digimonprofile section header left.pngAgumon Variants Digimonprofile section header right.png
Digimonprofile agumonx.png
Agumon (X-Antibody)
Child / Dinosaur / Vaccine
A form in which the normal Agumon acquired the X-Antibody. Blue lines appear on its body, and it has turned into a "Dinosaur-type", probably due to its ferocity.
Digimonprofile agumon black x.png
Agumon (Black) (X-Antibody)
Child / Reptile / Vaccine
An Agumon (Black) that acquired the X-Antibody. It has become more ferocious, and now looks as if it is on a rampage when hunting.
Agumonhakase profile3.png Naturally, Child-level Agumon change their appearance upon acquiring the X-Antibody, gya. For more on the X-Antibody, check here, gya.
Digimonprofile section header left.pngUnique Agumon Digimonprofile section header right.png
Toy Agumon
Child / Puppet / Vaccine
Its whole body is made of plastic blocks. It seems that its data was originally created by humans that imitated Agumon's appearance.
Digimonprofile toyagumon.png
Toy Agumon (Black)
Child / Puppet / Virus
A Toy Agumon that turned ferocious due to a computer virus and was dyed black.
Digimonprofile toyagumon black.png
Clear Agumon
Child / Puppet / Vaccine
A subspecies of Toy Agumon whose whole body is made of unique, clear plastic blocks. Finding one is almost impossible, and it is said that 1 in 1000 Toy Agumon are Clear Agumon.
Digimonprofile clearagumon.png
Nise Agumon Hakase
Child / Dinosaur / Virus
A Digimon with feelings of rivalry for Agumon Hakase that unscrupulously spreads lies. It doesn't leave any research ideas to inconvenience Agumon Hakase.
Digimonprofile niseagumon hakase.png
Agumonhakase profile4.png Although their appearance and shape is similar to Agumon, they are Digimon whose origins are completely different from Agumon's, gya. I have nothing to say about Nise Agumon Hakase in particular, gya!
Digimonprofile section header left.pngAgumon's New Form Digimonprofile section header right.png
Digimonprofile agumon kizuna.png
Agumon -Yuki no Kizuna-
Ultimate / Unknown / Unknown
A form that manifested when the bond between Agumon and its Partner deepened. The flames covering its whole body is the power of "Courage".
Agumonhakase profile2.png The only Ultimate bearing the name of "Agumon", gya. Among the various Agumon, it seems to have had considerably rare encounters and developed, gya.
Agumonhakase summary top.png
Agumon Hakase's Review
Agumonhakase profile3.png
Various types of Agumon exist, each for their own reason, gya. This classification can be said for other Digimon. The areas we still don’t understand require further research, gya!
#001 [デジモンレポート] アグモンの種類
Agumonhakase profile1.png デジモンのさまざまな側面を、探してまとめる「デジモンレポート」第1弾。今回は、たくさんいる「アグモン」と名のつくデジモンをまとめてみるギャ。
Digimonprofile section header left.pngこれがキホンのアグモン! Digimonprofile section header right.png
Digimonprofile agumon.png
成長期 / 爬虫類型 / ワクチン
Digimonprofile section header left.png別種のアグモンたち Digimonprofile section header right.png
成長期 / 恐竜型 / ワクチン
Digimonprofile agumon 2006.png
成長期 / 爬虫類型 / ウィルス
Digimonprofile agumon black.png
成長期 / 恐竜型 / ワクチン
Digimonprofile yukiagumon.png
成長期 / 恐竜型 / ワクチン
Digimonprofile agumon hakase.png
成長期 / 恐竜型 / ワクチン
Digimonprofile bushiagumon.png
Agumonhakase profile2.png アグモンにいろいろな種類がいるのは、アグモンに進化する可能性がある幼年期が持つ、”素質“によるらしいギャ。例えば、寒さに適応するため進化したのが「ユキアグモン」、幼年期時点でとって~も頭がよく勉強に興味を持ち続け知識を蓄えたら「アグモン博士」に進化するギャ。
Digimonprofile section header left.png「アグモン」から変化したものたち Digimonprofile section header right.png
Digimonprofile agumonx.png
成長期 / 恐竜型 / ワクチン
Digimonprofile agumon black x.png
成長期 / 爬虫類型 / ワクチン
Agumonhakase profile3.png もともと成長期のアグモンたちが、「X抗体」を得たことによって、姿が変わったギャ。X抗体については、こちらをチェックしてほしいギャ。
Digimonprofile section header left.pngユニークなアグモンたち Digimonprofile section header right.png
成長期 / パペット型 / ワクチン
Digimonprofile toyagumon.png
成長期 / パペット型 / ウィルス
Digimonprofile toyagumon black.png
成長期 / パペット型 / ワクチン
Digimonprofile clearagumon.png
成長期 / 恐竜型 / ウィルス
Digimonprofile niseagumon hakase.png
Agumonhakase profile4.png 姿や形はアグモンに似ているが、成り立ちはアグモンとは全く違うデジモンたちだギャ。ニセアグモン博士ついては特に言うこと無いギャ!
Digimonprofile section header left.png「アグモン」の新しい姿 Digimonprofile section header right.png
Digimonprofile agumon kizuna.png
アグモン -勇気の絆-
究極体 / 不明 / 不明
Agumonhakase profile2.png 「アグモン」の名がついている唯一の究極体ギャ。数いるアグモンの中でも、相当稀な出会いや成長をしたんだろうギャ。
Agumonhakase summary top.png
Agumonhakase profile3.png