Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese A Digimon with an appearance resembling a lady wearing a large cake-shaped dress. It thinks of everyone's happiness as its own, and when it sees Digimon with whom it is close, it will organize a commemorative event of its own accord, and deliver happiness with an extra-large cake made in collaboration with Shortmon. The Digimon involved in this are astonished, but since they get to eat delicious cake, it instantly transforms things into a happy environment.
As for Digimon that try to destroy happiness, it restricts their movements with its "Whip Decoration", in which it flings fresh cream from the tip of its fan, and splits them in two with its "Cake Cutting", a razor-sharp knifehand strike. In addition, its "Happiness Fall", in which an enormous cake is dropped from overhead and explodes, is a super-surprise technique where the explosive power changes drastically depending on the size of the cake.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 大きなケーキ型ドレスを身にまとった貴婦人のような姿をしたデジモン。皆の幸せが自身の幸せと考え、仲の良いデジモン同士を見れば記念イベントを勝手に構築し、ショートモンと協力して作り上げた特大ケーキでハッピーを届ける。巻き込まれたデジモンたちは呆気に取られるが、美味しいケーキが食べられるのでたちまち幸せな空間に様変わりする。 幸せを壊そうとするデジモンには、扇子の先から生クリームを飛ばす『ホイップデコレーション』で動きを封じ、切れ味鋭い手刀『ケーキカッティング』で真っ二つにする。さらに、巨大なケーキを頭上から落として爆発する『ハピネスフォール』は、ケーキの大きさ次第で爆発力が大きく変わる超サプライズ技だ。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Whip Decoration
Hoippu Dekorēshon
Flings fresh cream from the tip of its fan to restrict the enemy's movements.
Cake Cutting
Kēki Kattingu
Splits the enemy in two with a razor-sharp knifehand strike.
Happiness Fall
Hapinesu Fōru
Drops an enormous cake from overhead which explodes.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
In "Xros Sweets!! The Girls' Sweet Trap!!?", she appears as the commander of Sweets Zone, being a minion of Lilithmon of the Bagra Army. Weddinmon puts her efforts to hinder progress of Xros Heart. In the end, thanks to Lilithmon's power, she was able to DigiXros into Reverse Weddinmon, but ends up being defeated by Xros Heart. She eventually joins their army by the time they leave the Rain Zone.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional Information[edit]