Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Anime & Manga
⇨ Japanese A Plant Digimon in the shape of an extremely poisonous mushroom. It is a mystery whether it evolved from Mushmon, or if it is another variant. Although it is often seen as being weak, it is quite the ruffian. If anyone approaches it carelessly, its floating "Sweepore" spores will attach to them, and sprout into mushrooms containing their drained vitality. If one picks and eats them, they will be brimming with energy, and it seems that among them, the Data-type mushrooms are especially delicious.
Its Special Move is releasing mushroom bombs of various sizes all at once (Champignon Bomb). With the ensuing fumes and spores, it transforms the area into a mushroom bed.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 毒性がとても強いキノコの形をした植物型デジモン。マッシュモンから進化したのか、別の変種なのかは謎めいている。弱そうに見られがちだがかなりの曲者。油断して近づくと漂う胞子『スイーポア』が付着し、吸い取った生気を含むキノコが育つ。もぎって食べれば力が漲り、なかでもデータ種のキノコは特に美味しいようだ。 必殺技は、大小様々な大きさのキノコ型爆弾を一斉放出する『シャンピオン・ボム』。爆煙と胞子で一帯を菌床化する。
⇨ Japanese A Plant Digimon in the shape of an extremely poisonous mushroom. Its Special Move is releasing mushroom bombs of various sizes all at once (Champignon Bomb). With the ensuing fumes and spores, it transforms the area into a mushroom bed.
Toei Animation | Digimon Ghost Game
⇨ English 毒性がとても強いキノコの形をした植物型デジモン。必殺技は、大小様々な大きさのキノコ型爆弾を一斉放出する『シャンピオン・ボム』。爆煙と胞子で一帯を菌床化する。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
[1][N 1]
Sweet Spore[1]
Releases spores that attach to the enemy, and sprout into mushrooms containing their drained vitality.
Champignon Bomb
Fra: "Mushroom Bomb"
Shanpion Bomu
Chamble Bomb[1]
Releases mushroom bombs of various sizes all at once.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
A group of Chamblemon made their debut in "The White Bride" . They were responsible for kidnapping numerous brides after infecting them with spores. After being offered to model a wedding dress Tsukiyono Ruli is infected with spores and kidnapped by the Chamblemon gang. Amanokawa Hiro, Gammamon, Angoramon and Espimon go looking for Ruli only for Hiro and Gammamon to also get infected and taken away. This forces Higashimitarai Kiyoshiro, Jellymon and Ryudamon to act with Ryudamon evolving into Ginryumon, flying Kiyoshiro and Jellymon to the bridal location. After a confrontation with the Chamblemon gang, Kiyoshiro and Tesla Jellymon are infected with spores and grow mushrooms like the other captives. The Chamblemon gang proceed to eat the mushrooms of Kiyoshiro's body only to fall ill. Kiyoshiro then eats the mushrooms himself regaining his health and powering up Tesla Jellymon. Tesla Jellymon evloves into Thetismon and soundly defeats the Chamblemon gang and cures everyone of their fungal infection. The gang is then quickly carted off by a large group of Geremon who tell the heroes that they love mushrooms.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ Sweepore is a portmanteau of sweet (スイート) and spore (スポア).