Saiba Neo

From Wikimon
(Redirected from Neo Saiba)
Saiba Neo
Saiba Neo
Kanji/Kana 彩羽 ネオ
Age 13
Partner Digimon Arkadimon
Digimon Used Orgemon, Devimon, GreymonMetal Greymon, Cockatrimon, Kuwagamon, Jyureimon
Digivice Digivice 01
Family Saiba Rei (younger sister)

Saiba Neo is an antagonist in Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01.


Neo Saiba is an evil Tamer with many Digimon. He has a younger sister, Saiba Rei, who became paralyzed after getting hit by a truck. Neo seemed to not care for anybody or anything after this accident. He even deletes his own Digimon if they are weak.

Saiba neo.jpg



Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01[edit]

Image Gallery[edit]


Saiba neo2.jpg
Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01

Image Gallery[edit]


Neo arkadimon yabuno tenya.jpg Neo deathmon yabuno tenya.jpg
Illustration by Yabuno Tenya Illustration by Yabuno Tenya

Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01
Main Characters Yagami TaichiZeromaru
Supporting Characters GabouLord Holy AngemonLeoSaiba Rei
Alias III SigmaPiemonGoutokuji MariRosemonFujimoto HidetoWarg and Melga
Antagonists Lord DemonArkadimonSaiba Neo
Terms Digivice 01DigimentalV-Tamer Tag
Other List of ChaptersList of CharactersList of Images