Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
⇨ Japanese A Virus attribute Greymon with a bluish-black body. While it has been called a feral Greymon, befitting its more violent disposition, it is in no way a lone wolf and possesses enough intelligence to work together with its allies as a team. Its Special Move is a blast of high-temperature flames spewed from its mouth (Mega Flame).
The effect on Greymon (Blue)'s Digicore due to the X-Antibody
In addition to increased aggressiveness, it has become more intelligent, and identifies the enemy's weak points and vitals to advance the battle in its favor. When it is certain of victory, it will unleash its pent-up carnivorous dinosaur-like ferocity all at once and attack in waves. Its Special Move "Mega Flame" has become the tremendously powerful "Mega Burst", and it has also acquired "Blader Tail", in which it tears the enemy to pieces with the tip of its tail.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 青黒い体色を持つウィルス種のグレイモン。凶暴性が増し、まさに野生のグレイモンとよべるが、けっして一匹オオカミではなく、仲間とチームプレイできるほどかしこい。必殺技は、口からはき出す超高熱火炎「メガフレイム」。 ■X抗体によるグレイモン(青)のデジコアへの影響 攻撃性が増すとともに頭脳は明敏となり敵の隙や急所を見極めて戦いを有利に進める。勝利を確信すれば抑えていた肉食恐竜らしい凶暴性を一気に解放し畳みかけていく。必殺技の『メガフレイム』は爆発的な威力を持った『メガバースト』となり、さらに尻尾の先で敵を切り裂く『ブレイダーテイル』を身に付けた。
Greymon (Blue) (X-Antibody) exhibits several design cues that are shared with earlier Adult Greymon-species Digimon, including Geo Greymon (wrist straps, spikes on shoulders and elbows) and Greymon (2010 Anime Version) (bladed metal weapon on tip of tail, claw-like formations on knees, brightly colored stripes).
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)