Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese A Digimon that inhabits forested areas and specializes in sniping. Its skill as a hunter is very high, and it blends in with the forest using the camouflage suit that covers its whole body and snipes without its prey knowing its location. Although it is a Digimon with a calm disposition, it has a strong attachment to its territorial hunting grounds, so those who carelessly step into Ghilliedhumon's hunting grounds will be sniped without warning. Since it prefers slow movements so that it can mask its presence and the sounds it makes, it is poor at moving swiftly. Ghilliedhumon's eyes have a special function, and it accurately locates the Digimon prey's Digicore with its "True Eyes", which allows it see through their body, and then shoots them clean through the Digicore with its "Core Shoot", fired from its cherished rifle "Bellota", to bring them down.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 森林地域に生息する狙撃を得意とするデジモン。狩猟者としての技術は非常に高く、全身を覆うカモフラージュスーツで森に溶け込み獲物に自身の位置を悟られることなく狙撃する。気性は穏やかなデジモンではあるが、自分の縄張りである猟場への執着が高いため、不用意にギリードゥモンの猟場へ踏み込んだものは警告なしで狙撃されてしまう。気配や物音を消すためにゆっくりとした動きを好むため素早く動くことは苦手である。ギリードゥモンの目は特殊な機能を持っており、獲物デジモンの体を透過して見ることができる「トゥルーアイズ」で獲物デジモンのデジコアの位置を正確に把握し、愛用のライフル「ベリョータ」から放つ「コアシュート」でデジコアを射抜き仕留める。
⇨ Japanese A Digimon that inhabits forested areas and specializes in sniping.
Its skill as a hunter is very high, and it blends in with the forest using the camouflage suit that covers its whole body and snipes without its prey knowing its location.
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⇨ English 森林地域に生息する狙撃を得意とするデジモン。 狩猟者としての技術は非常に高く、全身を覆うカモフラージュスーツで森に溶け込み獲物に自身の位置を悟られることなく狙撃する。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)