
From Wikimon
Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book Video Games
⇨ Japanese
A God Man Digimon born from the data of a certain warrior from Chinese legend. It is a hero who despises deceiving others, and uses its sword to resolve actions that deviate from the path of righteousness. It frequently imposes its own sense of justice onto others, and since it does not even make the effort to explain itself again, it often fights alone.
It has abandoned dialogue with anyone else and remains extremely taciturn, possibly because it believes that one's own thoughts are enough as long as they make sense to oneself. When forced into a conservation with someone, Takutoumon's white mouse-shaped, karakuri pet "Paishū"[N 1] will speak on its behalf. As such, whenever Takutoumon speaks itself, it is limited to when it has something particularly important to say.
Also, its treasure tool "Bǎo Tǎ", which contains data from Shakamon, is housed within the gauntlet on its left palm, and since it can use this to seal away the opponent's fighting spirit, Takutoumon forces the Digimon that oppose it to become more docile.

Its Special Moves are unleashing a blade of light from its swung treasure sword (Tenseizan), and projecting an enlarged Bǎo Tǎ above the opponent's head and dropping it on them, crushing them (Tettensaisai).
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Translation Kanji/Kana Romanization Dub Description
Tenseizan [2] Sky Star Slash 天星斬 N/A Tenseizan[2] Unleashes a blade of light by swinging its treasure sword.
Tettensaisai [2] Iron Sky Crush 鉄天摧砕 N/A Tettensaisai[2] Projects an enlarged Bǎo Tǎ above the opponent's head and drops it on them, crushing them.
Jūn Shén Zhòng Quán [1] God of War Heavy Punch 军神重拳 N/A

Cháoshuǐ Yǒng Dòng [1] Tide Surges 潮水涌动 N/A


Evolves From[edit]

Evolves To[edit]




Video Games[edit]

Digimon New Century[edit]

Takutoumon is a member of Tian Ji.

Virtual Pets[edit]

Image Gallery[edit]


  • Takutoumon's white mouse-shaped mechanical pet "Paishū", has a golden plug attached to its body in the same fashion that an Appmon does.

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
  1. Paishū is dervied from the creatures Chinese name, Báishǔ. It may be based on Lady Earth Flow, a mouse character from Journey to the West who is friends with Li Jing.