Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
⇨ Japanese A Digimon with a beautiful appearance that resides in Ryūshōgu, an area of the ocean in the eastern Digital World. It constantly emits a faint light from its translucent body, charming those who see it.
Not only does it have a beautiful appearance, but also extremely high combat ability. It is revered as the lord of Ryūshōgu as well as its guardian deity, and the peace in this area, which is also known as a paradise for water-dwelling Digimon, has been brought about thanks to Ryugumon.
It possesses both high intelligence and a calm disposition, and although it has a nature that despises conflict, it will wield its mysterious power to the fullest to counter against those who cause harm to Ryūshōgu. It has the ability to absorb energy through the cerata on its tail, and at other times, share that energy with others, and also has the role of purifying Ryūshōgu to its normal state.
Its Special Moves are raising only the water pressure in the enemy's surroundings and crushing them to death (Nirai Shikaishō), and firing a laser from its brow (Wadatsumi no Harae).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 東方のデジタルワールドに存在する海のエリア・竜晶宮(りゅうしょうぐう)に棲息する、美しい姿をしたデジモン。半透明な身体からは常に淡い光を発しており、見るものを魅了する。 見た目の美しさだけではなく、非常に高い戦闘能力も持ち合わせている。竜晶宮の主であると同時に守護神と崇められており、水に棲むデジモンの楽園とも呼ばれるこのエリアの平和はリュウグウモンによってもたらされている。 高い知性と穏やかな性格を持ち合わせており、争いを好まない性質ではあるが、竜晶宮に害を為す者に対してはその神秘的な力を存分に振るい対抗する。尻尾にあるヒダからエネルギーを吸収、あるいは他者に分け与える能力を持っており、竜晶宮を正常な状態へと浄化する役割も担っている。 必殺技は、敵の周囲の水圧のみを引き上げて圧殺する『儀来四海招(にらいしかいしょう)』と、額からレーザーを放つ『海神之祓(わだつみのはらえ)』。
Ryugumon's design is primarily based on the Glaucus atlanticus, a species of sea slug in the family Glaucidae. G. atlanticus lives in the pelagic zone (open ocean), where it drifts upside-down on the surface of the water and preys on other larger pelagic organisms. It is especially known for preying on venomous siphonophores, and the stinging nematocysts from these siphonophores are stored within G. atlanticus' own tissues as defense against predators.
Due to its appearance, G. atlanticus is also known by the common name "blue dragon". This relates to Ryugumon's name, which is named after the undersea palace Ryūgū (龍宮; lit. "Dragon Palace") from Japanese tradition.
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Nirai Shikaishō
[2][N 1]
Ceremonial Four Seas Summon
Ceremonial Sea Summon[2]
Raises only the water pressure in the enemy's surroundings, crushing them to death.
Wadatsumi no Harae
Purge of Wadatsumi
Wadatsumi Purification[2]
Fires a laser from its brow.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Ryugumon is the Partner Digimon of Yao Qinglan.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ While Nirai (儀来) can be translated as "Ceremonial", it is a reference to Nirai Kanai (儀来河内/ニライカナイ), the realm of gods in Ryukyuan religion that is believed to be located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, and sometimes equated with Ryūgū in folklore.