Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese A Mollusk Digimon whose whole body is covered in a mucus-like veil, it is often seen coexisting with Digimon such as Shellmon and Sangomon, who are also classified as Mollusk-types. Although it has an extremely strong sense of territoriality, and is merciless towards invading enemies that enter its territory, it also has a side with a strong sense of kinship, in which it tries to protect the Digimon it is in a symbiotic relationship with.
The mucus that covers its entire body is slimy, and reduces friction to the utmost limits. Since strikes and slashes are all hindered by its mucus, it boasts high defensive power despite its soft body surface. In exchange, its movements are very sluggish, so it camouflages itself by slipping into the sand beneath the sea, and making only the tentacles protruding from the device on its back be visible. It preys on enemies that enter its territory by dragging them into the sand with its tentacles that extend from the ocean floor, so if one spots Marin Bullmon's tentacles, they should be cautious of its surprise attacks.
Its Special Moves are shooting a high water pressure stream from its mouth (Hydro Demolisher), and spraying a viscous, poisonous liquid from the tubular organs concealed within its arms (Toxic Spread).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English 全身を粘液のようなベールで覆った軟体型デジモン、同じく軟体型に分類されるシェルモンやサンゴモンなどのデジモンと共生している姿が多く見かけられる。縄張り意識が非常に強く、縄張りに入ってきた外敵に対しては容赦がないが、共生関係にあるデジモンを守ろうとする、同族意識の強い側面も持っている。 全身を覆っている粘液はぬめりがあり、摩擦を極限まで軽減する。殴打も斬撃も粘液がすべて滑らせるため、軟らかい体表に反して高い防御力を誇る。代わりに動きは非常に鈍重であるため、海中の砂へと潜り込み、背中の装置から生えた触手だけを出す事で擬態を行う。縄張りに入ってきた敵に対しては、海底から伸ばした触手で砂の中へと引き摺り込み捕食するため、触手を見かけたらマリンブルモンの不意打ちに注意する必要がある。 必殺技は口から高水圧の水流を発射する『ハイドロデモリッシャー』と、腕に隠された管状の器官から粘性の毒液を噴射する『トキシックスプレッド』。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Hydro Demolisher
Haidoro Demorishā
Hydro Demolisher[2]
Shoots a high pressure stream of water from its mouth
Toxic Spread
Tokishikku Supureddo
Toxic Spread[2]
Sprays a viscous, poisonous liquid from the tubular organs concealed within its arms
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Marin Bullmon is the Partner Digimon of Yao Qinglan.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional Information[edit]