Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese Puyomon evolved by taking in jellyfish data. It grew several tentacles by copying the biological features of jellyfish. As you can tell from its round eyes that are brimming with curiosity, it has grown its own preferences, and once it sticks to something that it likes, it will not let go. Conversely, when it is something that it dislikes, it sends out a bursting streak of electricity (Zone Pachipachi), and never lets anything get near it. Even if it likes sticking to something, it will lose interest after a while and detach from it, and has a moody personality where it floats lightly in search of exciting things that suit its taste.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English クラゲのデータを取り込んだプヨモンが進化。クラゲの生体的な特徴をコピーして触手が複数生えた。好奇心をたたえたつぶらな瞳からも分かるように、好き嫌いの感情が芽生え 、好むモノにくっつくと離れなくなる。逆に嫌いと感じたモノには弾ける電撃帯『ゾーンパチパチ』を放ち、絶対に近づかせようとしない。好んでくっついていても、しばらくすると飽きて離れ、また好みに合う刺激的なモノを探してふわふわと漂っていく気分屋な性格である。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)