
From Wikimon
Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book Anime & Manga
⇨ Japanese
There are times when Digimon with great appetites eat more than they can manage, and mutate into Burpmon. Once in this form, they will never become full regardless of how much they eat, and hate moving around, idling away. It keeps eating while rolling about in search of food, and will devour anything once it runs out of food and goes hungry. It seems that if one chooses to limit the amount of food they eat and continue exercising, they will return to their former state.
Digimon Reference Book

Attack Techniques[edit]

Name Kanji/Kana Romanization Description


Evolves From[edit]

  • Any Digimon being overfed or being in direct contact with another Burpmon.

Evolves To[edit]




Digimon Adventure:[edit]

In "The Mystery Hidden Within the Crests", a Burpmon was controlled by the Soundbirdmon and attacked the Big Tree of Information, where Wisemon and his investigative team stored their data. It ate the data, as well as some Digimon such as a Mechanorimon and Gerbemon (who it then spat out). It was hard to beat, as it would just eat any attacks that came its way; however, it was finally destroyed by overfeeding it garbage data, recovering the data it had eaten but spreading it all around.


Video Games[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Digimon Twin L and R[edit]

A Digimon will evolve into Burpmon if its weight reaches 80G. It will be constantly hungry, but almost no amount of food will sate it. It will infect any other digimon it comes in contact with, turning them into a Burpmon also. It will change back to its original form once its weight drops below 80G. Starving it to death isn't actually a good idea, as it will die in the literal sense instead of transforming back. Training is usually the best way to lower its weight.


Image Gallery[edit]

Virtual Pets[edit]

Burpmon vpet dtwin.gif
Digimon Twin

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes