Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A Beast Digimon that resulted as Gaomon's physique got larger, its claws that were once protected by gloves have grown steadily. "Black Digitron" was mixed in during its growth process, resulting in it taking on this black form. It is more resilient and takes less damage as compared to normal Gaogamon, at the expense of its speed. Its Special Moves are approaching the opponent at a speed faster than the eye can see and unleashing its "Dash Double Claw", and biting the opponent with its sturdy teeth, not letting go until they collapse (Gaoga Hound). Also, it can release a powerful vortex of wind from its mouth in one breath (Spiral Blow).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English ガオモンの体格が大きくなり、グローブで保護していた爪がしっかりと成長した獣型デジモン。それまで成長してきた過程で “ブラックデジトロン”が体内に混入し黒い姿となった。通常のガオガモンより頑丈でダメージを受けにくくなったが、軽快なスピードが損なわれている。必殺技は、敵に見えないスピードで接近して放つ『ダッシュダブルクロー』と、強靭な歯で噛み付き、相手が倒れるまで決して離さない『ガオガハウンド』。また、口から渦巻状の強力な風を一気に放つ『スパイラルブロー』をもつ。
⇨ Japanese The mysterious secretion "Black Digitron" was mixed in while it is in the process of evolving, and it accomplished an evolution to a black appearance. Although its nimbleness was diminished compared to a normal Gaogamon, it acquired a sturdy physique.
Digimon Crusader
⇨ English 進化の過程で謎の分泌物"ブラックデジトロン"が混入され、黒い姿へと進化を果たした。通常のガオガモンと比べて、軽快さは損なわれているが、頑丈な体躯を手に入れた。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Dash Double Claw
Dasshu Daburu Kurō
Runs up to the enemy and slashes with the claws on both forepaws.
Spiral Blow
Supairaru Burō
Releases a powerful vortex of wind from its mouth.
Gaoga Hound
Gaoga Haundo
Bites the enemy and worries at them until they collapse.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
In "The Other Overseer!", after Trailmon C-89's death, Inui Yuu gets angry and forces Gaomon to dark evolve into Black Gaogamon. He proceeds to violently kill Mummymon and his Commandramon followers, before finally returning to Wanyamon.
Black Gaogamon in Digimon Next.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Digimon Jintrix
Quote (⇨ Japanese):The mysterious secretion "Black Digitron" was mixed in while it was in the process of evolving, and it accomplished an evolution into a form with a black appearance. Although its nimbleness was diminished compared to a normal Gaogamon, it acquired a sturdier physique.
Quote (⇨ English): 進化の過程で謎の分泌物"ブラックデジトロン"が混入され、黒い姿へと進化を果たした。通常のガオガモンと比べて、軽快さは損なわれているが、頑丈な体躯を手に入れた。
Digimon Card Game
Image Gallery[edit]
Additional Information[edit]