Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ Japanese A Puppet Digimon that evolved as a result of Monzaemon taking in nightmare-related analysis data. At first glance, it is shaped like a teddy bear, but it is actually a fluffy, amorphous Digimon with a mysterious nature, like a cross between slime and clouds. It is a moody Digimon that has a childish personality and does not act intelligently. It has a habit of liking and taking in simple and cute things, and chooses immature Digimon that are Child-level and below as its targets. On the other hand, since it considers Digimon that have gotten more mature to be "repulsive beings with impurities mixed in with their data", it hates even getting close to them. When it feeds, it extends its soft wings to envelop its targets. Because its whole body is made up of powerful energy, weak Digimon are said to completely lose consciousness just by touching it.
Its Special Moves are sending countless parts of its body flying to steal the opponent's consciousness (Nightmare Rain), changing the shape of its right arm into a hammer and smashing the opponent with it (Fancy Fantasista), and piercing the opponent's Digicore with a laser fired from its left eye (Sweet Lovely Attack).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English もんざえモンが悪夢に関する解析データを取り込むことで進化したパペット型デジモン。一見してテディベアのような形状をとってはいるが、実際にはスライムと雲を合わせたような不思議な性質を持つ、フワフワとした不定形のデジモンだ。幼稚な性格で理知的な行動を取らない気分屋。シンプルで可愛らしいものを好んで取り込む習性があり、未成熟な成長期以下のデジモンをターゲットに選ぶ。逆に、成長が進んだデジモンは「データに不純物が混ざっている穢らわしい存在」と考えているため、近付くことすら嫌っている。食事をするときはフワフワとした翼を膨張させ標的を包み込む。体全体が強力なエネルギーで出来ているため、ひ弱なデジモンは触れられただけで意識を失ってしまうという。 必殺技は体の一部を無数に飛ばして敵の意識を奪い取る『ナイトメアレイン』、右腕の形状をハンマーに変えて相手を叩きつぶす『ファンシーファンタジスタ』、そして左目から放つレーザーで敵のデジコアを貫く『スイートラブリーアタック』。
⇨ Japanese Monzaemon took in nightmare-related analysis data and evolved, becoming an Ultimate Digimon. It has a childish personality, so it is quite a moody Digimon!
Monmon Memo!!
⇨ English もんざえモンが悪夢に関する解析データを取り込んで、進化した究極体デジモンになります。性格は幼稚で、かなり気分屋のデジモンなのです!
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Nightmare Rain
Naitomea Rein
Nightmare Rain[2]
Sends countless parts of its body flying to steal the opponent's consciousness.
Fancy Fantasista
Fanshī Fantajisuta
Fantastic Smash[2]
Changes the shape of its right arm into a hammer and smashes the opponent with it.
Sweet Lovely Attack
Suīto Raburī Atakku
Sweetheart Attack[2]
Pierces the opponent's Digicore with a laser fired from its left eye.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
During their Friendly Battle in "DigitalGate Open", Kazama Shoto looked up in fear as Kinosaki Arisa evolved a Shin Monzaemon[N 1], which attacked the terrified Shoto and finished the game in Arisa's favour.
Shin Monzaemon threatening Kazama Shoto
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]
- ↑ While not specified, this Shin Monzaemon is likely ST19-13, as it's the Shin Monzaemon in ST-19 Fable Waltz, itself centered around Arisa.