Name & Etymology
Design & Analysis
⇨ Japanese A mysterious Medarot with a dragon warrior as its motif.
It is said to have been developed with reference to the data of a "certain game".
It is an aircraft which excels in both offense and defense that protects itself from any attack with its Head Part, and unleashes attacks where it charges its Arm Parts, which resemble enormous claws, with energy.
Digital Monster Vital Bracelet Lab
⇨ English 竜戦士をモチーフとした謎のメダロット。 ”とあるゲーム”のデータを参考に開発されたといわれている。 頭部パーツであらゆる攻撃を防ぎ、強大な爪を模した両腕パーツでエネルギーを込めた攻撃をくりだす、攻守ともに優れた機体。
デジタルモンスター バイタルブレスラボ
Tyuga designed this Medarot using War Greymon as the design basis for the Medarot S mobile game.
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)