Digimon Adventure - Episode 06

From Wikimon
パルモン怒りの進化! ("Palmon, Raging Evolution! ")

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Title パルモン怒りの進化!
Translation "Palmon, Raging Evolution!"
Romanization Parumon Ikari no Shinka!
Airdate April 11, 1999 (9:00AM UTC +9)
Duration 23:05
TV Network English Fuji TV
Opening Butter-Fly
Ending I Wish
Insert Brave Heart
Pre-title アバン
Subtitle サブタイトル
Episode List



Main Events[edit]

Digimon Analyzer[edit]

Level Type
Adult Mollusk
Attribute Special Move
Data Unchi
Level Type
Perfect Puppet
Attribute Special Move
Vaccine Lovely Attack


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Seiyuu Kanji/Kana Character Voice Actor
Fujita Toshiko 藤田 淑子 Yagami Taichi Joshua Seth
Mizutani Yuuko 水谷 優子 Takenouchi Sora Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Kazama Yuuto 風間 勇刀 Ishida Yamato Michael Reisz
Tenjin Umi 天神 有海 Izumi Koushirou Mona Marshall
Maeda Ai 前田 愛 Tachikawa Mimi Philece Sampler
Konishi Hiroko 小西 寛子 Takaishi Takeru Wendee Lee
Kikuchi Masami 菊池 正美 Kido Jou Michael Lindsay
Sakamoto Chika 坂本 千夏 Agumon Tom Fahn
Shigematsu Atori 重松 花鳥 Piyomon Tifanie Christun
Yamaguchi Mayumi 山口 眞弓 Gabumon Kirk Thornton
Sakurai Takahiro 櫻井 孝宏 Tentomon Jeff Nimoy
Mizowaki Shihomi 溝脇 しほみ Palmon Anna Garduno
Matsumoto Miwa 松本 美和 Patamon Laura Summer
Takeuchi Junko 竹内 順子 Gomamon R. Martin Klein
Takahashi Hiroki 高橋 広樹 Monzaemon Dan Lorge
Ueda Yuji うえだ ゆうじ Numemon
Hirata Hiroaki 平田 広明 Narration

Next Episode[edit]

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  • In the beginning, a four-second clip of a doll in the water in the sewer was edited out of the Saban dub.[1]
  • For some reason, the Saban dub has Mimi narrate the entire episode, film noir style.
  • The scene with the children playing shiritori (a Japanese game where you choose a line from a song and the next person sings another song with the last syllable of the previous song) is heavily rewritten in the Saban dub since no equivalent game exists in America. On the other hand, the Animax dub rewrites the scene so that each song begins with the last letter of the previous word.
  • The Saban dub accidentally makes Yamato mention his mother, even though he doesn't live with her anymore.
  • All mentions of poop are changed to "Digi-sludge" in the Saban dub, while the Animax dub refuses to specifically name it.
  • Monzaemon keeps his Japanese name in the Saban dub, but the pronunciation is inconsistent.
  • A shot of all the Digimon trapped inside of a box is removed from the Saban dub.




Notes and References[edit]