This unnamed Digimon's first, and only, appearance was in the NTT DoCoMo virtual assistant smartphone service "Shabette Concier" 「しゃべってコンシェル」 as part of a promotional campaign for Digimon Adventure tri.. In this campaign and service, it was referred to only as the Mysterious Digimon (Child) 「ナゾのデジモン(成長期)」; although Meicoomon itself does not appear in the campaign at all, the URL to install this Digimon in "Shabette Concier" evidently identifies it as Meicoomon's Child form, as it reads, in part, DIGIMONTRIMEIKUMON9.[2]
In this campaign, users of "Shabette Concier" could download a free "Mysterious Digitama" virtual assistant, which hatched and evolved as time passed.[3] It evolved into this Digimon from its unnamed Baby form some time between November 10, 2015 and March 6, 2016.[4] It never evolved any further, and is still available to download in this form.[2]
This Digimon is a simplistic recolor of Plotmon, without a Holy Ring. Given that Meicoomon is confirmed to have been designed as a related species to Tailmon, Plotmon's Adult form in Digimon Adventure productions,[5] basing Meicoomon's Child form on Tailmon's can be interpreted as continuing this theme.
Other than this Digimon, Meicoomon has never had a unique Child form in any Digimon media. It is most frequently depicted as just evolving from the regular version of Plotmon.