Digimon Jintrix

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Digimon Jintrix (デジモンジントリックス, Dejimon Jintorikkusu) is an online Digimon card game.


Digimon Jintrix is a card game that could be played over the net and was released on February 25, 2011. The Jintrix service was terminated on September 28, 2012.

Booster packs each came with three cards. Cards are categorized into three types: Attack, Guard and Support. Cards were entered into the game by inputting a serial code on the back of each card. Special promotional codes could also be entered in this fashion.

Card Sets[edit]

See also: Full Card List SDT

Unreleased Cards[edit]

Earlier versions of the fronts of the Demon and Lucemon Falldown Mode (Set 3) and Silphymon and Shakkoumon cards (Set 4) could be accessed at the official website before the sets' respective releases. In addition, two unreleased cards, more specifically Imperialdramon Fighter Mode and Cherubimon (Virtue), could be accessed as well. An Imperialdramon Fighter Mode card was released with Set 4, but the artwork is different. The Cherubimon card was never released, despite its artwork being featured on a promotional poster for Set 2.

Furthermore, multiple cards appeared within the Jintrix online game that were possibly never intended to be released in physical form. Like the previously mentioned cards, they all lack a card back.

In the following table, the card number is derived from the respective card's file name.

Card Number Name Kanji/Kana
1-121 Demon デーモン
1-122 Lucemon Falldown Mode ルーチェモン フォールダウンモード
1-123 Imperialdramon Fighter Mode インペリアルドラモンファイターモード
2-082 Silphymon シルフィーモン
2-083 Shakkoumon シャッコウモン
2-084 Cherubimon ケルビモン
97-014 Shademon シェイドモン
97-015 Zeed Millenniumon ズィードミレニアモン
98-001 Demon (Super Ultimate) デーモン(超究極体)
98-002 Ginkakumon (No Kinkakumon) ギンカクモン(キンカクモン非搭乗)
98-003 Ginkakumon Promote ギンカクモン プロモート
98-004 Quartzmon クオーツモン
98-005 Quartzmon (Copy A) クオーツモン(コピーA)
98-006 Quartzmon (Copy B) クオーツモン(コピーB)
98-007 Chrysalimon クリサリモン
Djt-1-121 front.jpg Djt-1-122 front.jpg Djt-1-123 front.jpg Djt-2-082 front.jpg Djt-2-083 front.jpg Djt-2-084 front.jpg Djt-97-014 front.jpg Djt-97-015 front.jpg Djt-98-001 front.jpg Djt-98-002 front.jpg
Djt-98-003 front.jpg Djt-98-004 front.jpg Djt-98-005 front.jpg Djt-98-006 front.jpg Djt-98-007 front.jpg


    • V-jump Promotional code: gives additional cards.

Image Gallery[edit]

See Gallery:Digimon Jintrix (galleries of the cards themselves are found on their respective set pages).

V-Jump Scans[edit]

Magazine scan
Magazine scan
Magazine scan

External Links[edit]

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