Name & Etymology
⇨ Japanese A Ghost Digimon of the highest class that took in data from various ghosts and horrors on the Net. Its characteristic gravestone-like sword, the "Grave-Blade", is a brutal weapon that brings death to those who touch it, despite being blunt. If it encounters a superior Digimon as it wanders around, it will bring them down by stabbing them with the Grave-Blade without making a sound. As such, it takes pleasure in absorbing and consuming the fading data of the Digimon it defeats with the lantern it holds.
The data it absorbs with its lantern is recorded in the "Necronomicon", the book that it carries in its hand, and can be summoned as an apparition during battle.
While it possesses the powerful ability to manipulate the dead, it is considerably weak against light and holy power, so it never appears before Digimon that bear such power.
Its Special Moves are stabbing the Grave-Blade into the opponent as if it were an actual gravestone, penetrating their defenses, and completely destroying their Digicore (Soul Striker), and summoning the data of the Digimon it has absorbed as apparitions all at once, and annihilating the opponent with an army that will not stop regardless of how injured they are (Apparition Legion).
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English ネット上のあらゆる幽霊や恐怖のデータを取り込んだ、最上位クラスのゴースト型デジモン。特徴的な墓石のような剣「グレイブレイド」は、切れ味がないに等しいなまくらではあるものの、触れた者に死をもたらす凶悪な代物。徘徊した先で優れたデジモンに遭遇すると、音もなくグレイブレイドを突き立てて倒してしまう。そうして倒したデジモンの消えゆくデータを、手にしたランタンで吸収し喰らうことを喜びとする。 ランタンで吸収したデータは手に携えた書物「ネクロノミコン」に記録され、戦闘の際に霊体として召喚することが可能だ。 死者を操る強力な力を持つ一方で、光や聖なる力に著しく弱いため、そうした力を持つデジモンの前には決して姿を現さない。 必殺技は「グレイブレイド」を本物の墓標のように相手に突き立て、防御を貫通しデジコアを完全に破壊する『ソウルストライカー』と、取り込んだデジモン達のデータを霊体として一斉に召喚し、たとえ傷つこうと止まらない軍勢で相手を殲滅する『アパリションレギオン』。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Soul Striker
Souru Sutoraikā
Soul Striker[1]
Stabs the Grave-Blade into its opponent, penetrating their defenses and completely destroying their Digicore.
Apparition Legion
Aparishon Region
Apparition Legion[1]
Summons the data of the Digimon it has absorbed as apparitions all at once, and annihilates the opponent with an unstoppable army.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Necromon is the Partner Digimon of Violet Inboots.
Video Games[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Image Gallery[edit]
Illustration by GS
Additional Information[edit]