Kuwagamon (Paradox)

From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana クワガーモン
Human Partner Eve

Kuwagamon is the Partner Digimon of Eve in Digimon Paradox. Like her, he was sent from 300 years in the future to the present to stop a paradox that would cause the annihilation of humanity.


Baby I ?
Baby II ?
Child ?
Adult Kuwagamon
Perfect ?
Ultimate ?


Kuwagamon is highly loyal to Eve. When given an order, he will carry it through even if it means he may get severely hurt. He's strong as a fighter and he's also a great information sleuth, though his abilities are severely hampered by the underdevelopment of the internet network of the present date in comparison to that of the future.



Digimon Paradox[edit]

Image Gallery[edit]

Additional Information[edit]

References Notes