Kuwagamon (Paradox)

From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana クワガーモン
Human Partner Eve

Kuwagamon is the Partner Digimon of Eve in Digimon Paradox. Like her, he was sent from 300 years in the future to the present to stop a paradox that would cause the annihilation of humanity.


Baby I ?
Baby II ?
Child ?
Adult Kuwagamon
Perfect ?
Ultimate ?


Kuwagamon is highly loyal to Eve. When given an order, he will carry it through even if it means he may get severely hurt. He's strong as a fighter and he's also a great information sleuth, though his abilities are severely hampered by the underdevelopment of the internet network of the present date in comparison to that of the future.



Digimon Paradox[edit]

After explaining the time travel situation to Shinonome Reiji in ""The Beginning of the End"", Eve called her Partner Digimon, Kuwagamon, into Reiji's room and had him attack Wanya as she refused to explain herself, as Reiji would forget everything after she winded back time. However, Reiji protected Wanya and intercepted Kuwagamon's attack with his bat.

As Eve explained Reiji how the cyberspace of the past was too ancient and, therefore, risky, Kuwagamon had to tell her that Reiji had already left. Eve and Kuwagamon then pursued Reiji through cyberspace.

After Wanya suddenly appeared at Reiji's school in ""Beyond the Rain"", from Eve's time machine, Kuwagamon explained he most likely went through the network to Reiji's smartphone, which Reiji likened to a portable pal. Kuwagamon and Eve found this dangerous, as it meant Wanya could take action ignoring orders. Later in the same conversation, Reiji asked Eve how she was going to get her time machine back. Eve asked Kuwagamon for the address but Kuwagamon answered the network in that era was too underdeveloped to search properly. He also couldn't confirm battle records or trace the link back to the time machine.

After having some time together at the shrine, Eve confirmed Wanya had a will of his own. Kuwagamon told her he was ready at any time but Eve stopped him because she wanted to wait and see just a bit longer. She knew her duty, to correct the paradox to prevent the extinction of humanity, but wondered if Wanya really was the source of the paradox.

After Reiji was wounded by Metal Greymon, Eve ordered Kuwagamon to defend him. After Wanya evolved, Wanya and Metal Greymon clashed as Kuwagamon thought his evolution from Elecmon to Dark Tyranomon was unusual and asked Eve permission to take him out, which he still had enough power to do. However, as she remembered both her duty and Wanya's encouraging words to her, Eve could not give said permission. Metal Greymon then took Wanya down with its Trident Arm, with his body flying towards Eve. Reiji blocked him just before Eve was hit and reminded Eve of her promise not to kill Wanya. Reiji also screamed at Wanya, which made him regain control of himself and create the textures of his body, completing the evolution, which he thanked Reiji for. Reiji then mounted Wanya. Kuwagamon didn't understand how Wanya's data stabilized, nor did he want to support Reiji and Wanya as Eve ordered him to, but ultimately did so after seeing Eve's resolute eyes. Reiji proclaimed they'd get the time machine back but the mysterious man told him he neither knew nor could do anything. Seeing an eye in a small dark portal in Metal Greymon, Reiji wondered if a human was talking to him.

Wanya tried to grab Metal Greymon's Trident Arm but couldn't as the latter was too powerful. Reiji thought he had to do something. Kuwagamon then tackled Metal Greymon. Eve told Reiji they'd buy him time so he had to restrain Metal Greymon, and Reiji ordered Wanya to use the Torii gate to do so. As Wanya grabbed said gate, the mysterious man ordered Metal Greymon to stop him, but the Perfect itself was stopped by Kuwagamon who refused to let go even if his pincers broke as he was ordered to support them. Wanya then chained Metal Greymon's neck to the ground with the Torii. Kuwagamon intended to take the chance to delete Metal Greymon but he was stopped by Eve who ordered him not to kill it, to her own confusion, and instead to put it in freeze stasis. Kuwagamon accepted the order which confirmed to Wanya that Eve really was nice.

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