Name & Etymology
Digimon Reference Book
Video Games
⇨ Japanese A Cyborg Digimon that was artificially created from a Vademon that was captured, and had its configuration data analyzed and improved. In a certain country's facility, called "Area 51", it seems they were using and building extraterrestrial technology, but the truth is shrouded in mystery. Its Special Move "Brain Rupture" is firing a cracking program into the opponent's brain with the gun it holds in its left hand, then absorbing all the data stored in their brain. Its "Planet Destroyer" is a technique that releases all of its accumulated power and fires it off from the gun in its right hand, so it is said that it's able to instantly destroy a single planet. It is said that that certain country is covertly conducting research and development on Digimon in order to take possession of the Digital World.
The effect on Ebemon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
EBEmon's ability to continuously make further improvements to itself was demonstrated at a certain country's "Area 51". The gun in its right hand is so high performing that it can even be regarded as its second brain; it instantly makes calculations for any location or target and fires its "Planet Destroyer Justice", which is always shot with 100% accuracy albeit somewhat forced. Even a shot that is considered to be a misfire is a way of showing and justifying that the outcome was within its calculations.
Digimon Reference Book
⇨ English ベーダモンを捕獲し、体を構成するデータを解析・改良して人工的に生み出されたサイボーグ型デジモン。某国の「エリア51」という施設で、地球外のテクノロジーを使って作られたらしいが真相は謎に包まれている。必殺技の『ブレインラプチュアー』は左手に持つ銃でクラッキングプログラムを相手の脳に放ち、脳に蓄積されたデータを吸収する。『プラネットデストロイヤー』は蓄積したパワーをすべて開放し右手の銃から打ち出す技で、惑星ひとつを瞬時に破壊することができると言われている。某国はデジタルワールドを手中に収めるべく秘密裏にデジモンの研究開発を行っているとも言われている。 ※イーバモンは「デジモンウェブドット絵コンテスト」で岐阜県の「ようすけ」さんのデジモンが入賞し、採用されたものです。 ■X抗体によるイーバモンのデジコアへの影響 某国の「エリア51」で、その後も改良につぐ改良を重ねられていたというイーバモンの能力が発揮された。右手の銃は第二の頭脳とも言えるほど高性能になり、どんな位置やターゲットに対してでも瞬時に計算し、多少強引にでも必ず命中率100%を弾き出して『プラネットデストロイヤージャスティス』を放つ。誤射と考えられる一撃も計算通りという結果を表示して正当化する仕様となっている。
⇨ Japanese A Cyborg Digimon that was artificially created from a Vademon that was captured, and had its configuration data analyzed and improved. In a certain country's facility, called "Area 51", it seems they were using and building extraterrestrial technology, but the truth is shrouded in mystery. Its Special Move "Brain Rupture" is firing a cracking program into the opponent's brain with the gun it holds in its left hand, then absorbing all the data stored in their brain. Its "Planet Destroyer" is a technique that releases all of its accumulated power and fires it off from the gun in its right hand, so it is said that it's able to instantly destroy a single planet. It is said that that certain country is covertly conducting research and development on Digimon in order to take possession of the Digital World.
The effect on Ebemon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody
EBEmon's ability to continuously make further improvements to itself was demonstrated at a certain country's "Area 51". The gun in its right hand is so high performing that it can even be regarded as its second brain; it instantly makes calculations for any location or target and fires its "Planet Destroyer Justice", which is always shot with 100% accuracy albeit somewhat forced.
Digimon Collectors
⇨ English ベーダモンを捕獲し、体を構成するデータを解析・改良して人工的に生み出されたサイボーグ型デジモン。某国の「エリア51」という施設で、地球外のテクノロジーを使って作られたらしいが真相は謎に包まれている。必殺技の『ブレインラプチュアー』は左手に持つ銃でクラッキングプログラムを相手の脳に放ち、脳に蓄積されたデータを吸収する。『プラネットデストロイヤー』は蓄積したパワーをすべて開放し右手の銃から打ち出す技で、惑星ひとつを瞬時に破壊することができると言われている。某国はデジタルワールドを手中に収めるべく秘密裏にデジモンの研究開発を行っているとも言われている。 ■X抗体によるイーバモンのデジコアへの影響 某国の「エリア51」で、その後も改良につぐ改良を重ねられていたというイーバモンの能力が発揮された。右手の銃は第二の頭脳とも言えるほど高性能になり、どんな位置やターゲットに対してでも瞬時に計算し、多少強引にでも必ず命中率100%を弾き出して『プラネットデストロイヤージャスティス』を放つ。
⇨ Japanese EBEmon's ability to continuously make further improvements to itself was demonstrated at a certain country's Area 51. The gun in its right hand is so high performing that it can even be regarded as its second brain.
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⇨ English 某国のエリア51で、その後も改良につぐ改良を重ねられていたというイーバモンの能力が発揮された。右手の銃は第二の頭脳とも言えるほど高性能である。
English Japanese Key Contents
Special/Signature Moves
Special/Signature Moves (other Digimon)
Forms (other Digimon)
Equipment (other Digimon)
Titles (other Digimon)
Attack Techniques[edit]
Brain Rupture
Burein Rapuchuā
Destroys its opponent's brain with the gun in its left hand.
Planet Destroyer
Puranetto Desutoroiyā
Unlocks all of its accumulated power from the gun in its right hand, and is said to be able to destroy a single planet in an instant.
Planet Destroyer Justice
Puranetto Desutoroiyā Jasutisu
Instantly calculates the target's position and fires the gun on its right arm with 100% accuracy.
Evolves From[edit]
Evolves To[edit]
Video Games[edit]
EBEmon (X-Antibody) is only obtainable as a collectible card. Its card is part of the Mysterium Cosmographicum (宇宙の神秘 Uchū no Shinpi) set
Virtual Pets[edit]
Hyper Colosseum
Quote (⇨ Japanese): A white invader who destroys even planets!
Quote (⇨ English): 惑星をも破戒する白き侵略者!
Image Gallery[edit]
Virtual Pets[edit]
Additional Information[edit]